Well-Known Member
um yeah the are ,look up "echelon" thats kinda what they do with all electronic info
Carnivore:New documents shed more light on FBI's "Carnivore" - CNET News
This, and the newest FISA ruling scare the fuck outta me. They can claim "Top Secret" or "In the interests of National Security" to invoke these powers, and they do not have to prove to ANYONE that it really is Top Secret, or in the interest of national security.
Anyone out there who is "slinging" had better get REAL familiar with the PATRIOT act, and the latest Supreme Court FISA ruling. There are good consise synoposis on the ACLU website.
They are already using PATRIOT like they use RICO, to combat gangs. While I agree that gangs are a bad thing, and probably are a genuine threat to our national "Internal" security, PATRIOT was originally intended to be used as a counter-terrorism measure, NOT a domestic crime fighting tool, to be used on foriegn nationals on foriegn soil, not on us or ours.
But then..............What do I know?