Everyone should explain their state or countries mj laws


Well-Known Member
I know in Ohio under a 1/4 lb is minor misdemenor so like a $160 fine and license suspension for 6 mths


Well-Known Member
Well in Florida it really differs by city. I know where I am if you get caught with a personal amount they just confiscate it and give you a ticket. But where I used to live you would go to jail for any amount.


Well-Known Member
Where I'm from anything and busted.My buddy was just arrested for possession.. the dickhead police took 2 hours picking through the carpet and gathered some shake...like half a bowl and one seed and bam possession charge.... my friend said the ass hole put it in a huge ziplock for evidence and he said the other police could n't even see it!!Asked the officer what and where it was?? Ain't that some bull


Well-Known Member
I know california is the shit as far as medical mj goes. it's just a ticket if you get caught with under 28.5G I think.


Active Member
i can explain them everywhere



Possession charge Jail Fine
Less than 100 g civil citation none $100
100 g to 200 g misdemeanor none variable
200 g to 1000 g misdemeanor 6 months - 1 year variable
1000 g to 5000 g felony 1 - 5 years variable
5000 g to 20,000 g felony 1 - 5 years** variable
20,000 g or more felony 8 years MMS* variable


Well-Known Member
i agree. they are pretty lax. its basically to get dealers off the streets. a days usage isnt going to be 100 grams.


Well-Known Member
In florida anything under 20 grams in a misdimeanor. Go directly to jail. Spend the night. Go to court and pay about 1000 dollars. Anything over that is a felony. Not sure I want to know how bad that is.


Well-Known Member
Arizona's sheriff had a slogan that was "expect the max" so you get arrested and gotta spend the night in jail for even half a bowl...whack shit man

idk about the laws in the state i live in now....i think its decriminalized but im not entirely sure