Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Glad you agree!! hehe.
Who do you think stands the best chance at beating Trump if Biden steps down?
Hope nobody is insulted on my opinion here. I just think we need younger, sharper leaders in the West.
Also, I missed your 3rd edit of your post, but why the need to say the above? For sharing an opinion like you said? Being afraid of hurting some feelings( for saying someone is old? ) seems a bit cultish.


Well-Known Member
Who do you think stands the best chance at beating Trump if Biden steps down?

Also, I missed your 3rd edit of your post, but why the need to say the above? For sharing an opinion like you said? Being afraid of hurting some feelings( for saying someone is old? ) seems a bit cultish.
I thought it was appropriate considering that I can't spell out every nuance of my opinion in a post. But hey, if you want to go with cultish, be my guest. Your opinion doesn't affect my stance, nor does it have a single bit of substance to it.


Well-Known Member
Make America Stupid AF :wall:

Vote Blue - no matter who is on the ticket. Give this fat fuck cheetolini the heave ho. Enough of the goofy hillbilly evangelical trailer trash pushing their warped bastardized version of “ religion “ and creepy stepford wife vibe too. Red hats have been replaced with Ear Diapers. They dress up like star spangled clowns wearing gold China sneakers. Bet if told them to tattoo his name on their foreheads , they would. Even more frustrating , is Legacy media will not even push back on the obvious lies he spews from his face rectum or his lackeys.

Let’s make November 5th a “ Mr. Blue sky “ world smoke sesh bongsmilie - F Trump and his Adolf Agenda :finger:



Well-Known Member
I thought it was appropriate considering that I can't spell out every nuance of my opinion in a post. But hey, if you want to go with cultish, be my guest. Your opinion doesn't affect my stance, nor does it have a single bit of substance to it.
Coming in a little hot over a fairly benign observation/ comment...

Actually my point. American politics has taken over so many American's ( and non Americans) lives. Living on social media being spoonfed whatever their algorithm wants them to watch( according to watch history) being bombarded with information, true or false. Causing groups on both sides, dems/rep to turn into seething, hateful people.
Don't get sucked in


Well-Known Member
Coming in a little hot over a fairly benign observation/ comment...

Actually my point. American politics has taken over so many American's ( and non Americans) lives. Living on social media being spoonfed whatever their algorithm wants them to watch( according to watch history) being bombarded with information, true or false. Causing groups on both sides, dems/rep to turn into seething, hateful people.
Don't get sucked in
Fair point. Apologies if I came across harsh. I still can't put together how not wanting to offend users on the site and cultish behavior have anything in common. Thought you were trying to be offensive.