Everyone is fucking up their weed on the dry/cure!

...ya tell that to mutation....rules have rules and when they are not rules..they change as needed...

Just saying...sticking a feather in your butt doesnt make you a duck...

And doing grow steps 1-10 will only teach you to grow only one way...natures is nurtured many ways
I'm not saying anything about anyone's growing abilities. I just got started myself and I'm pretty sure most users on here can grow better than me including yourself but nature is not wild because it can mutate. It appears wild to humans who do not fully understand the complexity of the universe. We can determine the probability of a mutation with a matrix and encourage subsequent mutations by altering variables. If we didn't do that weed would all be hemp and no chronic.

As far as doing things one way... that's a human being deciding that the way he learned is the best way. How many people look at a guideline and "mutate" things to see if it works? A lot of us on here have posted their failures before accepting advice. Granted, a lot of free minds are being anchored to an inefficient method right off the bat because someone is saying to do things their way. They could've innovated growing as we know it had they not watched Ready, Set, Grow as their introduction to the world of growing cannabis but they probably got started right away and had something free to smoke because someone's half assed approach was at least available online without having to talk to anyone or make any accounts.

If they never got better at growing that person is settling for less because they're used to it and people are buying that weed because they're used to buying it but the method is probably better than nothing for someone who has never grown anything let alone something they intend to smoke and inhale safely with friends. I know I don't want to take shots in the dark with my first grow because I don't want to smoke something that makes me retarded due to some small detail in curing that led to mold in my bud.

If any of that is off base you can start hating me now but I'm not writing with any ill intent. Weed belongs to all of us. From the peaceful hippy to the greedy banker we all have a hand in the future of the plant. I'm someone who needs to grow for medical purposes for myself to offset the cost of the dispensary. That means I need a method of growing consistently high quality medicine with as low a cost as possible. Engineering is a field of study centered on efficient design and when combined with Agriculture and Horticulture you get methods for growing the best weed possible with as little money as possible. Thousands if not millions of lives have perished understanding cannabis just to save me the hassle of learning by trial and error so that I could produce a reasonable crop with no prior experience... and you want to shit on all that because weed is becoming a documented, at times to the extent of seeming proprietary in the corporate landscape of today's world, plant?

I apologize for ranting so heavily. To me any info we have on weed helps create a community. If you want to maximize the efficacy of that information in order to help people get better results more power to you, but to complain and look down on people using inferior methods labeling them as "color by number growers" just makes you an addict.
You are like the Dan Brown of new growers.

Never loose your dinosaur.

Becasue weed will never be proprietary...not anytime soon

Thank god for that.fuck people
Building a camping trailer in the garage. Too cold to work out there so I am skinning the sides in the living room. The 2"x2" was against the wall so I grabbed it.


Guitars and amps I am in the process of building. To the right of the Yamaha keyboard is guitars and amps I built or am in the process.


Full size guitar. Except for the brown bits made from one 2"x4" Almost done it but this picture shows its 2x4 roots more.


I had a picture with all my clamps but it is on Photoshop pre them extorting people.
Nice! I have a little strum myself ;)
Still looking for that string, damn it. I made a humidity chamber. A big plastic bag (we used them at work), a pan of water, a PC fan blowing over it. I used to use something similar to it acclimatizing wood to be built into a guitar. At the moment my humidity meter is reading 52%. From experience with wood it will not get much higher but with buds that are giving off moisture I have no idea what gives.

The fan is blowing across the bottom, up the left side and back down the right. It is not air tight so there is some air change happening. I have it roughly 50% RH, I get the mold thing, I used to work for a hospital and they could not have the OR's higher than 60%. The rotting process I am not great on other than having air around the vegetation. I did dunk these in the water/hydrogen peroxide solution and had them sitting on the 2x2 for a day, a fan blowing over them the first few hours. The RH in my place is below 20% so I think I dried them thoroughly. I was a little concerned that I might have dried them out a little too much. I am going to build a real environmental chamber/box but this is what I got for now.
The fan is blowing across the bottom, up the left side and back down the right. It is not air tight so there is some air change happening. I have it roughly 50% RH, I get the mold thing, I used to work for a hospital and they could not have the OR's higher than 60%. The rotting process I am not great on other than having air around the vegetation. I did dunk these in the water/hydrogen peroxide solution and had them sitting on the 2x2 for a day, a fan blowing over them the first few hours. The RH in my place is below 20% so I think I dried them thoroughly. I was a little concerned that I might have dried them out a little too much. I am going to build a real environmental chamber/box but this is what I got for now.
Dunked them in water and peroxide? What does that accomplish?
Dunked them in water and peroxide? What does that accomplish?

I had some aphid and other bug parts on the plants that I did not want to inhale, these were outside plants also. So I dunked them in water with dish soap, rinse in water, rinse with water and hydrogen peroxide. Lot of crap in the soap bucket, soapy stuff in the water and the peroxide bucket had a film up top. Did I loose some THC? I'll never tell. But the peroxide kills spores so if water was trapped in the buds there is a good chance I won't be getting mold growing all that quickly. I did take a look at the buds with a microscope and it seemed like the trichomes survived. I still had some little black bits of bugs trapped in them but picked them out.

Might be anal I guess but that is my story and I'm sticking to it. I had another few plants that only stayed indoors and them I just dried (poorly). We will see how I do with this bunch.
Good one? Lol clearly you weren't even worth talking to in the first place.

You are 100% correct in all of that and by superior I do not mean potency as that is purely genetic where as terpenes are not only genetic but are influenced by other factors(someone mentioned sulphur as well somewhere) that aren't fully understood but allow for the evolution if you will of more complex profiles. The way the soil structure evolves over time as you build and inoculate your bed/pots become one big living breathing working unit. The symbiotic relationship that gets created by the insane amounts/species of fungi/bacteria etc and the roots of your plant just can't be replicated even in a "synthetic" soil grow let alone dwc etc. It isn't about potency, smoothness or any of the other crap that organic gets labeled with. The plant may not care where it gets its nutes but the plants mission in life is to reproduce not smoke itself, we are the ones who should care about what drives the end product. People who are woke are growing in highly bioactive no till with 10+ year old soil and it is hands down the best product to consume. It isn't about synthetic Vs organic its about the microbes. They are the reason for everything on this planet and they just so happen so have a strong but misunderstood influence on the plant we all love to consume. Take a commercialized or personal hydro grow of the same pheno grown to perfection Vs old no till headstash and you will 100% not question it as I have before. Both are incredible products without question but only in person would you be without doubt. Genetics and then environment give the best end product, nutes only go so far but best is subjective so to each their own.
Dude, I see you all over RIU in raging arguments with people. For one it's not worth it. Plus, you aren't going to learn anything or help anyone that way.
The humidity seems to be holding at 50%. I am doubling up on it by slipping some sheets of wood to build another guitar. So while the weed is shedding moisture the wood is absorbing it.

So I am thinking about the next step. From what I have read once the branches break but not snap the might be ready to jar. then let it sit for a month or two and burp the jars to let the moisture out and let oxygen in. I was wondering if there would be any harm leaving them in my humidity 'tent' longer? If the microbes need oxygen they have it. Also no concern of mold.