Everythings been going good, Until last week....


Active Member
Everythings been going good, Until last week....

I am referencing my mother plant that is in a DWC system, This message was typed out to a friend but i am converting it to mass post form so everyone can read it and weigh in...

In my bucket it was time to change water. I decided useing the filtered water was too much of a pain as it takes like an hour to fill a freeking 4 or 5 gallon bucket... So anyway i used water from the bath tub.. Well guess what.. My plant is not having a good time, it has lost its *luster* as in it looks dull and dieing (happened over the past week). Also the leaves have blotchy spots of death around them randomly, maybe a spot per leaf but it looks like the progression of a P deficiency according to a book of mine. Could this be poisioning from the clorine, that is present?... The plant shouldnt be going through a P deficiency because it is in constant veg, right? I did add some Big Bloom, as per the foxfarm directions, to go with the big grow but i dont think that is the problem. Could the chlorine be causeing this or what could the problem be. If my discription does not help, i can send you a pic of whats going on. It doesnt look like my mother has long to live, lol...

Also the leaves are curling up inwards and the edges of the leaves look damaged sometimes all the way down.. Its almost like if you hold your hand, palm down.. and slowly close it like a claw, that is what the leaves are doing.. looking a really dark green color

Could this be lack of light, ventilation , or is it infact the water?

If a picture is needed i can provide.. later
dwc needs atleast a 4-5 inche gap between the bottom of the net pot to water for oxygen - alternatively i use an aquarium air pump and stone running 24/7 and the results have been excellent - coul dbe the nutes - take a look at and do soem reading on advanced nutrients 3 part - they explain why useing an equal ratio of there product is of great value to a grower - i never thought of useing bloom nutes in early stage of growth but the results compared to friends have been awesome - to the point even the old guy's trust me .


Active Member
I would check the ph that comes out from the tap water, if you havent already and please post a pic so that we can better help you, curly dry "claw" like leaves happen due to plant moisture stress, but have many other reasons as well, like Overwatering, underwatering, also high heat, or god forbid you have all of the above lol, keep use posted....


Active Member
thats called city yap water clorine ph of 8 and completely fucket why didn't you just spent the 4.00 and go to the water store or burp your tap water its nast stuff get a clean glass and let it sit over night look at that nastiness in the bottom of the glass