Well-Known Member
Let's talk about the Biden docs and charging Trump....
Outrage only came after the one about scamming rich donors. That is the last straw. Everything else, cool.Better late then never.
Still though, a party with members like trump, boebert and Greene and Santos was a bridge too far?
When it's a race between a pro life GOP candidate and a pro life (ex) GOP candidate, the pro life GOP candidate is going to win every time.We were flooded with DeSantis ads. It was obnoxious. Crist was a terribly weak choice. I saw zero ads for Crist, even on YouTube. I saw a few tweets. That's it.
Heard this morn. a book is out (author's name escapes me), chronicling Gen Kelly's (orange's 1st Ch. of Staff) dealings w/Orange. The good general could not comprehend how shallow ,stupid, and lazy this man actually was exceeding all expectations. Was terrified during Oranges/Kim Jon Un summits. Claims Orange's decisions were based on visual stimulation,Mattis's nickname "mad dog" had Orange creaming in his shorts.Wanted to shitcan Tillerson and Pence but didn't want Gen Patreus for sec. of state cause he was pale and thin and worked out to much. He didn't want Nickey Haley for VP because he didn't like her skin complexion,quote "she has that skin thing". How can the equivalent of a 2yr. old w/a rattle sitting in a stroller ascend to the W. House?????
How can the equivalent of a 2yr. old w/a rattle sitting in a stroller ascend to the W. House?????
Another acceptable response to Crenshaw could have been “Biden’s house is the White House, bitch”
they've been paving the way since the dixicrats left the democratic party in the 40s...How can the equivalent of a 2yr. old w/a rattle sitting in a stroller ascend to the W. House?????
public education didn't was beaten to death with a fucking shovel by republicans. they know intelligent well informed people would never vote for them, so they try to keep everyone stupid, and almost succeed....Would you like to discuss the effects of 40 years of eroding public education and it's impact on society.
Because that's why. It's why we are where we are. A stupid ass society is easy to manipulate.
Imagine, being owned by a moron and social retard, it must have burned many assholes who figured they owned the party and controlled the suckers. Face it, Mitch wanted to strangle America in its sleep, but Trump sucker punched Uncle Sam square in the face, woke him up and brought the problem into sharp focus. Notice how fascism has been going doing at home and especially abroad lately? Indictments and trials are gonna happen when they count the most, will paralyze and perhaps destroy the GOP majority and be ongoing into 2024 and election season for many. There are gonna be a lot of republicans convicted or on trial by the election of 2024. Justice in this case must include politics, these are political and constitutional crimes involving abuse of power and insurrection. Timing is everything and within the prosecutors powers, among other things.they've been paving the way since the dixicrats left the democratic party in the 40s...
but in reality, the republicans saw what they thought was an easily manipulated puppet, that they could make dance to their tune.
but, republicans being what they are, they didn't recognize one of the best grifters in the history of the world, and he took them over, lock, stock, and barrel.
so, greed and avarice put the beast in power, and greed and avarice is keeping him out of prison...
i'm still waiting...Imagine, being owned by a moron and social retard, it must have burned many assholes who figured they owned the party and controlled the suckers. Face it, Mitch wanted to strangle America in its sleep, but Trump sucker punched Uncle Sam square in the face, woke him up and brought the problem into sharp focus. Notice how fascism has been going doing at home and especially abroad lately? Indictments and trials are gonna happen when they count the most, will paralyze and perhaps destroy the GOP majority and be ongoing into 2024 and election season for many. There are gonna be a lot of republicans convicted or on trial by the election of 2024. Justice in this case must include politics, these are political and constitutional crimes involving abuse of power and insurrection. Timing is everything and within the prosecutors powers, among other things.
Now that Garland knows where he stands with a very weak GOP house, he can be much more aggressive, especially since they declared war on him and his people in the DOJ, soon the velvet gloves will come off revealing the iron fist.
Garland needed to know where he stood with the house and senate to see how aggressive he could be. Jack's appointment answers the question with his resume and reputation. Most legal pundits who were freaking out are no longer so concerned, this is just getting going and going when it counts the most. Let's see what Trump's indictment does to Kevin's majority when he goes to war with the DOJ. I hear that Santos guy is in trouble too and there could be swift legal action taken there for several crimes.i'm still waiting...
I guess being a gay fascist doesn't sell well while attacking the LBGTQ community. Looks like Matt might need a new grift and fascism is on the back foot, maybe Elon will have a job for him at Twitter. He heads up an antigay organization full of bigots and assholes and this can't be going over very well with the base. Though I'm sure his fellow grifters at the top of CPAC knew about his sexual preferences. I'll bet Donald knew too and used it to keep him in line and still onside, they have been extra special nuts over the past few years. Could Rove want Matt out and CPAC under someone else's control? Could this be part of the internal GOP power struggle?