I'd wager nobody in the room could define irony. I love the poorly educated.Karma sticks to his shoe like toilet paper
( the universe speaks )
It takes more than mere ignorance to support Trump after all this shit, it takes mean and stupid too. What do these people think they will get? What is their real or imagined payoff? Desantis is fucked and Tim Scott is black, and he might as well be running for grand wizard of the KKK as the republican nominee these days. It looks like Donald will walk away with the nomination even if he fucks up in DC and ends up in a Jail cell pending trial. By election day he should have over 100 criminal indictments and have ongoing trials for some or most of them. If he is the nominee he will have coat tails alright, but anybody holding them will go off the cliff with him. Christ knows what will come out about Donald before republican convention, much less the election and guys in the GOP like Mitch and Karl Rove need to get rid of Donald ASAP or 24 could be a disaster for them. With abortion, guns and other issues poling against them they don't need Trump running amuck with a knife inside the GOP while being driven mad by fear of prison and becoming America's biggest loser.I'd wager nobody in the room could define irony. I love the poorly educated.
"The moral imperative to save lives", but only if it's cheap enough. Get the damn oil cos. to chip in.
They could have a federal low-cost housing program like they used to, but that would be socialism, let em starve and freeze is the republican answer. They have no answers or policies except to be mean and cruel while spouting about bullshit culture wars and blowing smoke, a party of grifters and the suckers who vote for them. Win big enough in 24 and you might have low-cost federal housing again, as a direct way to solve the homelessness problem, landlords and some homeowners will whine, those who are driving inflation and homelessness, fuck them."The moral imperative to save lives", but only if it's cheap enough. Get the damn oil cos. to chip in.
Yeah, he's a liar, but he's my liar.