Examples of GOP Leadership

It's like everybody wondering if Donald will run in 2024 doesn't realize or understand that he won't be walking around free after 2022, but will most likely be in a NY state max security prison.
GOP election objectors rake in corporate cash
Less than a year after the Jan. 6 attack, PACs affiliated with Fortune 500 companies and their trade groups have contributed $6.8 million to the 147 Republicans who objected, according to a new analysis of campaign finance records from liberal watchdog group Accountable.US.

Every major corporation paused PAC giving after the insurrection, prompting such donations to disappear entirely in January and total just $28,000 in February. Those same corporate PACs quietly resumed and later increased their political giving, doling out a total of $2.3 million to GOP election objectors between September and October, the most recent months on record.

“Corporations have shown they care more about cultivating political influence than maintaining a healthy democracy for their customers, employers and shareholders,” said Accountable.US President Kyle Herrig.

The Credit Union National Association is the top PAC donor to the election objectors, shelling out nearly $177,000. The American Bankers Association, which represents industry giants such as Bank of America and Wells Fargo, is second, with nearly $166,000 in donations.

General Dynamics — which contributed roughly $162,000 to more than 50 GOP objectors — is the top donor among Fortune 500 corporations, followed by fellow defense contractors Raytheon Technologies, Lockheed Martin and Boeing, as well as shipping giant UPS.

Other companies have resumed their PAC donations for the first time in recent months, including UnitedHealth Group, which gave a combined $50,000 to a dozen Republican objectors in October through its PAC, Federal Election Commission records show.

No Fortune 500 company PACs donated to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), who has said that Trump won the 2020 election “by a landslide” and argued prior to the insurrection that “this is our 1776 moment.”

However, several corporate PACs, including those affiliated with General Dynamics, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, donated to Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), who wrote in a Jan. 6 opinion piece that Trump was unfairly denied a second term.

Only a small handful of companies, including AT&T, Comcast, Home Depot, Amazon, Walmart, Google and Microsoft, have stuck with their pledge to cut off donations to the 147 Republicans. However, many of those firms’ PACs have bankrolled party committees or leadership PACs that provide financial support to those lawmakers.
North Carolina newspaper calls Meadows an embarrassment to state
A leading North Caroline newspaper is blasting former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, calling the Republican who previously served in Congress an embarrassment to the state.

"When will the N.C. Republican Party censure Mark Meadows?" The News and Observer asked in an editorial published on Wednesday.

"The answer, of course, is never. But that won’t hide the embarrassment that Meadows is for his party or for the state he represented in Congress for seven years."

Meadows has emerged "as a disgrace during a dangerous hour for U.S. democracy," the newspaper asserted.

"For North Carolina, Meadows is more than a figure in a Washington drama," the outlet's editorial board continued."He is the embodiment of how the state’s turn to extreme gerrymandering has opened the way for reactionary and incompetent candidates to represent the state in Congress."

The House on Tuesday voted to hold the former Trump White House chief of staff in contempt of Congress as the special committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol continues its probe of the incident.

"It has long been clear that Meadows is a Trump sycophant," the newspaper wrote. "Now the question is whether his eagerness to please included breaking the law. The Jan. 6 committee needs to take a hard line with the former chief of staff who never drew a line for Trump."
A pretty good video opinion and a written article that sums things up nicely.

How the January 6 committee finally exposed Trump's empire of lies
(CNN)If politics still turned on truth and facts, this would be the week when the lie-filled foundations of Donald Trump's movement imploded, destroying his apparent dream of a return to power after the 2024 election.

But it is the ex-President's greatest, most subversive victory that his empire of falsehoods will surely survive new disclosures that lay bare his own abuses of power and the voter-mocking deceit of his political and media enablers.
While there has already been a steady accumulation of shocking evidence of Trump's coup attempt on January 6 and the emptiness of his election fraud claims, recent days put the saga into a horrifying new light. They brought the clearest indicators yet that the entire Make America Great Again infrastructure and Trump's potential next White House campaign rest on hogwash and the whitewashing of history....
It's like everybody wondering if Donald will run in 2024 doesn't realize or understand that he won't be walking around free after 2022, but will most likely be in a NY state max security prison.
i'll bet you a buck he won't...i'l bet you a buck the evil piece of shit walks around free and possibly gets elected in 2024....because Biden and Garland aren't pursuing shit anywhere close to hard enough...(cue hanimmal jumping in to defend them both...) waiting for it to be closer to the election is bullshit, if you've got dirt on the motherfucker, use it NOW... nail the fuckers to the wall NOW...trump and his whole crew are slimy slithering pieces of shit that have always been hard to nail down, they know all the dirty tricks, they know how to avoid culpability, do what you're going to do now so there is time to counter whatever they think they're going to pull out of their asses to get out of this shit. if you wait till election eve, then there is no time to stop whatever fuckery they have up their shitty sleeves...and do not for one second believe they don't have something up there besides their slimy armpits

No, manchin, you're bullshit...you are a servant of the people, elected to represent your constituents, not the big businesses who have bought and paid for you long ago...the people have a right to know what you're planning to do with their futures, the futures of their children..."i'm not negotiating with any of you all" well you better be glad you aren't, or you'd be hearing a lot more questions you don't want to answer, like "who owns you, and decides who and what you vote for?" and "when did you become a republican in democrats clothes? " and "why are you dragging your toes on things the entire country seems to want, and only avowed enemies of the democrats don't want?"...maybe "why are you doing your best to scuttle president Biden's build back better plan? is it because the people who own you ordered you to? " and "exactly how do you consider yourself removed enough from the coal industry to vote on anything associated with it, and while we're at it, why have you taken more money from fossil fuel companies than any other democrat?"....
i'll bet you a buck he won't...i'l bet you a buck the evil piece of shit walks around free and possibly gets elected in 2024....because Biden and Garland aren't pursuing shit anywhere close to hard enough...(cue hanimmal jumping in to defend them both...) waiting for it to be closer to the election is bullshit, if you've got dirt on the motherfucker, use it NOW... nail the fuckers to the wall NOW...trump and his whole crew are slimy slithering pieces of shit that have always been hard to nail down, they know all the dirty tricks, they know how to avoid culpability, do what you're going to do now so there is time to counter whatever they think they're going to pull out of their asses to get out of this shit. if you wait till election eve, then there is no time to stop whatever fuckery they have up their shitty sleeves...and do not for one second believe they don't have something up there besides their slimy armpits
Unfortunately these things take time and they will wait for the committee report and public hearings. One thing though, they should have been able to nail Trump as individual #1 as soon as he left office, Cohen was doing the time FFS. Someone needs to explain this situation, it's a documents based case with witnesses, they've got him by the balls for a 10 year sentence in federal prison as the ringleader of the scheme. It almost looks like accessory after the fact, they have a slam dunk case there, yet crickets...
i'll bet you a buck he won't...i'l bet you a buck the evil piece of shit walks around free and possibly gets elected in 2024....because Biden and Garland aren't pursuing shit anywhere close to hard enough...(cue hanimmal jumping in to defend them both...) waiting for it to be closer to the election is bullshit, if you've got dirt on the motherfucker, use it NOW... nail the fuckers to the wall NOW...trump and his whole crew are slimy slithering pieces of shit that have always been hard to nail down, they know all the dirty tricks, they know how to avoid culpability, do what you're going to do now so there is time to counter whatever they think they're going to pull out of their asses to get out of this shit. if you wait till election eve, then there is no time to stop whatever fuckery they have up their shitty sleeves...and do not for one second believe they don't have something up there besides their slimy armpits
I believe everybody is waiting for NY to indict Donald and tie him down, they are pros and must figure NY have Donald by the balls. The trials for those involved inleading and organizing the insurrection won't likely happen until 2023 or even 2024 they say, but there should be plenty of guilty pleas in 2022. They might bag a half dozen congress people along with Trump and his henchmen and minions, with conspiracy or even RICO convictions.

Meanwhile Donald could be in a NY state cell by 2022 at the rate they are going and once that happens he will be muzzled as well. They are not going to get away with it, this has just begun and the rats are running and squealing. Guys like Bannon and Meadows are guilty as fuck and know it, once it's in the courts it doesn't matter what happens in congress. One good thing though, Mitch wants to use it to fuck over the Trump wing of the party, who are his enemies and who are hurting his chances of getting a majority in the senate.
i'll bet you a buck he won't...i'l bet you a buck the evil piece of shit walks around free and possibly gets elected in 2024....because Biden and Garland aren't pursuing shit anywhere close to hard enough...(cue hanimmal jumping in to defend them both...) waiting for it to be closer to the election is bullshit, if you've got dirt on the motherfucker, use it NOW... nail the fuckers to the wall NOW...trump and his whole crew are slimy slithering pieces of shit that have always been hard to nail down, they know all the dirty tricks, they know how to avoid culpability, do what you're going to do now so there is time to counter whatever they think they're going to pull out of their asses to get out of this shit. if you wait till election eve, then there is no time to stop whatever fuckery they have up their shitty sleeves...and do not for one second believe they don't have something up there besides their slimy armpits
Biden can’t do anything about it. It’s refreshing to see a president not treat the AG as his personal lawyer.

I also don’t believe Garland is holding back for political reasons. He appears to be apolitical, a good quality for an AG.
I believe everybody is waiting for NY to indict Donald and tie him down, they are pros and must figure NY have Donald by the balls. The trials for those involved inleading and organizing the insurrection won't likely happen until 2023 or even 2024 they say, but there should be plenty of guilty pleas in 2022. They might bag a half dozen congress people along with Trump and his henchmen and minions, with conspiracy or even RICO convictions.

Meanwhile Donald could be in a NY state cell by 2022 at the rate they are going and once that happens he will be muzzled as well. They are not going to get away with it, this has just begun and the rats are running and squealing. Guys like Bannon and Meadows are guilty as fuck and know it, once it's in the courts it doesn't matter what happens in congress. One good thing though, Mitch wants to use it to fuck over the Trump wing of the party, who are his enemies and who are hurting his chances of getting a majority in the senate.
i sincerely hope you are right...i hope Biden and Garland know what they're doing, and i'm entirely mistaken when i say they're dragging their feet, and that it's all leading up to a dramatic reveal that nails trump's coffin shut, and takes at least a dozen of the worst republican pieces of shit down with him..i hope it takes the wind out of the white supremacist's sails and send them all scurrying back to the trailer parks they crawled out of...i hope it ruins the "careers" of greene, boebert, gosar, gaetz, meadows...all the "freedumb " fucks who want anything but freedom...but i'll still bet you that buck...
Biden can’t do anything about it. It’s refreshing to see a president not treat the AG as his personal lawyer.

I also don’t believe Garland is holding back for political reasons. He appears to be apolitical, a good quality for an AG.
I think this is a case for an independent special counsel if there ever was one, it was the kind of thing they were created for. Take it out of Garlands hands, he should oversee the DOJ, not the prosecution of these clowns. Appoint a former republican patriot as independent special counsel, a real fucking monster who hate their guts for fucking his party, there are plenty to choose from. If the scope was right, Mitch would probably agree to it, it would get rid of most of those who are causing him problems along with Trump in one fell swoop. Why Mitch would even have "clean hands", as his enemies go down under the special independent counsel and he gets a free house cleaning.
i sincerely hope you are right...i hope Biden and Garland know what they're doing, and i'm entirely mistaken when i say they're dragging their feet, and that it's all leading up to a dramatic reveal that nails trump's coffin shut, and takes at least a dozen of the worst republican pieces of shit down with him..i hope it takes the wind out of the white supremacist's sails and send them all scurrying back to the trailer parks they crawled out of...i hope it ruins the "careers" of greene, boebert, gosar, gaetz, meadows...all the "freedumb " fucks who want anything but freedom...but i'll still bet you that buck...
Ya gotta remember, if ya can keep the house and win a few seats in the senate in 2022, the democrats can drive through everything on their bigger agenda in 6 months with control of the government. Until then, it's walk the tight rope with Manchien and Sinema, senators bought and paid for. Joe is shifting gears to voting rights now, it's about time, I wonder if the same two assholes will block that or amend it into meaninglessness. Win in 2022 and they can make changes that will remove many of the republican's electoral advantages, get rid of hate radio, regulate social media, put fox in a box and the fear of Jesus into any republican election official who wants to play games in 2024. In short who ever wins will try to exterminate the other, if democracy wins they will exterminate fascism because it threatens them. Likewise for a domestic terrorist watch list and those making threats to public officials.
Ya gotta remember, if ya can keep the house and win a few seats in the senate in 2022, the democrats can drive through everything on their bigger agenda in 6 months with control of the government. Until then, it's walk the tight rope with Manchien and Sinema, senators bought and paid for. Joe is shifting gears to voting rights now, it's about time, I wonder if the same two assholes will block that or amend it into meaninglessness. Win in 2022 and they can make changes that will remove many of the republican's electoral advantages, get rid of hate radio, regulate social media, put fox in a box and the fear of Jesus into any republican election official who wants to play games in 2024. In short who ever wins will try to exterminate the other, if democracy wins they will exterminate fascism because it threatens them. Likewise for a domestic terrorist watch list and those making threats to public officials.
i....would be very happy if the democrats retained control of the house, much less get a majority in the senate...i would also be amazed, shocked, and wondering who they murdered to make that happen...
with everything the republicans are doing to make it as unfair a fight as they possibly can, gerrymandering, passing restrictive voter laws, allowing white hate groups to "help keep order"...i would be very happy, and very shocked....
I dont think it is likely the Democrats pick up additional seats.

If they have the evidence, they should nail someone prominent with something. Show the people something, anything. Bannon isn't enough.
I dont think it is likely the Democrats pick up additional seats.

If they have the evidence, they should nail someone prominent with something. Show the people something, anything. Bannon isn't enough.
Once this thing goes into prosecution you won't hear a thing except what is said in court, no TV for federal cases. The democrats are gonna hold public hearings and issue a report, there will be guilty pleas and indictments before the election. Whether facts, evidence of treason and a coup make any difference to the bigots who vote republican, remains to be seen. I figure covid will kill far more of them than will change their minds about Trump. They are gonna make as big a splash as they can with this shit and are going for voter's rights, provided senators bought and paid for go along
The 1/6 committee, or a special independent special counsel will take care of Mitch's enemies, Trump and Trumpers. It will be useful to clean house and allow Mitch to retain control, the MAGATS will be on their back feet and their leaders on the defense.
Is Mitch McConnell in trouble?