Everything MMA Thread


Well-Known Member
If you thought mcgregor vs jon jones or mcgregor taking multiple titles in different weight division, your're mentally retarded.


Well-Known Member
If you think tapping out makes you a pussy, you're mentally retarded
What makes him a pussy is saying anyone, anywhere, anytime. There should be no weight divisions in martial arts, unarmed combat. When he loses it the first thing outta his mouth. He didn't go up two weight classes Diaz is a lightweight with a ten day notice. A soft body that was making balloon animals a week ago. McGregor quit before the choke was in, dove on the ground, gave up the mount offered no resistance, picked his head up and tapped as soon as Nates arm went under his chin. I don't think he wanted to fight Diaz at all. You could see it in his demeanor he was worried. He damn near jumped outta his skin when Nate flinched at him. A lot of fans don't like him and a lot fighters don't like him and making excuses isn't gonna help any. After the fight he said he's humble in victory and he's humble in defeat, definition of humble must be different in Ireland. At least he stood there did the interview with Joe and did the press conference after. Ronda didn't have the balls to do it.
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Well-Known Member
people are saying conor HUMBLE? especially before the fight??

LMAO only thing that comes to mind when i think about conor is, arrogance

something tells me, IF conor would of won that fight, he still would of rubbed it in nates face talkin shit...
but nate was the bigger man and congratulated him after the fight..

first was chael sonnen, rhond rousey, conor mcgregor, who's the next big mouth gonna be?


Well-Known Member
Mcgaygor got bitch slapped and when he couldnt take it anymore he tapped out like a pussy bitch.

and lol at all your poor excuses for your butt buddy mcgaygor the irish bum.


Well-Known Member
I am eating my words on CM and HH. Glad I didn't bet lol. We shall see what the future holds for both.
Props to ND and MT. Great Job both.


Well-Known Member
I am eating my words on CM and HH. Glad I didn't bet lol. We shall see what the future holds for both.
Props to ND and MT. Great Job both.
I think Holm will make her way back. I think this was her 4th fight in the UFC. Meisha's tough been fighting a long time and has no quit in her. The fucked up part about the UFC is now Ronda will fight at UFC 200 against Tate. DC with be the next mouth piece getting his head cracked.


Well-Known Member
That's a good comparison, she's a little better lookin though. Cat Zingano gave her a beating that would've made most men quit, but she just kept coming.


Well-Known Member
I always liked Tate. Used to like Rousey also. Guess I'm just fickle lol. Been watching MMA for several years.


Well-Known Member
I think Holm will make her way back. I think this was her 4th fight in the UFC. Meisha's tough been fighting a long time and has no quit in her. The fucked up part about the UFC is now Ronda will fight at UFC 200 against Tate. DC with be the next mouth piece getting his head cracked.
I think rousy and holms for a shot at Tate makes the most sense right now but they'll prolly give rousy the title shot next and she'll beat Tate again then she'll duck holms as long as possible or they'll have Tate fight holms again and hope Tate wins that so holms dosent get another shot at rousy


Well-Known Member
Cat Zingano gave her a beating that would've made most men quit, but she just kept coming.
it also seems like both their heads are huge striking targets...
but they can eat a punch and spit it out...

their faces look the same after the fight too. swollen


Well-Known Member
I think rousy and holms for a shot at Tate makes the most sense right now but they'll prolly give rousy the title shot next and she'll beat Tate again then she'll duck holms as long as possible or they'll have Tate fight holms again and hope Tate wins that so holms dosent get another shot at rousy
Rowsy vs cyborg
Holm vs tate
Edgar vs McGregor
Diaz vs RDA
all at ufc 200


Well-Known Member
Great card, one of the better cards I've seen in a long time. CM just don't have the power @ 170 .. He caught Diaz several times cleanly n couldn't drop him..Plus Diaz don't even have a great chin, This should send CM back to 145-155 and never leave those divisions.. It looked like McGregor was gassed, Diaz looked much fresher..

The Holm fight was very good, first time I enjoyed a female fight..

I'd like to see Diaz get rewarded n get a big fight now_..he earned it.


Well-Known Member
Great card, one of the better cards I've seen in a long time. CM just don't have the power @ 170 .. He caught Diaz several times cleanly n couldn't drop him..Plus Diaz don't even have a great chin, This should send CM back to 145-155 and never leave those divisions.. It looked like McGregor was gassed, Diaz looked much fresher..

The Holm fight was very good, first time I enjoyed a female fight..

I'd like to see Diaz get rewarded n get a big fight now_..he earned it.
I think diaz might get lawler next

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
I hope they don't match Nate up with Lawler. I saw where DTD said that made a lot of sense. In what universe does that make sense. Nate beats down a 145er so now he's the number 1 contender at 170? Lawler would destroy Nate. The only good thing about the matchup is Nate would get another huge payday. I hope ufc 200 is CM vs Edgar and Nate vs RDA. Or maybe Nick Diaz vs Lawler.


Well-Known Member
seems like a good year for ufc...

cant wait for mr. winslow, i mean cormier vs jones...

did anyone else see that joe rogan interview with cormier vs jones during the nate/conor fight?

cormier said, willing to give his LIFE...
I LIKE IT... just like the gladiator dayz...