Well-Known Member
Roger is gonna have big legal bills soon and bigger trouble in court, the 1/6 committee wants to talk to him too and that can be legally expensive. Legal bills for the kind of shit Stone is in can range into the millions, I believe it cost Scooter Libby $14 million in lawyers fees before Bush commuted his sentence. Many of these assholes who are not rich will be ruined for life and even some who are well off might be cleaned out trying to stay out of prison. Even if they don't end up indicted or in prison, it's still legally very expensive to have the courts and congress breathing down yer neck.
Roger Stone Answers DOJ Tax Suit. Surprise: He Blames Robert Mueller.
The Trump whisperer says that Meuller’s prosecution “nearly bankrupted” him, even though the new case against him centers on charges that largely predate his earlier trial.

Roger Stone Blames Mueller Again in Answering DOJ Tax Suit
The Trump whisperer says that Meuller’s prosecution “nearly bankrupted” him, even though the new case against him centers on charges that largely predate his earlier trial.
Roger Stone Answers DOJ Tax Suit. Surprise: He Blames Robert Mueller.
The Trump whisperer says that Meuller’s prosecution “nearly bankrupted” him, even though the new case against him centers on charges that largely predate his earlier trial.