ex holding the child and threatening to call cops if i dont let her inspect the house

You do know one call to social services is all it takes, don't you? I would've had that grow out of there yesterday.
100% correct!! child services can demand a hair follicle drug test, if you refuse its considered a fail. Additionally the home inspection is tough!! ya gotta have those plastic protectors in all outlets, child proof all cabinets, doors and stairs. If they see one bug or fly they describe it as an infestation. I advise you to flush everything down the toilet, get rid of all equipment and get shampoos to detox your hair. ASAP, your about to get busted!! Even worse, all visits with your child will be supervised and you will be drug tested each visit.


Active Member
Yeah man, I have so been where you are, exact same situation.

Here is what I did. I a;so had an attorney, so use yours, it keeps you sane. But expensive.

Just don't let her get the better of your temper, and head over there to get your child, or see her.

Stay away, but request placement with child.

So anyway when you get the court date. and she is blithering about a home inspection, tell her you will call the fire dept, to request a fire inspection.
They do it free and within a day or so around here. Have attorney fax that to the judge.

If it is your child and there is nothing else going against you, enjoy the time with you child.

If there is already a court order establishing your placement time which she is denying, pursue contempt, your attorney will know what to do.

Trash the grow if you have one, your compromised, close it up till it clears up.

I should have asked what state you are in
Same Shit other foot! Wife tried the contempt thing on me until I showed the photos to the judge. not only did I not pay her attorney she left the state(At not wife). So do what you know you got to do!


Active Member
jus wanna give u guys an update.....
gave her 2 options in order to settle this..first, i told her she can appoint a third party representative to inspect the house or wait till we go to court have them assign a guardian ad liem; or i can shoot a video of my basement, house, garage and sent it to her. she said fine, send me the video which i did but then she change her mind (??) and said she doesn't trust the video so she's gonna take her attorney's advice and call the cops. i wrote her a "nice" email explaining her in a few words and not so blunt that she should be careful because every action has a reaction, so......
dunno if she actually called the cops, nobody came and if they did i wasn't home. place is clear out- moved the crop to a body of mine cause there's no way im gonna let this bitch control my life and kill my ladies.
she keeps pushing for her or one of her friends to come over and inspect the house or the other option which is the cops so she just wants to forcefully inspect my place instead of making the right arrangements to deal with the situation which makes me wonder....

not much i can do at this point, gotta wait anotha month till the court date but once that happens im very confident i will be getting my parental/visitation rights straighten out. got the lawyer on it, just dropped my last paycheck on his lap, and i'm gonna push for everything i can get her for. i'm sure the judge is gonna look at her and be like 'wtf is ur problem?'

thx ya'll for the advice and response so far......


jus wanna give u guys an update.....
gave her 2 options in order to settle this..first, i told her she can appoint a third party representative to inspect the house or wait till we go to court have them assign a guardian ad liem; or i can shoot a video of my basement, house, garage and sent it to her. she said fine, send me the video which i did but then she change her mind (??) and said she doesn't trust the video so she's gonna take her attorney's advice and call the cops. i wrote her a "nice" email explaining her in a few words and not so blunt that she should be careful because every action has a reaction, so......
dunno if she actually called the cops, nobody came and if they did i wasn't home. place is clear out- moved the crop to a body of mine cause there's no way im gonna let this bitch control my life and kill my ladies.
she keeps pushing for her or one of her friends to come over and inspect the house or the other option which is the cops so she just wants to forcefully inspect my place instead of making the right arrangements to deal with the situation which makes me wonder....

not much i can do at this point, gotta wait anotha month till the court date but once that happens im very confident i will be getting my parental/visitation rights straighten out. got the lawyer on it, just dropped my last paycheck on his lap, and i'm gonna push for everything i can get her for. i'm sure the judge is gonna look at her and be like 'wtf is ur problem?'

thx ya'll for the advice and response so far......
good luck buddy hope all goes well :)


Well-Known Member
have you got enough money to take a break till this shit settles down, everything illegal out of the house? Have to make effort for your kids. IMO her evidence is enough to get a search warrant.


Active Member
have you got enough money to take a break till this shit settles down, everything illegal out of the house? Have to make effort for your kids. IMO her evidence is enough to get a search warrant.
im good on that end, all cleared out. dont think itll get to that point, she doesn;t really have any evidence eventhough she says somebody told her that i grow and sell weed thats impossible because only one person knows i grow, somebody i know very well and there's no way for her to find out. i only deal with 3 ppl when selling and none of them know i grow, they know i get it from 2 different growers so she's really full of it and i dont see how she would get a warrant.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Indeed, it is my understanding that even if a judge was foolish enough to issue a warrant based on zero evidence and a single statement based on hearsay, any half-competent lawyer would have it laughed out of court. The case would collapse before it even began. Sounds like things are going well or as well as can be expected :) i say stick to your guns. If her attorney i telling her to call the cops then well, sounds like she's lying about the situation or maybe her real intentions, or has hired one god awful attorney, good luck to her haha


Active Member
all the cops could do is ask to come in if you say no your fine. No judge would sign a warrant unless she knows people. Now as far as custody unless u got some really bad charges even if u did be hard for you not to get custody.
There old trailer parks that have trailers that sell for 1500 hundred or so that are old and dingy. Buy one and move your grow there and all you have to pay is a 3-400 a month lot rent at most. Install adequate air filtration upon exit and use a ozone generator in your exhaust. Keep your grow profitable and the 3-400 a month is nothing and you wont be shitting where you eat.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
If I were in your shoes I would ditch the garden. (which you already did) Next I would get a restraining order against her. If she contacted me, for any reason I would ask that she contact my attorney. Basically I would lawyer up and take her to the mat. I would fight for joint custody with no child support, this gives you lots of room for joint custody plus child support.

Don't let her imtimidate you, fight for what is rightfully yours.

Last thing I would tell her is to go fuck herself.


Undercover Mod
Don't answer the door w/o warrant they can't enter house. If you are selling I would chill cause they might watch your house.


Undercover Mod
Also don't smoke inside cause they can go right in if you answer the door and it reeks of mary jane they don't need a warrant


Well-Known Member
ya fuck her just hide your opp somewhere out of the house and clean everything so it looks nice and theres no evidence you will have nothing to worry about as long as you dont sell out of your house (tht wouldnt be a problem if theres no bud in there) and then file for a 3rd party search then your house comes up clean and if you have no severe criminal records there would be no reason you wouldnt get joint custody of your kid