Evolution, Divine Creation, Starseed, or Other

How Did Mankind Come to be Here?

  • Divine Creation

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Evolution

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • Starseed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Frosty, I asked you for specific information regarding your earlier statements. I would like to understand your point of view better. No one is snickering and sneering on this thread.

Please show me your source for this statement:

Scientist have been able to "extract" energy even out of vacuums for many years, thereby proving energy can be extracted from "nothing".

Define 'intellectual'.



Well-Known Member
A permanent solution to the world energy problem, dramatic reduction of biospheric hydrocarbon combustion pollution, and cessation of building nuclear power plants (whose nuclear component is used only as a heater) could be readily accomplished by the scientific community. However, to solve the energy problem we must (i) update the century-old notions in electrodynamic theory of how an electrical circuit is powered, and (ii) rid the classical electrodynamics model of numerous serious foundations flaws. We summarize the problems and essential changes, based on more modern developments in particle physics and gauge theory well after the foundations of electrodynamics were set. Self-powering systems readily extracting electrical energy from the vacuum to power themselves and their loads can be quickly developed whenever the scientific community will permit their development to be funded.
What Actually Powers the External Circuit Connected to a Battery or Generator?
Contrary to conventional wisdom, neither the shaft energy introduced into a generator nor the chemical energy present in a battery is used to power the external circuit. The internal energy in a generator or battery is only dissipated to perform work upon the internal charges, to separate them and form a source dipole between the terminals, with some of the energy dissipated in other internal losses.
Once formed, the source dipole's broken symmetry [ [1] ] in the vacuum's energy flux extracts enormous observable EM energy — many orders of magnitude greater than the small amount of energy input to the generator or present in the battery — from the virtual particle exchange between dipole charges and active vacuum. The extracted observable EM energy is reradiated as the EM energy flow through all space surrounding the external circuit [ [2] ]. This energy flow is usually referred to as the Poynting [ [3] , 5 ] flow, but Poynting's theory [3 ] captured only a very tiny component of it. Heaviside captured the remaining huge component, but Lorentz [6 ] mathematically discarded it.
To summarize: The total energy flow in space surrounding the conductors has two components as follows:
1) A tiny Poynting component [3 ] of the energy flow directly along the surface of the conductors strikes the surface charges [ [4] ] and is diverged (deviated) into the conductors to power the circuit.
2) The huge nondiverted Heaviside component [ 3 , [5] ] filling all space around the circuit, misses the circuit entirely and is wasted in all those circuits using only a single pass of the energy flow. The Heaviside energy flow can furnish energy to the circuit if retroreflected to again pass over the surface charges, but conventional power systems completely ignore this enormous energy source accompanying every circuit.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Frosty, for the cut and paste. What evidence is there for the validity of this?

and again, what is an 'intellectual?



Well-Known Member
Thanks, Frosty, for the cut and paste. What evidence is there for the validity of this?

and again, what is an 'intellectual?

I'm not going to post every study done on the subject go to the library and look it up. Like I said in my earlier post the general public would rather be force fed information then actually seeking it out for themselves

:of or pertaining to the intellect and its use. man, you couldn't even look that up for yourself?


Well-Known Member
I did look it up. The whole theory is propounded by a guy who bought his degree from a university that is only a post office box in South Dakota. No mainstream scientists think his 'work' has any merit.

As for the 'intellectual' question. I was interested in your definition in order to better understand you; I definitely know what an intellectual is.

This thread is not intended to insult anyone's beliefs or intelligence. You seem to have an agenda that makes you see an attack where none exists. None the less you are welcome to post here; just try not to be so grumpy.

I'm not going to post every study done on the subject go to the library and look it up. Like I said in my earlier post the general public would rather be force fed information then actually seeking it out for themselves

:of or pertaining to the intellect and its use. man, you couldn't even look that up for yourself?


Well-Known Member
So you're saying the famous physicist Dr H.E. Puthoff who worked on countless projects for the government and private sectors bought his PhD? nice google try again


Well-Known Member
Your previous post comes from an article written by Thomas Bearden. There is zero reference either in the body of that paper or the footnotes to H.E. Puthoff, scientologist, paranormalist, ufologist and all-around paragon of scientific thought. Didn't have to google, it was all there in your post.

This thread was started to discuss matters related to the accompanying poll, not alternative physics or conspiracy theories to suppress new energy technologies.



Well-Known Member
It seems that evolution is a clear winner in the poll.I am proud to be a member of a sane group (mostly) of people. Alternative physics are however ,at least, as scientific as intellegent design. I applaud your mentions of Arthur C. Clarke,a dean of science fiction, and a great thinker.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting Jimmy. I see by your avatar that you are truly one of the illuminati!:mrgreen:
Somebody gets it!! Finally! Mad magazine in the 1950's gave me a healthy dose of cynicism that has stood me in good stead these many years. "Humor In A Jugular Vein" indeed.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about MAD magazine two days ago! I deleted a reference to it in a post thinking no one would understand and then I'd have to explain. lol. Did you know you can get 600 back issues on DVD?


Well-Known Member
THat mag was sooooao ahead of its time (loved spy vs spy) all those little drawings in the margins were worth the price of the mags. As for J.C. don't buy it . sorry fellow twister's
I'm pleased that you have a belief ( all the best .. seriously ) I just like tangible proof,
( sorry if spell. is wrong ) dino. bones etc. I know now I'm toast. Just a reef rat with an opinion. I once asked a priest who was a family friend that if gambling in the house of the lord was blastfamous and a sin as said in the bible ( again sorry for spell if wrong ) "Thow shall not gamble in the house of the lord Why is bingo in church basements ? " and he wouldn't answer and also stopped coming to see my dying mother. If he's a man of God, And look at the right wing Conservatives religious
right in the states are the most UN- FORGIVING ready to condem ( viciously) all those not in their beliefs, they spout a deep hatred for any oppinion not in line with their extremist beliefs. Sounds familiar ???? ali akbar The thing I find is mostly ( again mostly, puffers are a more tolerent group on all topics ) EVEN THOSE THAT MOST ADAMENTLY DISAGREE ... LONG LIVE THE HERB PEOPLE AS THEY WILL LEAD THE WORLD............
Send campaign donations to TwistyMan for the RIU Cannibis Consortium Counsil, (INdependant of coarse) here in Quebec we really have a pot party. It'S called THE BLOCK POT and has support from N.O.R.M.L. and they are on the offical vote lists & ballots, No hanging chads , chits or w/ever thr F*#k you call them. I remember once their
campaign promise was to lower the boiling point of water. HA HA, but here they could do it without the Repub. party & DEA climbing up the're asses
Good grins Good grins :):):):)


Well-Known Member
Somebody gets it!! Finally! Mad magazine in the 1950's gave me a healthy dose of cynicism that has stood me in good stead these many years. "Humor In A Jugular Vein" indeed.:peace:
i liked your spy vs. spy avatar too! loved mad and cracked.