Ok, im going to vegas in october, for my dad's bday. we're taking him out to dinner, and I wanna smoke him out too.
So, the ticket is anywhere from 139-200 bucks
Dinner, will cost me like 50 bucks, since my brother and sister are paying for themselves plus we're all paying for dad's dinner.
And I wanna smoke him out. The whole time I am there, or at least for a day or two. Weed is more expensive in vegas, but im wondering how much I should spend? I was thinking about 50 bucks, and my sister could drop on it too...
I want him to have a great 50th bday, so how much weed should I buy? more or less than what I stated?
I am not trying to be rude, but im going to be brutally honest whether this pisses anyone off or not! I really don't give a fuck!
1. This is not a question to be asked on RIU
2. You are on a GROWING SITE, not too sure if you realized that or not...
3. If you do NOT grow, at least smoke weed on the regular!! And if you cant do that, AT THE VERY LEAST.... HAVE SOMETHING TO BRING TO THE TABLE!!! (Meaning some growing knowledge.... or for fucks sake know how much a fucking gram cost!) My daughter is 8 years old and knows how much a fucking gram cost... NOT FROM ME... from school!
4. If you can't do this (which obviously you cant) you should probably find a different forum... maybe the "I need friends" forum! People are here to learn and help fellow growers with GROWING, not teach someone what weed is. This is borderline pathetic!
My daughter is 8 years old and knows how much a fucking gram cost... NOT FROM ME... from school!
Now some of the threads you make are made to be fun, or funny.... but this is just flat out RIDICULOUS!! I cant speak on behalf of everyone, but i'll say for me... I'd rather have a fun or funny thread from an actual grower over a 19 yr old girl that probably thinks schwag is grade a shit