Examples of GOP Leadership

Texas GOP Proposes Bill To Allow Sec Of State To Overturn Election Results In State’s Largest Blue County
It is high fucking time that the federal government steps in and kicks these morons in the ass...One set of FAIR rules for ALL states to follow, PERIOD, don't fucking like it? Tough motherfucking shit.
It is high fucking time that the federal government steps in and kicks these morons in the ass...One set of FAIR rules for ALL states to follow, PERIOD, don't fucking like it? Tough motherfucking shit.
AMEN!!! The “sovereign state” fiction needs to be put out of our misery: if THE USA is a WHOLE THING - is *ONE* COUNTRY, you shouldn’t be wondering what unAmerican country you’ve suddenly found yourself in…AS YOU TRAVEL in the USA. We should have UNIFIED election rules & oversight; CONSISTENT voting procedures, regulations, & protections; PREDICTABLE and SUFFICIENT equipment, poll workers, POLLING PLACES, and HOURS of voting. The shitty, piecemeal, suspect, WHIMSICAL variations scattered across the gerrymandered maps are GROUND ZERO for attempts to pry it all apart, disrupt governance, create foreign governments and systems like they’re doing in Ron Zombie’s Florida.

It’s only 250 years BEHIND - and dragging us further back every year
Another Idaho hospital announces it can no longer deliver babies
Putting mothers at risk? Putting *BABIES* at risk? So, not just a policy of childbirth deaths, but a very traditional policy of keeping “the girls” barefoot, pregnant, & chained to the stove, subject to whatever asshole she couldn’t get away from fast enough (remember ‘the healing power of rape babies’?) - and generally returning them to powerless subjection YET AGAIN, in a real, fuck-your-female-specific-healthcare-needs sorta way. “Y’all don’t need none o’ that - you just to get to pushin’ out more babies, ladies - after all, adoption is a big, big business…and we need more stock to sell!”

100% Xtian/GOOP/MAGA, wouldn’t you say?
An example of those LIBERAL judges and that pesky constitution thing, no wonder the republicans want to get rid of it! Most of these bullshit laws will be struck down and many who wrote them knew it, it was just used to con the morons. Pass an outrageous law that you know will be struck down by the courts anyway, or not, if ya get a republican judge. The base loves it because yer "getting" those they fear and hate, and it triggers the libs, meanwhile they are stealing their wallets as they are distracted by the show provided to them.

This will spark outrage at liberal activist judges across red states, no doubt the judge will get hundreds of death threats from Christian patriots and law-abiding citizens, all of them republicans...

So if most of the domestic terrorists who are busted are republicans, at what point does the republican party become a terrorist organization? How often are people supposed to say it was just a coincident? That the rhetoric of the organization and its Defacto leader, drive the violent actions of its members and they commit acts of terrorism for political purposes.

Here ya go Fox News - maybe talk about this guy ?
Or does grampy murdoch say no ?

I mean with all that trump indictment spinning you guys are doing …… Trump probably thinks he’s a good guy.


Pictures on Lazzaro’s social media accounts showed him with prominent Republicans, including ex-president Donald Trump and former vice-president Mike Pence. He gave more than $270,000 to Republican campaigns and political committees over the years.
Here ya go Fox News - maybe talk about this guy ?
Or does grampy murdoch say no ?

I mean with all that trump indictment spinning you guys are doing …… Trump probably thinks he’s a good guy.

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Pictures on Lazzaro’s social media accounts showed him with prominent Republicans, including ex-president Donald Trump and former vice-president Mike Pence. He gave more than $270,000 to Republican campaigns and political committees over the years.
funny how it's always the little guys who go down first...soon he will have lots of company in prison...
Here ya go Fox News - maybe talk about this guy ?
Or does grampy murdoch say no ?

I mean with all that trump indictment spinning you guys are doing …… Trump probably thinks he’s a good guy.

View attachment 5277209

Pictures on Lazzaro’s social media accounts showed him with prominent Republicans, including ex-president Donald Trump and former vice-president Mike Pence. He gave more than $270,000 to Republican campaigns and political committees over the years.
Most republican political and country club types are not ready for prison.

Let's hope Jack squeezes Mark Meadows balls hard enough that he puts a few GOP congress people in prison over J6. Mark knows where all the bodies are buried and the deal depends on how many republican congressional heads he can deliver. They don't need him to put Trump away forever, so it will be the others that Jack wants. The whole J6 thing could not happen without inside help and a conspiracy between some members of congress and Trump. When the capitol was breeched and desecrated is when the rug got pulled out from under them, that's when the line was crossed and the whole can of worms became exposed.
Performance politics.
Bad performances, the casting director and writer should be fired immediately, throw in the producer too!
She won by 500 morons and they ain't getting any smarter in her district, she was their best and brightest, all they had to offer their state and country... Besides she fucked Ted Cruz and probably needs some kind of award for that feat aside from her seat, which she obtained on her back.
If they buy a ticket for this indictment, they will be along for the ride on the rest of the coming indictments and trials. Those indictments and trials will extend into election season, and it is gonna get really messy as they are trapped on the Trump train to Hell. It's gonna be a full-time job just tracking all the legal action and the mobs will grow weary of trekking from courthouse to courthouse while taking soul crushing abuse from patriots. Someone will need to print up a calendar of events and court appearances for them as a useful aid.

The GOP offramp not taken