Examples of GOP Leadership

See Tucker Carlson demolished on TV by his own words

88,785 views Mar 14, 2023 #TuckerCarlson #FoxNews #Politics
Before hosting a Fox News show, Tucker Carlson warned against "conspiracy theories.” Now, Mr. Carlson is involved in a case alleging lies, where some of the most damning evidence comes from Fox hosts including Carlson. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on how Carlson’s history is boomeranging in this case and why it exposes a wider crisis in conservative media.

Steve Schmidt reveals who is responsible for the degradation of the Republican party | The Warning

4,004 views Mar 14, 2023
Steve Schmidt takes a look back at the history of the Republican party, from its noble roots with Abraham Lincoln all the way to wannabe strongman, Donald Trump. Steve walks us through the path of the Democratic party becoming more of a party of the people, while the GOP was led astray by a media conglomerate and its leader: Fox News and Roger Ailes. The Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannitys of the world had already broken the Republican party before Donald Trump took hold, but he certainly drove them over the cliff.
Plenty of others to blame too.

I understand why supporters of the authoritarian right wing GOP MAGA fascists want to talk about what happened 20 years ago. Their recent history has been awful and a bad look on all of them.

Steve Schmidt reveals who is responsible for the degradation of the Republican party | The Warning

4,004 views Mar 14, 2023
Steve Schmidt takes a look back at the history of the Republican party, from its noble roots with Abraham Lincoln all the way to wannabe strongman, Donald Trump. Steve walks us through the path of the Democratic party becoming more of a party of the people, while the GOP was led astray by a media conglomerate and its leader: Fox News and Roger Ailes. The Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannitys of the world had already broken the Republican party before Donald Trump took hold, but he certainly drove them over the cliff.

It's time to catch up on what the GOP really represents.
This Texas Bill Would Systematically Silence Anyone Who Dares to Talk About Abortion Pills

If passed, HB2690 would make it illegal to “provide information on how to obtain an abortion-inducing drug.” This includes stopping people from making or maintaining websites or creating and distributing applications on the topic.
Perhaps the abundance of death threats would indicate to a normal person that what they're doing isn't popular with the people they're supposed to be representing, and that perhaps it should be dropped and never talked about again.
But of course, we're talking about republicans, who don't give one thin fuck about the people they're supposed to be representing, and only want to advance their own fascist agenda...
The gop has been two separate parties for a while now...the real story here is that desantis can NEVER be allowed to become president...This dictatorial horse's ass doesn't even understand basic foreign policy, he would be a slightly less retarded version of trump...for fucks sake, he's hosting Bolsonaro like a foreign dignitary.
So, to solve the growing American labor shortage and population crash, the republican solution is to seal the borders, make abortion illegal and force children to work by cutting social programs and education. Sounds like a plan alright, why in 20 or 30 years you'll be a third world country and Canada will have to build a wall to keep hordes of savages out! WTF would vote for this witch but fear driven and brainwashed fools who would rather fuck themselves than the brown folks get some too. It shows you the level white people are at in her state, and in all such states, it is white people who give the GOP their power and either a majority of them are idiots, or bigots who've gone full tribal.

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