Examples of GOP Leadership

Rupert had better pay attention if the democrats win a hat trick in 2024 they would have ample cause to remove them from TV and the airwaves as a public menace after public J6 style hearings. However, before that foxnews could be sued out of existence and 91-year-old Rupert either dead, or fired and retired. They went over the cliff into the legal abyss with Donald like so many lawyers and politicians, Donald fucked them all! :lol: He will continue fucking them for sometime to come, as he goes down in flames while attacking them and probably ratting a few of them out while shifting the blame onto them.

Dems, Trump lean on Rupert Murdoch, but only one side makes sense
As Donald Trump pushes Rupert Murdoch to embrace lies and conspiracy theories, Democratic leaders are pushing the executive in the opposite direction.

The first round of revelations from Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation case against Fox News was surprisingly brutal: A detailed court filing presented evidence that the media outlet apparently promoted bogus election claims they knew to be false, on purpose, in order to placate its audience and make money.

The second round added new weight to the controversy: In sworn testimony, News Corp. Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch conceded that Donald Trump’s post-election claims were lies, and the executive acknowledged that some prominent Fox News hosts “endorsed” baseless claims the network knew to be wrong. Murdoch’s comments reinforced the impression that Fox News prioritized money over truth. (The network has denied any wrongdoing.)

To put it mildly, the former president was not pleased. The Republican accused Murdoch of “throwing his anchors under the table” — I assume he meant “under the bus” — and expressed outrage that the News Corp. executive didn’t believe ridiculous election conspiracy theories.
Soon after, the former president insisted the Fox anchors who endorsed lies were right all along, and if Murdoch accepts the truth about the 2020 election, he “should get out of the News Business as soon as possible.” This morning, Trump actually called on Murdoch to “apologize to his viewers and readers” for not embracing the Republican’s conspiracy theories.

As it turns out, the News Corp. executive isn’t just facing pressure from a Republican leader. As Politico reported, Democratic leaders also have some recommendations in mind.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries sent a letter Wednesday to Rupert Murdoch and other Fox News executives asking for the network’s hosts to stop spreading misinformation about the 2020 election. ... In addition to Murdoch, the chairman of Fox Corporation, the letter was sent to Lachlan Murdoch, executive chairman and CEO of Fox Corporation, Suzanne Scott, CEO of Fox News Media and Jay Wallace, president and executive editor of Fox News Media.
The New York Democrats do not often issue joint letters like this, which made their relatively brief letter all the more notable.
“Though you have acknowledged your regret in allowing this grave propaganda to take place, your network hosts continue to promote, spew, and perpetuate election conspiracy theories to this day,” Jeffries and Schumer wrote. “The leadership of your company was aware of the dangers of broadcasting these outlandish claims. By your own account, Donald Trump’s election lies were ‘damaging’ and ‘really crazy stuff.’ Despite that shocking admission, Fox News hosts have continued to peddle election denialism to the American people.”

The letter concluded, “Fox News executives and all other hosts on your network have a clear choice. You can continue a pattern of lying to your viewers and risking democracy or move beyond this damaging chapter in your company’s history by siding with the truth and reporting the facts. We ask that you make sure Fox News ceases disseminating the Big Lie and other election conspiracy theories on your network.”

The correspondence comes against a backdrop of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy giving Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusive access to sensitive Jan. 6 security camera footage — a move that Schumer and Jeffries have condemned.

With Murdoch facing this kind of pressure from leaders of both parties, there will likely be some who believe the News Corp. executive finds himself in a good position. After all, these observers will say, if both parties’ leaders are upset, then Murdoch must be doing something right.

In reality, that does not work in this instance. Yes, leaders from both parties are now pressuring Murdoch, but only one side is making sense. Trump is pushing the executive to embrace lies and conspiracy theories, while Jeffries and Schumer are pushing the executive to tell the truth.
The frightening corollary of that is that many white people think blacks don’t really have something to be protesting about.

I imagine there is a correlation with people who oppose the idea of critical race theory as, well, upsetting. Disrespectful of the natural order of things (which I hear in my head with a drawl).
There’s an incredible amount of blindness about the realities of race in the US (particualarly?). A minute fraction of ‘white people’ have ever attempted to really see situations from the perspective of, say, an overpoliced community
My mother once said something like there were no problems between Black and White people before Black people began protesting.
It’s Martin Luc*fer C**n and his communist influence, they said. Nobody wants trouble, they said. It’s just those outsiders, they said.
There’s an incredible amount of blindness about the realities of race in the US (particualarly?). A minute fraction of ‘white people’ have ever attempted to really see situations from the perspective of, say, an overpoliced community

It’s Martin Luc*fer C**n and his communist influence, they said. Nobody wants trouble, they said. It’s just those outsiders, they said.
My mother was a staunch Democrat who supported MLK and the civil rights movement but would occasionally say crazy stuff like "protesters are why we have problems between Black and white people". She didn't talk like that all the time. Maybe she was just doing the "say it out loud" test. It's partly due to her influence that I'm a proud liberal but I keep statements like that in mind. Black people see white liberals as unreliable allies for good reason.

But as you say, the right wing propaganda machine was revved up and falsely painted protesters in the 60's-early 70's as communists. It was how Nixon and Reagan got elected as well as how the Republican Party managed to re-establish itself. Northern commie haters joined with southern white supremacists and rejuvenated the Republican Party. The Red Menace merged with the Replacement Theory to sow fear and anger.
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The MAGA fascist fest! Come back later when they've had a few drinks and their tongues are loose...

This year's CPAC brings the usual rhetoric without the crowds

70,204 views Mar 3, 2023 #Republicans #CPAC #MSNBC
NBC News' Vaughn Hillyard reports life from this year's CPAC, and he finds it looks a little different than it once did.
Haley makes pitch to Trump-friendly CPAC: Vote for me ‘if you’re tired of losing’
Newly minted White House hopeful Nikki Haley pitched herself to conservatives outside of Washington, D.C., on Friday, delivering a ramped-up version of her typical stump speech that urged Republicans to back a younger generation of party leaders and played off GOP fears of socialism and so-called wokeness.

Speaking to a half-full ballroom at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Haley rattled off a list of talking points that have so far defined her nascent presidential bid. She railed against out-of-control federal spending, accused the Biden administration of staking out a weak posture toward China and reiterated her call to subject politicians over the age of 75 to a “mental competency test.”

Buried in her remarks was also an implicit dig at former President Trump, her one-time boss and current rival for the GOP’s 2024 presidential nod. She noted that Republicans had lost the popular vote in nearly every presidential election since 1992. Trump lost the popular vote in both 2016 and 2020.

“We’ve lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections,” she said. “Our cause is right, but we have failed to win the confidence of a majority of Americans. That ends now. If you’re tired of losing, then put your trust in a new generation. And if you want to win — not just as a party, but as a country — then stand with me.”

Haley’s appearance at CPAC marked an effort to reintroduce herself to a crowd of conservative activists and a segment of the GOP grassroots that plays a critical role in the presidential nominating process.

While she has long been seen as a rising star in Republican circles, early polling shows her distantly trailing Trump and another potential rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who hasn’t announced whether he will seek the White House in 2024 but is actively preparing for a likely campaign.
Haley’s speech touched on the themes that have been at the center of her campaign since the beginning. She touted herself as “proof that liberals are wrong about everything they say about America,” noting that she is “a woman,” “a minority” and “the daughter of immigrants.”

She also warned that the U.S. is spiraling “toward socialism” under President Biden, and claimed that “wokeness is a virus more dangerous than any pandemic,” echoing a talking point that has been embraced by conservatives like DeSantis.

“I have traveled the world and back and I have seen what’s out there. America isn’t perfect, but the principles at the heart of America are perfect,” Haley said.

“America is not a racist country,” she added. “I will get the self-loathing out of our schools, I will get the self-destruction out of our culture and once we make America proud, we will make America strong.”

But the reception to Haley appeared mixed. Her call to require competency tests for politicians over the age of 75 was met with only sparse applause, while her pledge to support term limits for members of Congress received a more enthusiastic response from the crowd.

After exiting the stage, videos posted online showed Haley facing a crowd of conference attendees loudly chanting “Trump.”
Haley is set to go in front of a different crowd on Saturday when she will address the conservative Club for Growth’s annual donor retreat in Palm Beach, Fla.
I remember in my hometown there used to be two solitudes between protestants and Catholics and bigotry a generation or two ago, a protestant marrying a Catholic was a thing of note! However, since religion is less important than it used to be in society, those differences have largely disappeared. Bigotry and racism are learned behaviors and it is only when a larger modern society is divided into "tribes", based on actual tribes, religions or looks, that there is trouble. People have a propensity to go tribal when they are faced with a big problem or threat, a very human propensity to organize ourselves into groups and dehumanize those not within that group, if the problem is with them. We evolved to shut off empathy for the other to make it easier to kill them, with humans it is the group's survival not the individual's that is important to evolution and men are expendable. We will kill others while sacrificing our own lives for the perceived greater good of our group. That can mean battle in Ukraine or closing down a public swimming pool so the black people can't get some too, or not wanting government medical care, even if they desperately need it. How many threw themselves under the tanks of democracy for Trump and the "cause", whatever fuzzyheaded thing that is.

Social Media magnifies it all en masse.
Haley makes pitch to Trump-friendly CPAC: Vote for me ‘if you’re tired of losing’
Newly minted White House hopeful Nikki Haley pitched herself to conservatives outside of Washington, D.C., on Friday, delivering a ramped-up version of her typical stump speech that urged Republicans to back a younger generation of party leaders and played off GOP fears of socialism and so-called wokeness.

Speaking to a half-full ballroom at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Haley rattled off a list of talking points that have so far defined her nascent presidential bid. She railed against out-of-control federal spending, accused the Biden administration of staking out a weak posture toward China and reiterated her call to subject politicians over the age of 75 to a “mental competency test.”

Buried in her remarks was also an implicit dig at former President Trump, her one-time boss and current rival for the GOP’s 2024 presidential nod. She noted that Republicans had lost the popular vote in nearly every presidential election since 1992. Trump lost the popular vote in both 2016 and 2020.

“We’ve lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections,” she said. “Our cause is right, but we have failed to win the confidence of a majority of Americans. That ends now. If you’re tired of losing, then put your trust in a new generation. And if you want to win — not just as a party, but as a country — then stand with me.”

Haley’s appearance at CPAC marked an effort to reintroduce herself to a crowd of conservative activists and a segment of the GOP grassroots that plays a critical role in the presidential nominating process.

While she has long been seen as a rising star in Republican circles, early polling shows her distantly trailing Trump and another potential rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who hasn’t announced whether he will seek the White House in 2024 but is actively preparing for a likely campaign.
Haley’s speech touched on the themes that have been at the center of her campaign since the beginning. She touted herself as “proof that liberals are wrong about everything they say about America,” noting that she is “a woman,” “a minority” and “the daughter of immigrants.”

She also warned that the U.S. is spiraling “toward socialism” under President Biden, and claimed that “wokeness is a virus more dangerous than any pandemic,” echoing a talking point that has been embraced by conservatives like DeSantis.

“I have traveled the world and back and I have seen what’s out there. America isn’t perfect, but the principles at the heart of America are perfect,” Haley said.

“America is not a racist country,” she added. “I will get the self-loathing out of our schools, I will get the self-destruction out of our culture and once we make America proud, we will make America strong.”

But the reception to Haley appeared mixed. Her call to require competency tests for politicians over the age of 75 was met with only sparse applause, while her pledge to support term limits for members of Congress received a more enthusiastic response from the crowd.

After exiting the stage, videos posted online showed Haley facing a crowd of conference attendees loudly chanting “Trump.”
Haley is set to go in front of a different crowd on Saturday when she will address the conservative Club for Growth’s annual donor retreat in Palm Beach, Fla.

We haven't heard from Jeb; he might run again..you'll see the old familiars.
The MAGA fascist fest! Come back later when they've had a few drinks and their tongues are loose...

This year's CPAC brings the usual rhetoric without the crowds

70,204 views Mar 3, 2023 #Republicans #CPAC #MSNBC
NBC News' Vaughn Hillyard reports life from this year's CPAC, and he finds it looks a little different than it once did.

Ummmmmm, the place is empty?

Jan. 6 bomb rocks Trump: Feds eye Trump’s lawyers

50,882 views Mar 3, 2023 #msnbc #trump #january6
The Washington Post reporting Special Counsel Jack Smith is investigating Trump's lawyers. As the criminal probe intensifies, Trump is releasing a new song in support of January 6th defendants, a collaboration with insurrection inmates.