Examples of Democratic Party leadership

while democrats are certainly more progressive than republicans, they still have a way to go...the faction in power shits on the factions with less power in a show of dominance.
share that shit, a major position should keep you MORE than busy enough to not be able to deal with a committe, and a committee, if taken seriously, should be a full time job. schumer and his butt buddies hogging all the power is a very fucking republican thing to do...not attractive at fucking all
She can make more money in bribes this way, since she is no longer at the choke point in the democratic party. I wonder if Manchin will follow her onto the new gravy train. No need to primary her because I figure that is one of her motivations, she was gonna get primaried anyway in the democratic party. Expect her votes to be for whatever pays the most, for sale.

Isnt it amazing.

Nothing changes, except the election is over, and all of a sudden gas drops a buck.

These dictators with oil screwing with our economy to help out the Republican Party are not doing it to benefit America.
to be fair, California was in a unique situation. They had scheduled (long-deferred) refinery closures, then unscheduled ones at just the wrong time. CA does petroleum like Texas does power.
That said, $4.25 best local price
She can make more money in bribes this way, since she is no longer at the choke point in the democratic party. I wonder if Manchin will follow her onto the new gravy train. No need to primary her because I figure that is one of her motivations, she was gonna get primaried anyway in the democratic party. Expect her votes to be for whatever pays the most, for sale.

the democrats have to run someone against that cunt who can beat her into the fucking dirt, she NEEDS to be the fuck out of office.
she has no values, no loyalty, no love for the American people, she's a self serving, self centered, egotistical piece of shit, and the democrats need to make sure she doesn't profit from being in office any longer.
to be fair, California was in a unique situation. They had scheduled (long-deferred) refinery closures, then unscheduled ones at just the wrong time. CA does petroleum like Texas does power.
That said, $4.25 best local price
There is a gas station (think it's a BP) in the nicer part of town over here that was charging $4.40 on Election Day, a day or two later it was down to $3.50, now it is around $3.10.
Isnt it amazing.

Nothing changes, except the election is over, and all of a sudden gas drops a buck.

These dictators with oil screwing with our economy to help out the Republican Party are not doing it to benefit America.
Joe and the democrats want to go green and EV ASAP and that is a direct threat to them over the next decade as dependency on gasoline diminishes along with markets, it will become a buyers' market before long. America is slower than most in adopting EVs, but not in Europe and Asia. Nobody is gonna be building new refineries either, when all the car companies are going BEV over the next decade.

Naturally the republicans will do everything in their power to impede this and keep America dependent on oil with all its implications for geopolitics and global warming. They and a few democrats are for sale and have signs hung around their necks for international dark money and Christ knows what else. Dark money has serious problems, not just rich Americans are buying any more, anybody with a buck can own them, American or not. Just like anybody can intrude on our politics these days, years ago if I wanted to make a point to Americans, I'd have to write a letter to the editor. Or I could own an American newspaper I suppose, but a German couldn't back then, and a Russian can't today! They do have the internet though, and that puts them right in the middle of our politics. With Americans and Canadians, it works both ways on a more or less level playing field with a shared TV living room as well as a shared power grid and sports leagues.
another increment toward being civilized.

if you call locking people up in facilities that we don't control well enough to prevent rape, murder, or drug abuse civilized...and ad in life sentences...is life in a cage that forces you to defend yourself regularly "civilized" ?
facilities where quite often, those assigned to supervise are guilty of abuse, of pimping out prisoners, of coercing inmates into all sorts of things?
that doesn't seem very civilized to me. prison reform is long, long overdue. there is no need to make it pleasant, but there is also no need to make it a place where you can die for an imagined slight...
if you call locking people up in facilities that we don't control well enough to prevent rape, murder, or drug abuse civilized...and ad in life sentences...is life in a cage that forces you to defend yourself regularly "civilized" ?
facilities where quite often, those assigned to supervise are guilty of abuse, of pimping out prisoners, of coercing inmates into all sorts of things?
that doesn't seem very civilized to me. prison reform is long, long overdue. there is no need to make it pleasant, but there is also no need to make it a place where you can die for an imagined slight...
did you miss the part about undoing death penalties?
Let's see a half a dozen morons and criminals up against a near genius in a hearing. I can understand his confidence and enthusiasm. Don't like no EVs won't make a good culture war issue, and neither will mandating that half their fleet be ICE vehicles for the next 10 year's that would drive American automakers into the ground for good. They will probably want something like that, red meat for the base of morons and destruction for the American auto industry, anything goes as long as it triggers the libs! It's not like they would be trying to govern, just clinging to power any way they can, even by tossing the constitution.

With a divided GOP and a slim majority with lots of moving parts, Nancy is retired lurking in the halls of congress and talking to moderate conservatives. Joe might do pretty well with these GOP clowns in congress and will probably play them like fish on a line. Keeping them away from the budget for a year and government shutdowns was wise, that should give Jack some time to indict some of the worst congressional bastards over J6 this summer or fall.

I think Joe will do ok against these morons in congress and he has Mitch secretly on his side over the magats. The republicans are looking at legal nightmares and elevating any of the magats to committees or high profile jobs would be a serious mistake, if they should be indicted. Trump will haunt these fascist assholes for years to come and imprison some of them, he will ruin many more in legal fees, even if they are not indicted.
