republicans have a problem with immigration...Like they have a problem with everything except going to church and killing pregnant women...
Dickbag fucks like abbott and desantis take these poor people and send them to other states, where most of these people wanted to go to begin with...So just like every republican plan, it's already failed.
It also paints them as intolerant, racist, and uncaring...Which is exactly how they should be painted.
Immigrants should all get together and move out of florida and texas lock, stock, and barrel...then when it's time to pick tomoatoes, abbott and desantis can get their personal armies of white supremacists to pick them, and peaches, and lettuce, and cucumbers...And they can also tar all the roofs that need tarring, and work in all the fast food drive throughs that will soon have no one to operate them. There'll be no one to wash dishes in restaurants, no one to bag groceries at traitor trump's,(which is where all the fascists shop)
So what seems very likely to me is that these people that abbott and desantis are deporting from their states are telling all their family and friends about it...Those families and friends are going to come, and get on abbott's buses, and desantis' planes, and get off where their relatives and friends got off. In those areas, fruit will get picked, roofs will get tarred, groceries will get bagged, and the economies will grow, while in texas and florida, nothing will get done, farmers will fail and go bankrupt, roofing companies will go out of business, with no one to do the labor, all the shitty jobs that immigrants have been doing for them forever will all of a sudden just not get done by anyone, because fucking abbott and desantis sure the fuck aren't going to do a damn thing, except make things worse...