Everything says this is over watering, but its in coco!


I have 3 seedlings that I sprouted at the same time. Two of them are legit genetics, and they both look much bigger and fuller. The third is a random bag seed, and its clearly stunted in growth compared to the other two just because the seed itself was old and actually was cracked.

The bag seed sprout seems to be canoing under. Everything I've found online says this should be due to overwatering....but they are all in coco!! And I thought you couldn't over water coco....

I started with just straight RO water. Now I'm giving them maybe 100ppm nutes to start them off mild since there's nothing else in the coco otherwise.

Any advice? I am new to this, so any advice you guys have to help me learn is super appreciated!!



Well-Known Member
May we assume there is good drainage in those cups? Like a lot of drainage? What is the temp where they are at and what kind of lights are the under?


Well-Known Member
Don't give up on that bag seed. If it popped it can go. Chemdawg came from one random seed from a Grateful Dead concert.


May we assume there is good drainage in those cups? Like a lot of drainage? What is the temp where they are at and what kind of lights are the under?
Yes plenty of holes in the bottom for drainage. Lights are LED flood lights, 100W/hr actual usage, which is the equivalent of a 250W HID. but most of that light is being used by a flowering plant that's a few weeks into flower. (Also should have mentioned that the seeds are going directly to 12/12)

The lights are as close as they can be to the flowering plant. Maybe I should elevate the seedlings somehow so they can be at the same level as the other plant?

As for temp, I think about 70-80 (appx. Bc the lights are off so I don't want to open it up and check)


Well-Known Member
Try adding holes in the sides of the cup as well also it is coco so you could have salt build up in the coco itself

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Well-Known Member
The RO water I use starts off at about 6.5 and if I add any nutes it seems to be in the right range without adjustment. I will try to record the exact pH of my waterings from now on tho as I know that this can be an issue.
I have this feeling your coco could have had the pH adjusted a little better before the plants went in but I bet everything works out fine.


Well-Known Member
I just had an idea... Could I maybe create my own DIY smart pot by putting a coffee filter into a smaller net pot, and putting the coco in that? :D
Worth a shot try it out see how it works and I'll sub for the results

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Well-Known Member
As in flushing it until the runnoff is under 50ppm? Would it help if I did it now?
I would just stick to your watering and feeding schedule. It will adjust gradually. From that link I posted:

"The PH of fresh Coco is marked on the bag from 5.0 – 7.0, however all of the coco I’ve tested was always between 6.0 – 6.5. Changing the PH of Coco takes a few waterings of pH-adjusted water, perhaps only one. The medium is very reactive to the PH of the water given to it; this gives coco growers rapid control over pH."


Thanks so much for the advice guys, in this thread and others. All of your sage wisdom is really helping me learn! :)