Ursus marijanus
I’ll admit I didn’t watch it. Imo listening to Gan is like practicing bleeding.Accurate source or not, that was MTG on the video and her comments and accusations were shocking.
I’ll admit I didn’t watch it. Imo listening to Gan is like practicing bleeding.Accurate source or not, that was MTG on the video and her comments and accusations were shocking.
I usually avoid the awful sound as well.I’ll admit I didn’t watch it. Imo listening to Gan is like practicing bleeding.
They could afford a month or two shut down, use it to do deep cleaning
dude, ten million people a year rub their asses on everything in that can AWAYS use cleaning...
Just hand out pamphlets to all the visitors when they come in the gates, they come into their parlor where they can be exposed to facts, in a creative way, besides the pamphlets. I would make Disney Hell for De Santis and republicans, those who were offended and stayed away are just antisocial assholes, fuck them, it would make Disney a better place without them. Lots of people from Florida visit Disney, give them the Bambi treatment and lots of love. Have drag queen readings and challenge the law in court after obtaining an injunction, the list is fucking endless! War with meatball Ron over fascism would probably raise their stock prices and show that Disney is a place that teaches their kids values and not to be suckers for fascists. It would be a permanent theme, how to be a patriot and good citizen, wrap themselves in the flag while they do it.I just do not get why Disney puts up with his shit? Shut the park down, and refer all inquiries to the office of governor desantis...
Run full page ads in EVERY paper explaining that Disney does not feel like it can do business in a fascist state, and will remain closed, perhaps indefinitely, until a friendlier, less fascist administration takes over.
They could afford a month or two shut down, use it to do deep cleaning and repairs, while desantis and his brown shirts try to explain why they're destroying thousand of people's vacations, so their mickey mouse governor can feel like he can actually beat mickey mouse...
i could see all the villains in the next few Disney movies having an eerie resemblance to desantis, start teaching the kids to hate his guts now, seems like a pretty fair response to trying to turn public schools into fascist indoctrination centers.Just hand out pamphlets to all the visitors when they come in the gates, they come into their parlor where they can be exposed to facts, in a creative way, besides the pamphlets. I would make Disney Hell for De Santis and republicans, those who were offended and stayed away are just antisocial assholes, fuck them, it would make Disney a better place without them. Lots of people from Florida visit Disney, give them the Bambi treatment and lots of love. Have drag queen readings and challenge the law in court after obtaining an injunction, the list is fucking endless! War with meatball Ron over fascism would probably raise their stock prices and show that Disney is a place that teaches their kids values and not to be suckers for fascists. It would be a permanent theme, how to be a patriot and good citizen, wrap themselves in the flag while they do it.
Like I said, Disney is one big child education and entertainment center, make use of the educational aspects and make the local news too. Just telling kids about how they use bigotry to screw them and that to be a bigot is to be a sucker would drive the republicans nuts. Wrap themselves in the flag and define what patriotism is, loving your fellow citizen. Let the assholes try and argue with that, use all the mom and apple pie shit on them too! Disney is in the PR business too and can make fucking with them extremely painful, every visitor is a potential convert, if done smart and kids are the most impressionable of all. Some parents will no doubt scoop up their kids and head for the gate in burning rage, as their kids were told the truth about them, no refunds. They can use the long drive home to explain to their kids exactly why they are fascist assholes, that is how you use the 1st and not be abused by it.i could see all the villains in the next few Disney movies having an eerie resemblance to desantis, start teaching the kids to hate his guts now, seems like a pretty fair response to trying to turn public schools into fascist indoctrination centers.
some asses are quite clean. You might even say I’d eat off them.dude, ten million people a year rub their asses on everything in that can AWAYS use cleaning...
ham, technically …I hate the "I eat ass" sticker so much, definitely stumbled when trying to come up with a reasonable explanation of what it meant to my child. I do believe that was the one where I was just honest, "my darling child...those dudes put their tongues in butts!" "WHATTTTTT?!?!?!"
Frustrated divorcee.Her district should be outraged that they treated their best and brightest that way, and that needs to be emphasized. They sent the best and brightest from their district and that is what they need to be told constantly. When a reporter asks them on TV, they should mention that she was their best and brightest, the very best they had to offer the country, they own this bitch and need to carry her for a spell. You don't inflict this shit on the rest of the country and get away with it, there needs to be a price paid for stupidity or it gets repeated.
Breaking: MTG Explodes + Gets Sanctioned
Lie about it with fox's help, they will have almost half of the country believing them if the lie is repeated enough.I know it would cause a lot of trouble around the world, but i hope that mccarthy pushes us into default for a couple of days, at least, maybe a week...It would be a death blow to his career, and a crippling, maiming blow to the party. they have to cheat to hold onto their gerrymandered majorities now, what will "the party of fiscal responsibility" do when they crash the world economy, even slightly?