Examples of GOP Leadership

Someone might wanna tell Hershel that a “ run-off “ has nothing to do with his kids …. Jus sayin.
We are going to be hearing a lot about Herschel, I expect Donald will cling to him like a drowning man and there will be rallies in Georgia whether Herschel wants them or not! Herschel's runoff might be the only way he can delay his indictment over the documents! It's still election season... :lol:
Someone might wanna tell Hershel that a “ run-off “ has nothing to do with his kids …. Jus sayin.
Hershel be like
Meanwhile at Mar-a-Lardass …. *Ketchup intensifies

Sources close to Man Baby Trump described him as "fuming" at his Mar-a-Lago estate Tuesday night as GOP candidates he had backed started to lose or underperform.

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It was more than fuming; reports are he was livid, and it was a full blow freakout with Donald screaming at anybody he saw for hours.
It seems you have labeled me bad for voting Republican. Thing is I vote for who I like.

But most don't realized I have 3 Biracial kids, two Anchor Babies that are my Step Babies and one that is just normal White Boy.

I've been called the N word many times. Had a Girlfriend said I didn't have a set if I didn't call her the N word.

Been harassed by Cops because I looked out of place where I was. Hey I felt they was just doing their job.

Was almost killed by 3 Skinheads.

My Stepdaughter used Affirmative Action for College and work. I asked her about it? She said it is there to use so she did.

But yes I voted for Trump twice because I was doing good under his policies.
It seems you have labeled me bad for voting Republican. Thing is I vote for who I like.

But most don't realized I have 3 Biracial kids, two Anchor Babies that are my Step Babies and one that is just normal White Boy.

I've been called the N word many times. Had a Girlfriend said I didn't have a set if I didn't call her the N word.

Been harassed by Cops because I looked out of place where I was. Hey I felt they was just doing their job.

Was almost killed by 3 Skinheads.

My Stepdaughter used Affirmative Action for College and work. I asked her about it? She said it is there to use so she did.

But yes I voted for Trump twice because I was doing good under his policies.
Forget about the environment, the constitution, world order... ...glad you were doing better under Trump (not really).
Actually I was happier under Trump like the Border.

I work from Mc Allen to El Paso during the 80's and it was a mess then.
Well at least Biden is kicking Putin's ass while Trump had his head shoved up it. He also pulled off a midterm miracle among many other accomplishments. America needs immigrants, lack of immigrants leads to inflation. If you want to control migration then give the employers mandatory minimums, they are American citizens and are betraying their nation for greed. The poor folks are just looking for a better life and most are of no real harm and are desperately needed. America will need to triple Immagration to maintain its population and only Africans, Muslims and south-central Americans are on offer. The ones flying in from Asia are the ones you'll be working for and nobody from Europe wants to come any more.
Seems like so many nick picking what they want to hear what Trump said but Putin had respect for Trump. Now none of them have any for Biden.

As for Illegals it is a plan to help destroy the country.

Got a Son only reason's he voted for Biden is because he said he will forgive Student Loans and Legalize Marijuana. Hey I paid my own Student Loan off.

Obama and Biden are so Racist it isn't funny.