Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion



i agree we did not evolve from chimpanzees or gorillas but that is what wiki says :lol:
No, Wiki does not say "chimpanzees" or "gorillas", it says "apes". We are a part of the great ape family, homo sapiens being the newer great apes.

You're an ape, I'm an ape, we are all apes.


Well-Known Member
The thing is, the wiki article is correct, if read in it's entirety. Fish just took a few sentences out of context (again).

The closest living relatives of humans are gorillas and chimpanzees, but humans did not evolve from these apes: instead these apes share a common ancestor[13] with modern humans. Humans are probably most closely related to two chimpanzee species: Common Chimpanzee and Bonobo.[13] Full genome sequencing has resulted in the conclusion that "after 6.5 [million] years of separate evolution, the differences between chimpanzee and human are ten times greater than those between two unrelated people and ten times less than those between rats and mice". Suggested concurrence between human and chimpanzee DNA sequences range between 95% and 99%.[14][15][16][17] It has been estimated that the human lineage diverged from that of chimpanzees about five million years ago, and from that of gorillas about eight million years ago. However, a hominid skull discovered in Chad in 2001, classified as Sahelanthropus tchadensis, is approximately seven million years old, which may indicate an earlier divergence.[18]


The thing is, the wiki article is correct, if read in it's entirety. Fish just took a few sentences out of context (again).

This post FTW!! +Rep bro!

Not only is fish ignorant, he's now been exposed as actively being deceitful. You can no longer give him the benefit of the doubt, he saw the ENTIRE quote and he ACTIVELY picked a part that he thought supported his position. Classic example of quote mining.

You're fuckin' done in this thread son.

You showed that believers will attempt conversion by all means they feel necessary, even lying, a sin. What does that say about their faith?

Atheism never made me lie to anyone...

Nocturn3, can't rep you man...


Active Member
The thing is, the wiki article is correct, if read in it's entirety. Fish just took a few sentences out of context (again).

I think you took my post out of context i said a few post ago...
There were two or three different groups of walking apes, and one was the forefather of human....
if its still out of context sorry, i though evolutionist wouuld understand

its not even true so its kinda funny to argue about it

This post FTW!! +Rep bro!

Not only is fish ignorant, he's now been exposed as actively being deceitful. You can no longer give him the benefit of the doubt, he saw the ENTIRE quote and he ACTIVELY picked a part that he thought supported his position. Classic example of quote mining.

You're fuckin' done in this thread son.

You showed that believers will attempt conversion by all means they feel necessary, even lying, a sin. What does that say about their faith?

Atheism never made me lie to anyone...

Nocturn3, can't rep you man...
Dont put your faith in me, i dont know everything i make alot of mistakes i do not fully understand science or god. I am learning alot I also know that you will never believe creation, you put your faith in scientist and i dont have a problem with that, they are very smart but science is way to young for me to put faith in.

There is no reason for me to lie to you.


its hard for me to believe in anything that can not be proven correct

i refuse to have blind faith and hope for the best, so i only believe in things that can be proven, repeated, explained


Active Member
its hard for me to believe in anything that can not be proven correct

i refuse to have blind faith and hope for the best, so i only believe in things that can be proven, repeated, explained
big bang cant be proven repeated or explained so i guess you dont believe in that.. so
how did earth form?


Dont put your faith in me, i dont know everything i make alot of mistakes i do not fully understand science or god. I am learning alot I also know that you will never believe creation, you put your faith in scientist and i dont have a problem with that, they are very smart but science is way to young for me to put faith in.
There is no reason for me to lie to you.
No man, you're not just going to back your way out of it like that. I started engaging with you about this stuff way back on page 16, you've been doing the same thing all the way to now.

That really pissed me off, this is the internet, I don't even know you personally, but you clearly understand what you did. You did it on purpose. You took a quote from wiki, the source you and all your creationist buddies claim is not accurate, totally quote mined it because you probably thought it wouldn't make any sense for humans to have evolved from chimpanzees because there are still chimpanzees around today, copied the bit that appeared to support your position, and posted it thinking nobody would notice.

This is the reason it's tough to do this, not because the information is so hard to learn, but because the people you try to teach refuse to listen, dispite all the evidence presented, because of their beliefs. You sit there and claim you don't believe Christianity or religion or whatever, but are so clearly shackled by your faith I can't take it seriously.

It wasn't a mistake. A mistake I would understand. It was a deliberate attempt to deceive people. You, sir, lied. Have you ever been lied to? If so I'm sure you must know how the person being lied to feels about the person doing the lying...


big bang cant be proven repeated or explained so i guess you dont believe in that.. so
how did earth form?
we are not talking about the big bang are we?

were talking about a religion

i expressed my opinion, i did not state that the way you feel is wrong or incorrect

i merely stated how my mind works, and if you dont like it, too bad

your not going to change my mind, and im not going to try to change yours, i expressed my opinion, and thats all


Active Member
But the dating methods are flawed.. even though the cerebral capacity increases with each hominid, which lines up with the theory of evolution, and also the predicted outcome of evolution.. Each one gets taller and stands more upright... each one loses body hair, learns to use tools, and learns to use clothes.. learns to use fire, develops language, creates society...

But I guess it's all just nonsense... :roll:
people come in all sizes and shapes..
compair people from all around the world.....
just wondering, how do they know how much hair they lost?


Active Member
we are not talking about the big bang are we?

were talking about a religion

i expressed my opinion, i did not state that the way you feel is wrong or incorrect

i merely stated how my mind works, and if you dont like it, too bad

your not going to change my mind, and im not going to try to change yours, i expressed my opinion, and thats all

easy man it was just a question
you said you only believe in facts i was asking how you thought earth appeard
i wasnt trying to convert you to christianity


Active Member
There were two or three different groups of walking apes, and one was the forefather of humans it has been estimated that the human lineage diverged from that of chimpanzees about five million years ago, and from that of gorillas about eight million years ago..
"human lineage diverged"

Rofl! Not at all fish, you can't be serious! We did not evolve from Chimpanzees or gorillas. Whoever made that claim has no idea what they're talking about.
does diverge mean evolve?

No, Wiki does not say "chimpanzees" or "gorillas", it says "apes". We are a part of the great ape family, homo sapiens being the newer great apes.

You're an ape, I'm an ape, we are all apes.
There were two or three different groups of walking apes, and one was the forefather of humans

It has been estimated that the human lineage diverged from that of chimpanzees about five million years ago, and from that of gorillas about eight million years ago.
Not only is fish ignorant, he's now been exposed as actively being deceitful.
diverge = to move or extend in different directions from a common point

you changed the word diverge to evolve

but it may be my falt. .if i would of added a period here
(the forefather of humans(here) it has been estimated that the)
maybe it would of been better but as you can tell i get lazy with . , capitol letters, spelling,......

this will probably be misunder stood as well :cuss:


"human lineage diverged"

does diverge mean evolve?

There were two or three different groups of walking apes, and one was the forefather of humans

diverge = to move or extend in different directions from a common point

you changed the word diverge to evolve

but it may be my falt. .if i would of added a period here
maybe it would of been better but as you can tell i get lazy with . , capitol letters, spelling,......

this will probably be misunder stood as well :cuss:
Go look at Nocturn3's post, post #326.

You took a sentence from wiki, when a few lines above it it says "we did NOT evolove from chimps". You copied the part that you felt supported your position and left the rest, that CLEARLY DIDN'T support your position, out.

This shows that you will resort to these kinds of tactics just to 'win' whatever 'argument' you feel we might be having.

This also shows that you cannot admit when you're wrong.

It's just become a waste of time at this point.


Active Member
Go look at Nocturn3's post, post #326.
i cant believe we are taling about this lol
OK his post says
The thing is, the wiki article is correct, if read in it's entirety. Fish just took a few sentences out of context (again).
and that agrees with my original post
it was not out of context i said this
There were two or three different groups of walking apes, and one was the forefather of humans it has been estimated that the human lineage diverged from that of chimpanzees about five million years ago, and from that of gorillas about eight million years ago..
I did not take it out of context I said 2 or 3 apes one was our forefather

You took a sentence from wiki, when a few lines above it it says "we did NOT evolove from chimps". You copied the part that you felt supported your position and left the rest, that CLEARLY DIDN'T support your position, out.
it said we did not evolve from chimps and i said " two or three different groups of walking apes"
i couuld of said we did not evolve from chimps. but humans lineage diverged from

or is it that much diffararent to say there were 2 or 3 apes and humans lineage direrged from one of them?

This shows that you will resort to these kinds of tactics just to 'win' whatever 'argument' you feel we might be having.
i can not win this argument. i can only learn from it

This also shows that you cannot admit when you're wrong.
i am wrong alot but i am not wrong on what i was thinking when i typed everything NOW how you interpreted it.. i could be wrong for not explaining it well enuf... i thought you would understand you are the person claiming to understand science more than the average person.

It's just become a waste of time at this point.
maybe for you its a waste but i am learning alot about what other people believe


Active Member
Iran's Ahmadinejad proud of Holocaust denial

with all the evidence :wall: ....you evolutionist :grin: and him must be the missing link scientist are looking for:lol:

just kidding, you know thats a joke.. there isn't even chain :-P


Active Member
Do you at least understand that what you guys are proposing, like with this picture, is NOT AT ALL HOW THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION WORKS! AT ALL!

It's laughable. :mrgreen:
do you not like the way scientist say we looked ?... sure these pictures arnt perfect but it gives a pretty good idea of what they think we looked like