Everybodys opinion welcomed. About Hawaii btw


New Member
Just a thought. As many people probably donʻt know the islands of Hawaiʻi are very poor. only very few native Hawaiians make it big. The rest are old retired white men who have been waiting their whole lives to just sit back and play golf everyday. There are also the Japanese. But whatever.

My point is that the economy of Hawaiʻi struggles on a day to day basis. My dad once told me that there are really no natural resources like oil, gold, diamonds, etc. for us to make a profit off of. He also said that TOURISM is our main source of income. As the natives fight for our sovereignty and rights to our native lands that the government controls:cuss: we really have no back up if they really do kick the US out.

SO *quick smoke break*:bigjoint:

My question to everybody on RIU is what do you think legalizing marijuana could do for Hawaiʻi??? Would it corrupt the lands or would it turn the islands into a whole new Amsterdam and multiply the level of tourism simply because who wouldnʻt want to sit on the beach and watch the sunset with your preferred smoking apparatus (bongs, joints, bubblers :-D, vapes, blunts [my fave:blsmoke:], etc.)

Iʻm not saying this would ever happen although I think it should. And Iʻm not saying that Amsterdam sucks. The cold rainy European landscape just isnʻt my scene.

You all are supposed to be high so I know you guys can really put some deep deep DEEP thought into this topic because it has potential to become realistic.

Smoke one. :peace:

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
it's cause you hawaiins are lazy as fuck. No I'm just kidding, I really am lazy tho. Anyhoo Your dad's right your on an island and there's no natural resources so it must be difficult for people. Than the irony of it is hawaii has some of the best pot in the world and they waste all this $ to fight the war on drugs. If it was legalized on a national scale (including hawaii)it would help everybody, our jails would be less croded, there would be less crime, there would be cheaper resources that didn't have to be taken from forests that have been growing for so long replacing them is impossible and we all live happily ever after. The only reason that it's not is because of all the $ illegal bud brings to people in power if it was legal the wealth would be more spread out IMO. What do I mean? If marijuana was legalized around the country can you imagine how many people would lose their jobs? (Not that I care because unless your actually a marijuana grower I have no pity on someone who would lose their job because marijuana was leagalized)

Sr. Verde

Damn that would be a GOOD idea!

Of all the places to legalize I never thought of this, it's also a small island with a hawaiian belief system built into the government, or is it mainly dumbasses over there too?

I'd love to live in Hawaii, how hard is it to make it over there from the mainland?


Well-Known Member
Lol was checking Magnum PI series I, last week for kicks, man hawai is(was) pretty.


New Member
it's cause you hawaiins are lazy as fuck. No I'm just kidding, I really am lazy tho. Anyhoo Your dad's right your on an island and there's no natural resources so it must be difficult for people. Than the irony of it is hawaii has some of the best pot in the world and they waste all this $ to fight the war on drugs. If it was legalized on a national scale (including hawaii)it would help everybody, our jails would be less croded, there would be less crime, there would be cheaper resources that didn't have to be taken from forests that have been growing for so long replacing them is impossible and we all live happily ever after. The only reason that it's not is because of all the $ illegal bud brings to people in power if it was legal the wealth would be more spread out IMO. What do I mean? If marijuana was legalized around the country can you imagine how many people would lose their jobs? (Not that I care because unless your actually a marijuana grower I have no pity on someone who would lose their job because marijuana was leagalized)

yea iʻve read and seen many documentaries talking about what would happen to the country if weed were legalized. But iʻm talking more about legalizing in Hawaiʻi than in the whole country (though thatʻd be nice). Laws and acts are more likely to get passed in Hawaiʻi because the Hawaiians fight for what they believe in. Look up Hawaiian protests on youtube and there are state wide peaceful protests.

Spreading the wealth on the islands would be nice. I lived my childhood running around outside with no shoes on and i have pronated ankles now because we couldnʻt afford a nice pair of shoes. my dad grew up without plumbing. they used outhouses and outdoor showers killing pigs and chickens to survive. This is the Hawaiʻi that people donʻt ever see unless youʻve been in the struggle too. But thatʻs not what I posted this thread about lol. So anyways

I just think Hawaiʻi needs something SOMETHING to boost itʻs economy because with the recession people are not flying to Hawaiʻi because itʻs so expensive. I know this because my dad used to work for aloha airlines which filed chapter 11 like last year i think. I feel like the US ignores us as a state. Idk about Alaska but itʻs probably the same way.

I just hate to watch my home become completely destroyed by poverty because the system failed to help us. It seems like all they care about is owning Hawaiʻi because itʻs a prime strategic location for their navy.:spew:USA lmao


Active Member
I was born in honolulu and I support this thread and the legalization of marijuana.

Make it so.

violator kush

Active Member
yea hawai is one of my favorite states, i've only been once and want to go back, so damn pretty and fun, pulse the ppl there are so chill, but back to the real question, they do need to go legit


New Member
It might work, as long as it doesn't chase away the old white guys.... :mrgreen: If it chases wealth away, then it's a trade off. It would have to be done in a way that keeps the old farts there (with the $$$).

I would suggest ONE island make it legal, and not the main island. Then everyone would have a place to go, and the rest of the population won't move away.

Lol was checking Magnum PI series I, last week for kicks, man hawai is(was) pretty.
:lol: I also caught an episode a few months ago, and at one point, the heli guy is on the phone to magnum, and he says the only other guy that fits the profile (of the bad guy in the plot) was a retired Policeman by the name of Mcgaret (sp?). It was quite funny!! A nice tip of the hat to Hawaii 5-0.

Want me to pick him up? Nah, says magnum.... classic funny.


New Member
Lol was checking Magnum PI series I, last week for kicks, man hawai is(was) pretty.
There still are beautiful places in Hawaiʻi, but only the locals know the really majestic places. I got some pictures of places that tourists are likely to see. And some not so much. All my pictures were taken by either me or my sister and are UNEDITED so itʻs the real deal

1st pic is of a sunset on the Big Island
2nd is at Sandys Beach on the south shore of oahu.
3rd is from a viewpoint on Diamond head on oahu
4th is in Waimanalo. Driving past waimanalo beach park you could probably still see this flag
5th Makapuʻu on the lower eastide of oahu
6th is of a pakalolo plant one of my family members were growing. idk the strain but the cola was about as big as my forearm (and i lift weights)




If it was legalized in every state, there still wouldn't be anything financially special about Hawaii. It would just be another state with legal pot. Although it would probably help a lot with the financial situation down there, it wouldn't be special like Amsterdam.

If you were talking about Hawaii being the only state with legal pot, then that would be an entirely different story. But I'm almost positive that would never happen.


New Member
True, but perhaps the first state to go full legal may be tolerated, and then the nay sayers will insist that since a haven does exist, no one else need make it legal. Hawaii has a geographical advantage, in that those against weed would feel insulated from its affects.

it's possible that the first state in stops the rest. Possible....


New Member
Alright ronny boy weʻre trying to have a mature and educated discussion about this topic. if you want to argue over whether the over throw of a kingdom using violence against unprotected natives then go on youtube and argue all you want like a lil kid until you canʻt type no more. iʻm only 18 and i think iʻm more mature than you and iʻm DEFINITELY sure that wouldnʻt get half that sentence out in my presence. Weʻre born as warriors and we die as warriors.

And respect to those on here that have had something useful to say. props to you.


New Member
True, but perhaps the first state to go full legal may be tolerated, and then the nay sayers will insist that since a haven does exist, no one else need make it legal. Hawaii has a geographical advantage, in that those against weed would feel insulated from its affects.

it's possible that the first state in stops the rest. Possible....
good point. the states on the mainland will be virtually unaffected by the legalization of marijuana in Hawaiʻi except for the millions of other tokers that will try to pass new laws in their state.