Everything MMA Thread

Condit has been gone for a long time, he's old guard like a lot of them are becoming. New generation is here with a few stragglers (Pourier)

I tip my hat to Dustin... have fun walking today bud.

Justin needs to learn some fucking defense, this isn't the world series of fighting, you cannot just stand there and eat shots from these world beaters. Those leg kicks are devastating on a whole other level, now go team up with Floyd, learn the shoulder roll and how to move your damn torso, avoid the damage + leg kicks he's a whole new animal. Feint with the hands and blow their tits off with the leg kicks. He could run through the division imo if he could only move his head with a touch of footwork.

What all American wrestler choses to throw shots like a drunk when rocked n stumbled... CLINCH UP Justin!!
I totally agree with about everything you are saying .I mean we both basically said the same thing lol..but I think the leg kicks Justin throws are 65% from being able to take those shots ...I mean if he were moving a lot I don't think he would be able to throw near as many..but he could still throw quite a few and do damage..plus if he were sticking and moving...WHILE putting the pressure on them he still does..AND using his fucking AA wrestling skills...in this case he is a top 3 ta 5 fighter ... for a long time...if he really really learns to use that wrestling and add some BJJ w it...keep that toughness in his back pocket for when the going gets tough...he moves up to a #1 contender ..maybe hold the belt for awhile...and that is what he should do if he really wants to taste gold one day..he is gonna have to get w the program..get a BJJ trainer ..a coach who can make him tie everything together... and use that fn wrestling...if he wants to be a champ and not a brain injured apple sauce eater who won fight of the night ..lined Dana whites pockets ...and went out w a UFC record of 6-5 ..with some "unforgettable" fights
Kicks were working why was he throwing hands? He should've been throwing mad kicks out the gate imo, but Lee's ground and pound is better than I thought it was, he hits hard on the ground.
Man I fell asleep on the main ..but I made damn sure I watched my boy Frank..that didn't feel like a Frankie fight...well a Frankie fight we are use to...I wish I could of atleast seen some good wrestling but SHIT ..who though cub would stuff him like that...I don't think he would if been able to stuff if he went all out but he very well coulda gassed doing that...and wtf is up w cubs coach's. ..why would u day you are up or winning.. I mean maybe cub starts sucking if he thinks he is behind but no. Idc. They needed to let him know he was losing....and Jim Miller use to be fun to watch ..I kinda thought he was gonna get caught good but he has always been tough . .so u though he would shake it off. Fuck no..that was pretty sweet..and those shots in the hw fight . damn. I thought dude was gonna go the fuck out a few times ..heart for sure
The Connor McGregor fucking propaganda is literally sickening..is he a good fighter..yes..is he as good as he is made out to be..fuck no...that UFC top 25 fights of all time should tell you how much they ridiculously blow him up...him and Nate Diaz have the best fights ever ...FUUUCK...that whole list was fucking sad..well I can't say that because they did have some of the best fights of all time...I think Rory and Robbie 2 was 100 times more epic than their bs fights...and they whole reason they make him out to be this insane fighter is for publicity and to make money .they want to create a Michael Jordan of fighting to draw fans in...that fighter would of been Jon Jones if he wasn't an idiot...Jon Jones ..imo..is number one p4p to this day..idc..till he is thrashed and beaten he stays in my book...u can't be p4p best fighter in the world if someone is more skilled and rounded than u..it doesn't matter if they are in the UFC or not...mighty mouse is another p4p top dog..but the whole c.m thing is sad to me...like I stated befor, they build these fighters up so much ..and when they fall ..a lot iof the time I think they fall beacuse of the huge publicity...they fall hard... fighting..well anything really..is more mental than anything..and when u have all this extra bs to deal w and. Kinda live up to you end up getting Ronda Rouseyd ..and another thing I think Conor is doing wrong is holding out for big money and not fighting..I mean he will be set in life either way..but he is milking this shit way too much..if he comes back after all this time and gets his ass kicked ..ppl will laugh him off the deep end...he apparently is concerned about being the best fighter in the history of the ufc like he has stated he wants to be known as , he needs to be tossing leather and putting W's in the win column ..and I bet Dana white is kicking himself by letting him become this big to where he just doesn't have to fight..it's like he is a spoiled rich kid or some shit .but the UFC is still making money w him not fighting ...that may actually be the strategy..not have the top money man fall off.. how..don't have him lose..how..not fight...but real fight fans should call bs on him and not feed into his stupid fn shit and demand he fight or fuck off..all I can say is he had better be doing some killer training and superior skill sharpening in all this time off....if khabib snatches his ass and puts him on the mat...stick a fork in him
GSP vs Nate Diaz ufc 227 @155lbs???

That should be competitive :roll:

Not sure how either makes 155, GSP just fought at 185 and Nate's last fight he was like 240-250 or more depending who you ask and that was 2 years ago. Really though is there any doubt who wins that fight?

Maybe they're seeing if gsp can make 155 for a future fight with khabib in Russia. Who you think wins that fight??
GSP vs Nate Diaz ufc 227 @155lbs???

That should be competitive :roll:

Not sure how either makes 155, GSP just fought at 185 and Nate's last fight he was like 240-250 or more depending who you ask and that was 2 years ago. Really though is there any doubt who wins that fight?

Maybe they're seeing if gsp can make 155 for a future fight with khabib in Russia. Who you think wins that fight??
Wonder why they wouldn't do GSP vs Connor? Huge money fight. Im mean its 155 for fuck sake.
Have we ever seen GSP cut to 155?

I doubt doubt doubt that Nate Diaz is a big enough name for GSP... this may be a way to get some leverage in negotiations.

GSP whoops both of those guys I think at welterweight, maybe he wants that belt at 155 and will cut down and try a fight against Nate and then go for the belt? Not sure if worth the risk to lose a tune up with Nate Diaz, maybe he goes straight for the belt with Khabib but that's got to be in Vegas not Russia.
Have we ever seen GSP cut to 155?

I doubt doubt doubt that Nate Diaz is a big enough name for GSP... this may be a way to get some leverage in negotiations.
What are you talking about ? Nate Diaz is about as big a name you can be in MMA...personally I’d love to see nick Diaz get another shot at a belt, or fight GSP again