Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
I think Joe might have to fire Garland and replace him with someone who will defend the country and constitution AGGRESSIVLY. Garland appears to be a pussy and not up to the job, they need someone fanatical about justice and especially defending the country. . . . . . .
The AG pretty much does what he is asked to do unless it is really off the reservation. He is going at the rate President Joe Rob is comfortable with.


Well-Known Member
The AG pretty much does what he is asked to do unless it is really off the reservation. He is going at the rate President Joe Rob is comfortable with.
The only thing I can figure is they are hoping to put the Trump base to sleep, play the soft center against the extreme right. They have to keep the house in 2022, or the country is fucked, if they can gain an advantage in the house and senate, then they can finish off the republicans, the domestic disinformation disinformation system and the domestic terrorists in short order. Perhaps they are just waiting to get closer to the midterm elections before throwing the whole shit pile into the fan, the public has the attention span of a fucking flea. Though facts don't seem to matter anymore, neither does the truth, only a fucking idiot could vote for the republicans and fear driven hate makes folks real fucking stupid.

Almost half of America has been driven so stupid by bigotry and rightwing propaganda that it's pathological now. If the democrats win, they will have no choice but to crush these treasonous cockroaches. It's time someone got serious about defending and protecting the constitution of the USA, traditionally that meant stepping on the necks of traitors.


Well-Known Member
It is the good ole say a big string of things that is true, then flip it by blaming it all on 'them'.

Trump was the POTUS, and his white nationalist cult was behind a whole lot of the violence in the social justice protests in the summer of 2020 so they could brand 'ANTIFA' and 'BLM' into trigger words for scared suburbanites, and Trump (who was the one that was appointing all his trolls to the "Deep State") was the one that crippled our pandemic response, and it was Trump's cult that 'Stormed the Capital' on January 6th 2021.

So sure the through line is there for all those events and it is not 'Soros'. Koch, Rupert Murdoch, and the rest of the mega donors that funded the decades long hate mongering so that they can maintain the power to not pay taxes that ultimately led to us having Trump as POTUS.


Well-Known Member
The GOP only pushed the debt ceiling to early December so they can cause the default just before the holidays and crash the economy and blaim it on the Democrats. They think they can use this to steal the 2022 election and by doing this and complete their coup in 2024.


Well-Known Member
The GOP only pushed the debt ceiling to early December so they can cause the default just before the holidays and crash the economy and blaim it on the Democrats. They think they can use this to steal the 2022 election and by doing this and complete their coup in 2024.
Why not, their base is completely disconnected from reality and there are plenty of idiots among the independents. Remember they don't need to actually win elections, just get close and in some places they can't lose no matter what they do or even how badly they lose the vote. Besides Foxnews will spin whatever reality they need for the bigots who watch it.


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Former Trump cybersecurity official says GOP leaders have 'lost control' of voter base: 'This is a death spiral'
Chris Krebs, the first director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency who was fired by former President Trump for refuting stolen election claims, said on Sunday that leaders of the Republican Party have "lost control" of the party's voter base.

While appearing on CBS's "Face the Nation," host Margaret Brennan asked Krebs whether he believes Trump is attempting to undermined future elections, noting that the former president said during a recent rally that he is seeking to completely overhaul the U.S. election system.

"Without question. It's happening at four different levels, both state legislatures and state elected officials, some of the folks running for secretary of state in Arizona and Georgia. But we're also seeing [it] in the U.S. Congress," said Krebs.

"The minority whip was on Fox News this morning with Chris Wallace and he was talking about how the election was effectively stolen and he will not admit that [President] Biden won," Krebs added, referring to Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), who refused to say whether he believed the 2020 election was stolen or not.

Brennan noted that was an extraordinary remark for Krebs, a lifelong Republican, to make and asked how these claims continue to occur.

"They're afraid to speak up because they're afraid the former president is going to try to primary them and then the other piece is that they've activated and lost control of their voting base, the people that are going to put them in power," Krebs said.

"It's gotten out of control. So again, this is a death spiral. They've lost control and they don't have the ability to rein it back in," Krebs added.
Of course Trump will say he fired the rat. Not that he hired him though.


Well-Known Member
If he were serious, he'd charge Trump with election crimes in Georgia and testify against him at his trial. No half measures with Trump, go for the throat like a rabid dog, it's the only way to deal with this asshole, put him in prison for his election crimes in Fulton country with a black democratic jury. Trump is gonna fuck him anyway, so he should take him down on the way out, he will have to move out of state for safety reasons anyway.


Well-Known Member
Trump controls when this moron takes a piss. The problem is the voters, if they were fucking normal, guys like this wouldn't exist in American political life and Trump would have been in prison for life, decades ago. Everybody who voted republican in 2020 was a racist asshole, with very few exceptions, mostly among the mentally ill. 74 million moral failures need to be divided and scattered, in spite of everything that has happened, the republicans will likely retake the house and that will be a disaster culminating in the 2024 election. If they win by cheating, it will eventually mean civil war in America and the "American dream" will rapidly turn into a nightmare. Millions will say, "I didn't think they would fuck me when I voted for them"!


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Trump Presses for Election Audits in Texas
Former President Donald Trump released a statement on Saturday comparing Texas' Republican state House of Representatives Speaker Dade Phelan to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., while citing that Phelan could be overtaken in the primary unless he backs Texas Senate Bill 47.

Trump states, "while standing in the way of a real election audit, Speaker Phelan just weakened the penalty for voting illegally in the state of Texas from a felony to a misdemeanor, siding with the Democrats and calling their amendment that makes a mockery of our election laws 'thoughtful.' After the 2020 Presidential Election Scam we need tougher penalties for cheating in our elections, not weaker ones."

If SB 47 passes, it will allow party officials to conduct election audits, including an audit from the 2020 presidential election.

Trump added that "Texans are tired of Phelan’s weak RINO leadership in the State House. Texas is a very red state, even more than people know."

The former president concluded by alluding that he could back another candidate in the Texas primary to overtake Phelan.

"If this doesn't pass soon," Trump wrote in a press release shared by his spokesperson Liz Harrington, then "we look forward to seeing him in the Texas primary. It will get done one way, or the other!"

Basically do as Hitler) says or you will be pushed out. The primaries allow a smaller group of voters to control the party. Trump knows this and will use it to be crowned King again.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if this will work as well as the Toyota ad.

Some companies like AT&T, google, apple and Facebook are not too big to fail, they are too big to opt out of, when they do antidemocratic shit that is against their customers best interests. Try opting out of google or apple if your house is full of their devices or your phone uses their operating system. They can do business with Putin and suppress democracy in Russia, or destroy it in America and other western countries with impunity and for profit.