Every Time i grow indoors, Powdery Mildew!!!


I used Serenade, I also sprayed my whole room with it. (worked real well actually) and I am about to feed with some Botanicare Silica Blast to prevent further problems, Rhino skin will work too... Really anything with Potassium Silicate will do though.
Remember, if your not using your anti-fungal on everything in your room your not going to solve anything for long.


Well-Known Member
dip your clones with eagle 20 before you plant them and run a sulpher burner in 2 night intervals every 1-2 weeks depending on your humidity levels up to but not past 4th week of flower and you will never have to worry about powder mildew again. the eagle 20 is systemic so it helps prevent the growth and spread of PM in the plant cells and the sulpher vapor changes the ph of the leaf surface making it uninhabitable to PM. Ive battled powder mildew for a while and have tried every method and product from seranade to milk sprays with no real solution just slowing it down for a day or two only to comeback and have it still spread. Enviroment control does play a large part in the spread and growth of PM but the sad fact is once its in your room it doeswnt matter where your temps and humidity range the stuff will still grow and take over just at different rates. Its also damn near impossible to get rid of ALL the microscopic spores once its in your room short of breaking everything down and rebuilding from scratch. I have personally been using the eagle 20 and sulpher burner in conjunction with each other for over a year and have not seen a sign of PM for over a year. this is a big leap from having to fight it every other round.......:joint:


Word up on the eagle 20... I heard that's the shit. Getting a sulfur burner in here asap for a couple days. I am 19 days into complete 12/12 flower cycle but I cycled the lights down as well so its really right on the verge... There is a bit of crystal production going on but I don't think I am going to screw it up as long as I use a reasonable amount... My problems aren't that sever (most likely cause I been all over it) but seeing as I don't want it to become a problem I would be happy to hear your advice.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry about cycling your lights down if your getting a burner just run the shit out of it until around 30-35 days and you will be good to go for the rest of your flower cycle. just remember the burner doesnt kill it or make the PM dissapear it just stops it from growing on your plants. The microscopic spores will still be floating around your flower room so be aware of that if you have clones or mothers in other locations as to try and no spread it. I would keep the lights strong on 12/12 though...


Honestly, my first concern is for my personal safety and the safety and health of my fellow cannabis collective patients. Thanks for the help! I was really worried I might be too far in for the sulfur, and you answered the question I was too baked to remember.
No moms or clones for the next batch yet as I plan on moving and disinfecting everything I own. I am a quick learner and I am more than happy to take experienced advice, sick of learning the hard way... I plan on preventing this mildew issue from ever happening again.

What would be nice is an "organic" anti fungal-fungus that can be fed and up-taken directly into the plant and kill the mold inside the stalk/roots/leaves from within.