Everyone... How old were you the first time you smoked bud?

Give it back bro!!, that pipe meant a lot to me! How about I give you 1/2 zip of some organic chronic for it an we call it good... lol Wish I had a pic of the pipe, I would post it... It was one of those basic metal pipes but the middle piece had a cool psychedelic design on it. I would pay good money to get it back. Peace, Cascadian
Sorry, I was mistaken. The pipe I found was made of stone. Actually, I have found several pipes over the years. Stoners misplace things a lot.
I was 13 and got given about 4 ounces off a mate .
I smoked every day for ages , then sold some to my neighbours , i didn't know what is was worth
I think i sold them like 1/4 's for $20 . Gave me cig money anyway .
The first time I smoked i was 13. I smoked an entire blunt an older friend gave me and told me to "take it easy with" i hacked a lung up that night but it was wild. I sat on my bed slowly moving in a figure 8 listening to random tv background noise. Completely amused! And my legs! My leg muscles twitched really slightly just enough to make me go wtf. Been in love since

Follow me on Instagram Shakenbaked710
15 friends house we smoked out of a pop can then went on a bike ride. Passed 2 cops within 5 min so I was sketch. My vision was like a slide show reel like old movie. And we got lost within like a square mile we where so stoned. We rode up and down the same block like 4 times this guy just kept starring at us the whole time lol.eventually we sat in some random font yard for about 15 min and we where half way home when I realized I left my cellphone in their yard so we had to try to find said house. Got my phone back went to friends house and we played xbox

I don't remember exactly. 12 or 13. On the back porch at like 2am with my older sister and neighbor. It was either a joint or a cigarette emptied of the tobacco. When you start smoking weed at 12 or 13 it's hard to remember stuff.
I don't remember exactly. 12 or 13. On the back porch at like 2am with my older sister and neighbor. It was either a joint or a cigarette emptied of the tobacco. When you start smoking weed at 12 or 13 it's hard to remember stuff.

And despite the propaganda against it harming the developing mind and shit, umpteen years later you appear to be living the dream :)
I was 17 it was with a group of friends. There was like half a bowl for like 6 people. I don't think I even caught a buzz.

Next time though my friend his gf and me banged out 3-4 bowls on a closed bridge in the middle of town late at night.

I was so ripped. I stole a candy bar from the gas station and told my buddy that I had lighting bolts in my eyes.
At age 14, before even trying drinking or smoking a cigarette (being an athlete), I was offered to smoke a bowl at a party. I ended up smoking 6 or 7 bowls (shitty middle-eastern outdoors weed). I felt nothing, besides everything was super funny. I didn't laugh though, just was amused from looking at my drunk friends. That feeling of superiority over drunks while baked never left me since... =)
... at 16 years old... I zoomed off on me motorbike (suzuki minicross LOL) down to the local traveller/hippy site... and they gave me some weed... an after that I never went home... I even followed the holy-ganja-path to the Amsterdam coffeeshops and lived ontop of one... thaz becoz thaz my passion..............!! :D xxmissxx
... at 16 years old... I zoomed off on me motorbike (suzuki minicross LOL) down to the local traveller/hippy site... and they gave me some weed... an after that I never went home... I even followed the holy-ganja-path to the Amsterdam coffeeshops and lived ontop of one... thaz becoz thaz my passion..............!! :D xxmissxx
Haha.. life, from the top of a coffeeshop, could be a catchy book title ;-)_~
I was 13, at a Boy Scout Jamboree in San Antonio. A joint, a beer and I was out. Passed out.

Hmmm. I'm sorry, Grandpapy.

i was 10 btw and we took some from my friend's aunt. she grew it outside on a farm by the pig barn. i was seduced early in life and have loved her ever since. :eyesmoke: