ex holding the child and threatening to call cops if i dont let her inspect the house


Active Member
so i'm going thru some legal issues with my ex, basicaly she's pissed that i'm filing for a shared parenting plan so she told somebody said to her that i'm growing and selling therefore she wont let me have the child at my house until she inspects the house to make sure it's "safe".
have an attorney already, have a court date set, and if it comes down to it i can have somebody appointed to check the house but i sure as hell wont let her inside.

now, she's saying that if i dont let her friend and her brother come over and inspect the house within the next 24hrs she will call the cops, as per attorney's advice.
what do you guys think of this? even if she does call the cops its not like they can come in without a warrant and i dont see how they can get one, right?


Well-Known Member
so i'm going thru some legal issues with my ex, basicaly she's pissed that i'm filing for a shared parenting plan so she told somebody said to her that i'm growing and selling therefore she wont let me have the child at my house until she inspects the house to make sure it's "safe".
have an attorney already, have a court date set, and if it comes down to it i can have somebody appointed to check the house but i sure as hell wont let her inside.

now, she's saying that if i dont let her friend and her brother come over and inspect the house within the next 24hrs she will call the cops, as per attorney's advice.
what do you guys think of this? even if she does call the cops its not like they can come in without a warrant and i dont see how they can get one, right?
you are right, but they will hassle the fuck out of you to scare you into letting them in. i would have a video camera setup hidden at the door to show if they force entry. this will prove an illegal search and seizure should they come in on their own and find something, making it null as evidence in court.


Well-Known Member
Yea, but if u DO. Have a grow going, get rid of it, not worht. It homie, get the kid, u can always grow later, or move it somewhere. Else

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Call the cops and tell them you think she's growing, then if she tries to do similar maybe they'll just view it as a spiteful retaliation and tell her to go screw herself with a spatula :D Short of actually obtaining evidence then no, they should not legally be able to obtain a search warrant.

Personally, she sounds like a right cunt, ditch the grow, flat refuse to allow them to search under the fact that you have legal rights, and then try and get custody of that child under the argument she's obviously a horrible person to give custody of a child to who doen't give two damns about the child growing up with a father so long as she get's her way. Flip those tables and nail that bitch with her own game :D


Active Member
i hear ya guys, i'm debating my next move...thing is a bit complicated, she loves to be in control and will go the distance but the more i give in the more hungry she gets. if i dont stand my ground it'll feed her ego more. that being said, i dont wanna be stupid either....
i think i just dont want her or any of her friends in my house, period. i can clean up for inspection and i think i have a better chance with an appointed third party person then with somebody she knows.
the only thing i dont like is cops at my house, even if they can't get in. don't like my neighboors seing that either.....
what would happen if i just dont stay home for a while? or just be on a look out and don't answer the door? do they keep coming back?


Active Member
Call the cops and tell them you think she's growing, then if she tries to do similar maybe they'll just view it as a spiteful retaliation and tell her to go screw herself with a spatula :D Short of actually obtaining evidence then no, they should not legally be able to obtain a search warrant.

Personally, she sounds like a right cunt, ditch the grow, flat refuse to allow them to search under the fact that you have legal rights, and then try and get custody of that child under the argument she's obviously a horrible person to give custody of a child to who doen't give two damns about the child growing up with a father so long as she get's her way. Flip those tables and nail that bitch with her own game :D
interesting point there....i wonder if that matters at all if it gets to court later on being as she's been accusing me of this already and we have email conversations about it.... any attorneys wanna jump in here :confused:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I wonder if that could be constituted as blackmail. She is using your child as a form of leverage so she can violate your rights.


Active Member
Do you currently have visitation rights that she is with holding till her inspection? I agree that you should move the grow for the time being. Without knowing the whole story behind the separation not even a lawer could advise you on what to do. If you are a parent with visitation rights though, then she is in violation of court order by not letting you have your visit (depending on what was written in the order unless it was just a mutual separation).


Active Member
Do you currently have visitation rights that she is with holding till her inspection? I agree that you should move the grow for the time being. Without knowing the whole story behind the separation not even a lawer could advise you on what to do. If you are a parent with visitation rights though, then she is in violation of court order by not letting you have your visit (depending on what was written in the order unless it was just a mutual separation).
no visitation rights order from the court, that's what i'm trying to do right now which is why she's pissed.
we've been doing shared plan for the past 3 yrs, basicaly 3days/nights with me and 4days/nights with her plus i've been paying her child support fro the past 3 yrs... and i've been paying for the child's after school activities as well.
you can see the pattern here, she wants easy money and she's willing to go far to get it.

yeah, she's really not violating anything right now and until we go to court, which by the way she wants to avoid, being the custodial parent she has more rights then me.....


interesting point there....i wonder if that matters at all if it gets to court later on being as she's been accusing me of this already and we have email conversations about it.... any attorneys wanna jump in here :confused:

Not a lawyer... but email=bad if she's saved em......


Active Member
...dont shit where you eat. invest in moving a grow if there is one or make sure you are with in you county or city limits. also if its out of sight it is out of mind.

i wish you the best of luck


Well-Known Member
id go with jdmc's advice. hope it doesn't come to that. all the best :)
thanks been there done that a few times lol. actually had a cop tell one of my volunteers at my dispensary to open the door or he was gonna beat the shit outta him lol on camera and audio recorded. needless to say i went after his fucking badge lol when it comes down to dealing with cops you gotta use the law to your advantage. they really can do w/e they want in the moment, you just have to know how to kick their ass in court and how to prove it all and protect urself.


Yeah man, I have so been where you are, exact same situation.

Here is what I did. I a;so had an attorney, so use yours, it keeps you sane. But expensive.

Just don't let her get the better of your temper, and head over there to get your child, or see her.

Stay away, but request placement with child.

So anyway when you get the court date. and she is blithering about a home inspection, tell her you will call the fire dept, to request a fire inspection.
They do it free and within a day or so around here. Have attorney fax that to the judge.

If it is your child and there is nothing else going against you, enjoy the time with you child.

If there is already a court order establishing your placement time which she is denying, pursue contempt, your attorney will know what to do.

Trash the grow if you have one, your compromised, close it up till it clears up.

I should have asked what state you are in


Sorry, didn't read no current court order.

Hope your attorney is knowledgeable.

Her decision to withhold placement could be validated and you will be in shit town.

Move the grow, establish there isn't a grow. Nothing like making her look like a jealous desperate ex.

My ex wanted to do a "tour" with her father. Don't worry she won't get that right.

Use the Fire Department or a home inspector. The house inspector will cost you but if you ask for a simple safety check, it might be cheaper .


Well-Known Member
You do know one call to social services is all it takes, don't you? I would've had that grow out of there yesterday.