Everything MMA Thread

Knockdowns in MMA?? No such thing

You have an interesting interpretation of how judges should score an MMA contest, please consider that the takedown is #2 criteria in the 10 point must system. A takedown from a trip is scored, in boxing a falldown as result of pulling the other fighter behind the head wouldn't be scored as pointed out in the Malignaggi vs Cotto fight earlier.
Don't forget that left in the vid was landed with headgear and what 16oz gloves , bit different from 8oz....look on paper mayweather should kill him, but if you think Connor can't or won't land some big shots your just being silly, at the end of the day it's two high lever strikers going into a fist fight
Have you never knocked someone on their butt wearing 24oz gloves, 16oz gloves still hurt if you can throw, with "Conor's Power" Pauli's head should have fell off his shoulders that shot landed about as clean as it gets.

Think about what you're saying with the 16oz gloves, if that shot doesn't floor him, what shot made Pauli hit the canvas?

I do like Conor's warm up shoulder jig, I thought it looked silly but then he makes a comment about those who are mocking him along the lines of them looking stiff doing it. I thought, hmmm ok I'll try it, sure as hell warms up the shoulders really nice, add some nice rhythmic movements and he's onto something there, not gonna help him beat Floyd but it's not to be made fun of, I really think it is effective for the shoulders.
Don't forget that left in the vid was landed with headgear and what 16oz gloves , bit different from 8oz....look on paper mayweather should kill him, but if you think Connor can't or won't land some big shots your just being silly, at the end of the day it's two high lever strikers going into a fist fight
We all want Conor to win, none of the people your talking to like Floyd. We all want to see him get smashed. Problem is....... Well you know the problem, Should of been a gold medalist and a what 9 time world champion in like 3 different weight classes.
First they call you crazy....

Whenever you're ready to put up some money and stop talking.

Imagine a world where a "boxing purist" is also an MMA fanatic!? Oh my.. could you imagine, those same folks (that do exist) know this is no contest.
But seriously, how many guys like Connor have crossed over to boxing ? Not just MMA fighters but highest level champion MMA fighters that's crossed over, so is it possible that your outlook on this had nothing to validate it other then "it's the sweet science" and if you haven't been practicing boxing your whole life your garbage...Connor is gonna be much bigger on fight night, younger almost equally as fast and has been using his hands most his life too...i really don't see how you can completely count him out it seems unlogical to me
I think it's completely unlogical to believe he has any hope of a chance, all this talk of "Conor needs to do this early" is completely ridiculous, it isn't going to be a "Conor needs to.." it's going to be, "oh shit, can he make it out of this first round"

I don't think Floyd will knock him out in round one, but it's possible.

Conor doesn't move nearly as fast as people have been making him out to be some lightning quick striker.

He has excellent reflexive timing, vision, and a snappy quick straight left, he's one the best to use the slip straight hand in MMA.

It's just that he will appear many magnitudes slower across from Floyd, just watch.
You're whole "if you haven't been practicing boxing your whole life..." is a bit invalid, as almost every champion that Floyd has beaten has been studying boxing their whole life, that's the whole point! None of them have beat him, but Conor will? C'mon now.
Another thing to consider is the books...they don't do this to lose money, iv heard there are multiple people putting huge amounts on mayweather thinking it's a lock, like hundreds of thousands, and I'm sure most bets on Connor are small....what outcome you think will make the books the most money
Keep dreaming, nothing you guys offer discredits the fact that Floyd is the best at boxing, and will beat the dog shit out of that man in a boxing match.
I don't think you guys have any idea how badly Conor is going to get the living shit beat out of him, I'll be happy when he comes back to MMA to defend something. I want to see him come back down and fight Max again, I think Max will beat his ass too.

This guy says Canelo hits harder in 16oz than anyone he's sparred... guess who whooped Canelo so badly he became gun shy?

Conor will quit or go down.
Apparently vanfagdeen has never heard of Brazilian top team or chute boxe and how they train and pretty much fight on a daily basis lol never get hit in the jaw