Examples of GOP Leadership

i'm not a fan of facebook or Fuckerberg, but this fucking bitch has room to criticize anyone?
your holier than thou bullshit doesn't change what you've done, Marsha....

What do you think that the insurrectionist RINO's like Marsha start squealing when they start to legislate to stop the propaganda from being able to micro target our citizens. They are talking a big game, but know that is what has been keeping them in power by conning their cult.
This is the reason.

Stunning survey gives grim view of flourishing anti-democratic opinions
Those who buy into former President Trump’s lies over the 2020 election and those who watch the far-right channels that amplify his rhetoric are increasingly embracing anti-democratic opinions and even contemplating political violence, according to a new poll.

The poll from the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute paints a troubling portrait of a growing segment of the public that is increasingly unmoored from reality as it embraces conspiracy theories about child abduction and stolen elections.

It found a deep divide between those who trust right-wing media outlets and the rest of the nation — and even a divide between those who trust Fox News and those who trust outlets like One America News Network and Newsmax.

The poll found about 3 in 10 Americans, 31 percent, believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, including two-thirds of Republicans and a whopping 82 percent of those who trust Fox News more than any other media outlet.

Among those who trust far-right outlets like One America News Network and Newsmax, 97 percent say they believe the election — which even Trump’s own cybersecurity and election security officials agreed was the safest and most secure ever conducted in the United States — was stolen.

One in 5 Americans believe in the core tenet of the QAnon conspiracy that “there is a storm coming soon,” while 1 in 6 believe the United States government is controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex-trafficking ring.

The same share, 18 percent, say they agree with the statement that America has gotten so far off track that “true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.”

The poll found 30 percent of Republicans agree that violence might be warranted, compared with 17 percent of independents and 11 percent of Democrats. Those who buy into the farthest-right media outlets are even more likely to contemplate violence; among those people, 40 percent agree.

It is a longer article, worth the time to go read it.
Texas police refused requests to escort Biden bus surrounded by Trump supporters: report
Transcribed 911 calls reveal that San Marcos police officials refused multiple requests for assistance from a Biden campaign bus that was being harassed on the road by a so-called Trump train, even as other jurisdictions agreed to help.

The transcriptions were included in the amended lawsuit against the police officials filed by those who were inside the bus at the time of the incident, The Texas Tribune reported.

In October of last year, a Biden campaign event was canceled after a caravan of Trump supporters surrounded a campaign bus and attempted to force it to stop in the middle of the highway or run it off the road. Former President Trump at the time retweeted a video of the incident on his now-banned Twitter account, writing, “I LOVE TEXAS!”

Earlier this year, the group of passengers — which included a volunteer, Biden campaign staffer and former Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis (D) — filed two lawsuits relating to the incident, one against the San Marcos Police Department, alleging it abdicated its duties, and another against the individuals who were part of the caravan.

In one instance, Matthew Daenzer, a San Marcos police corporal, refused to provide assistance after another jurisdiction recommended he do so, according to the Tribune.

“No, we’re not going to do it,” Daenzer said, according to the filing. “We will ‘close patrol’ that, but we’re not going to escort a bus.”

The new filings also allege that officers "privately laughed" and "joked about the victims and their distress."

Apart from requests for help from the bus passengers, witnesses to the harassment also reportedly called the police department, warning of reckless driving, but the San Marcos Police Department continued to withhold assistance.

“Despite these multiple calls for help from Plaintiffs and others, for the roughly 30 minutes it took to drive through San Marcos on the main highway that runs through it, there were no officers from San Marcos or any other police cars in sight—not on the I-35 exit or entrance ramps, nor on either side of the highway,” the court documents read, according to the Tribune.

The plaintiffs also included a group text message between San Marcos police officers that appeared to show that they "poked fun at the attack," with one unidentified individual referring to Democrats who drove through their town with a derogatory term used to describe people with mental disabilities.