Everything MMA Thread

Shields is a Fuck ass nigga. He says he wants a street fight with palharres he would get mobbed on. He is lucky mazagatti pulled him off before he would dislocated his shoulder.
Shields is a Fuck ass nigga. He says he wants a street fight with palharres he would get mobbed on. He is lucky mazagatti pulled him off before he would dislocated his shoulder.
That shit is bad for the sport. The UFC has spent a decade trying to get away from that image of reckless violence to make it more mainstream and safer for the fighters, you wanna see that shit, take your ass to a Spanish bullfight

Fuck Palhares, that bullshit ensured he'll never fight professionally again. Back to the favela you go, son
Ha ha ha ^^^^^^ ..........seriously though the dude is extremely talented but he must lack some mental stability to have such talent and want to throw it away in such a manner............I'm glad he got stripped of his belt.
Connor I think is gonna give him a run for his money although I would like to see someone finally shut him up

Only if it's on the feet, I'm not sure what Aldo ground game is like, but if he learns to take Connor down as easy as Mendes did. It's over. Connor has a powerful punch but Aldo can take a punch. Connor also is very cocky, and doing so he doesn't feel the need to block at times. That leaves him open and even Mendes, managed to clip him good a few times. It's worth saying that Connor also looked rather tired after the first, could be a cardio issue at this weight. I think he cuts too much weight.

Mendes is now saying that Connor only won because of the length of his camp. Maybe but also maybe not. On one hand he dominated him in the sense of takedowns, although his ground control wasn't the best. On the other hand Connor smashed him face and body. Mendes is prone to have cardio issues in later rounds and cannot take a punch like other can. In the Aldo fight Aldo rocked him bad in the second and again later. I think if they rematch, it's the same result. They have to stand at some point and the power could be too much. If I was a judge and it's 2 mins of punch after punch and 3 mins of ground. I'm picking Connor for the win.
Bah Mendes is a damn fool. He's been wrestling since he was 5, of course he can take a guy down that hasn't been wrestling more then a few years. Chad got worked that fight and it would go way worse for him the second fight. He can claim he didn't have a long enough camp all he wants, the fact is he did in that fight exactly what he will try and do if they fight again. Connor however was supposed to be fighting a completely different style of fighter and still showed up and won against a wrestler he wasn't prepared at all to face.

If he can beat Chad on no notice at what Chad has been doing for 20 years then I don't think Chad stands a chance if Connor gets a full camp in preparing for a guy that takes him down but then does nothing from top position. The next fight, which will probably happen *when Connor gets the belt, is going to be over in the first.

Aldo's going to stand and trade with Connor, IMO, leg kicks are going to be the story of the fight. We'll see if Connor can get rid of Jose's legs early or vice versa. Both very kick oriented fighters so it's going to be interesting to see which one does more damage. Connor could very easily end up like Cory Hill and Anderson Silva in this fight, I don't see Aldo's tree-trunk legs breaking :)

*i say when because the UFC is trying to get rid of Aldo even if Connor doesn't win the UFC is going to make Aldo fight often until he loses and then run anti-aldo "articles" on every major MMA site and cut him. He's talked a lot of shit about fighter pay and the reebok deal and stitches firing.

Josh Thomson just got cut, off to Bellator to make real money and become a champ.
Some good news in mma recently

Mendes can't handle the loss the Connor, some nights he lays awake thinking what might of happened.

Rogan claims that's more fighter smoke weed than ones that don't. Ufc new drug testing will stop that.

Matt brown thinks Jon Jones can't be stopped in light heavy or heavy. He can, just ask the police lol

Daniel " cry baby " Cormier would rather fight Jon Jones if he was to become available near his title fight with gustafsson. Well that wouldn't happen for a few reasons.

Jon would maybe want a warm up fight or a proper camp to train prior to the fight.

I'm also not 100% sold he wants to come back, either to the ufc or mma at all. He is doing a lot of work behind the scenes. And by all accounts is a changed person, in terms of helping other guys get better. He is a team player now and not a solo artist.

He could also be feeling some hatred towards the ufc. They stripped him of his title even though he wanted to fight, they then left him out to dry. At a time when you could argue he needed them the most. He needed them to say, just make an official apology and we will back you up and help you in every way we can. Take the fight and then we suspend you for x amount of time. In this time we will support and help you the best we can. Create a paper champion and you come back and whoop some ass.

As the years go by I see that the ufc not only don't care about anyone but them selves. But are arguably the most unprofessional company going. Dana "I have a girls name" White is by far the problem and is the cancer of the ufc. He is so unprofessional, it's not even funny. Calling people like Aldo all the names under the sun, slagging off ufc fans because they have an opinion. Arguing with fighter because they are unhappy at getting less money then attack the because he doesn't know the facts.
Rousey to face holm. That's such a bad fight, holm has 2 fights under her belt and both have been very meh. Last 2 fights are vs fighters that have a total of 5 ufc fights. Is the female division that bad, lol hmmmm must be. I will check but I bet all 5 wins come vs fighters with bad records.

Such a quick and easy fight. Holm is a kick boxer and that will be easy to combat with a quick charge and a few punches.

I'd much rather watch that polish fighter.