Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Fuckin incredible, should have maced horse face.
this is getting Mean Girls: Congressional Years, perhaps AOC needs security detail to keep the heckling trash away. MTG is only doing this to make the front page..i thought she and that perv Matt Gaetz were on their Ruin America by Telling Lies to the Lesser IQd Tour.

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Well-Known Member
i told you desantis would think about pulling something like this.
Until the federal indictments dropped and the FBI came to collect him with a federal warrant. Also, once in custody and back in NY, the state could arrest him and good luck getting bail in NY after Florida refused to extradite him for corrupt political reasons. In short, if they tried that bullshit, Donald could end up in a NYC jail cell until trial and conviction on state charges, then go straight to Sing sing! Or federal prison, on federal charges, we'll soon see who gets his fat ass first, the feds, or NY state.


Well-Known Member
Until the federal indictments dropped and the FBI came to collect him with a federal warrant. Also, once in custody and back in NY, the state could arrest him and good luck getting bail in NY after Florida refused to extradite him for corrupt political reasons. In short, if they tried that bullshit, Donald could end up in a NYC jail cell until trial and conviction on state charges, then go straight to Sing sing! Or federal prison, on federal charges, we'll soon see who gets his fat ass first, the feds, or NY state.
somehow i feel that each entity is in a mad race to be the first; that net needs to be reinforced for this fish.. i think he's going to croak though. Trump men don't live long and he's lost some weight.


Well-Known Member
somehow i feel that each entity is in a mad race to be the first; that net needs to be reinforced for this fish.. i think he's going to croak though. Trump men don't live long and he's lost some weight.
He might croak before he see the inside of a cell, but he might fuck up and end up in jail too. If he's trying to stay out of a cell, it's a pretty good bet he'll end up in one, since he's failed at everything he ever tried to do. Becoming POTUS was actually the failure of a marketing and influence scheme. Once he became POTUS he was fucked and the only way to stay out of prison was to become king of America and to do that, he had to get a second term by whatever means possible. Donald knows what Donald did and has a lot to worry about.

You can see the republican party and his base shrinking by the day, the republicans are down to 25% of the electorate and they are split over Trump, though not evenly. When Donald is indicted and the trial(s) begin, then the fun will really start as desperate Donald makes these pukes sing and dance on the courthouse steps. When he goes to prison it will be the fault of the republicans who weren't "loyal" enough and he will get his revenge by telling his base to stay home. Biden hasn't attacked or mentioned Trump at all and neither has anybody in the administration for this reason, they want all of Donald's attention and spite on the republicans.


Well-Known Member
another whack job from Colorado in the House.

Somebody elected this asshole and the same people will probably send him back to Washington in 2022, cause triggering the libs and sticking their thumb's in Uncle Sam's eye are more important than anything.




Well-Known Member
i think him and boebert will be gone in '22. we ran cory gardner R Senator out of this state too.
He won his district by 20 points in 2020 and there are 81% white people in his district. Trump won it by 13 points in 2020 FFS, the district is full of shitheads and I'd have to say it's a write off. That level of stupidity is only cured by a die off, I wonder what the vaccination rate is there?


Well-Known Member
If they tried this shit and then managed to get him to NY, then he can forget bail once he gets in front of a judge. They will wait on the migration route to NJ for him to arrive. :lol: Yep I can see Mar Logo surrounded by thousands of MAGATS looking to protect Trump from extradition. He won't even buy them lunch, or hire a porta potties, many will die from dehydration, cause he won't even give them water to drink in the hot sun. Come to Florida and die for Donald MAGA! :lol:
Shielding Trump From Extradition If Indicted Is A Thing People Are Working On

Rachel Maddow shares reporting on the possibility that, if Donald Trump is indicted and a warrant is issued for his arrest, Ron DeSantis might find a way to prevent Trump from being extradited for prosecution.


Well-Known Member
If they tried this shit and then managed to get him to NY, then he can forget bail once he gets in front of a judge. They will wait on the migration route to NJ for him to arrive. :lol:
Shielding Trump From Extradition If Indicted Is A Thing People Are Working On

Rachel Maddow shares reporting on the possibility that, if Donald Trump is indicted and a warrant is issued for his arrest, Ron DeSantis might find a way to prevent Trump from being extradited for prosecution.
that's great news. he's stuck in florida. will be hard to campaign for 2024 without his maga rallies nationwide.

or if he wins (somehow), when he comes for the inauguration, he gets locked up in DC and driven to NY.


Well-Known Member
that's great news. he's stuck in florida. will be hard to campaign for 2024 without his maga rallies nationwide.

or if he wins (somehow), when he comes for the inauguration, he gets locked up in DC and driven to NY.
If he tries this shit with a NY state extradition from Florida, then the Feds will indict him for something (pick one of thousands) and drag his ass back to the SDNY for a plea. When he arrives, the NY state authorities will arrest him, either when he gets off the plane, or after he makes bail on the federal charges. What do you think his odds would be of making bail on the NY state charges after fucking around on extradition from Florida? Not good at all IMHO, I figure he would be jailed until his trial is over and he won't want to delay that for long either!


Well-Known Member
Deleted video shows Greene taunting Ocasio-Cortez's office in 2019
A video from February 2019 published by CNN on Friday shows Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — then a conservative activist — taunting staff in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-N.Y.) office through a mailbox slot.

In the since-deleted Facebook Live video unearthed by CNN's KFile, Greene and at least three male companions can be seen outside the lawmaker's office telling her to "get rid of your diaper" and come outside.

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I'm an American citizen. I pay your salary through the taxes that you collect for me through the IRS because I'm a taxpaying citizen of the United States," Greene says in the video.

Greene goes on to blast Ocasio-Cortez's "socialist" policies and says, "You're bringing God's judgment on our country and I am against it, as well as my friends."

"So you need to stop being a baby and stop locking your door and come out and face the American citizens that you serve," Greene says. "If you want to be a big girl, you need to get rid of your diaper and come out and be able to talk to the American citizens, instead of us having to use a flap, a little flap. Sad."
