Room temp is right around 78 82 under lights dark time I'm about 70
It is the difficulty in definitively answering that keeps me out of these types of threads. Here are the scenarios I am seeing based off of what you have shared;
1. Water evaporates faster at higher temps and if you are running an AC and/or a dehumidifier you could be "artificially" drying out your medium. By that, I mean that your plants may not be drawing in the water/nutrients and releasing that water via transportation due to insufficient root growth/health and insufficient photosynthetic "area" (insufficient for the volume of water introduced on a daily basis), and it is your "environment" that is drying the soil. In this event, some/most of the nutrients are left in the soil (the plant is not taking them in and using them), which causes imbalances/burn/lockout, despite the fact that you are only "feeding" 1/7.
2. The plant is releasing all of/most of the water via transporation and is not leaving much/any of the nutrients behind. This would mean that they are suffering from deficiencies/imbalances.
3. Root/plant material is sufficient, but heat is causing an accelerated rate of transporation, forcing the plant to drink more, so water uptake is adequate, but nutrient levels for that volume are relatively high. So, water volume good, but because of excess "sweating"/uptake, nutrients exceed plants needs, resulting in burn/lockout/imbalances.
If anything, it sounds like you've got some work to do in getting the environment/grow "dialed". Get your temps down, first step.
Edit: phone autocorrected "suffering" to "slaughtering".