everone is woried about getting busted

have u been busted outdoors

  • busted

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • got away with it scot free

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters

Brick Top

New Member
would it be a good idea to scor the parts that are being placed into the soil and rooting horimone added?
It would be better, it would speed up rooting, but remember you will always be working with some thin soft material so if you do be sure to be careful and not cut deeply.
not a felony anywhere in america for tresspassing ahole.
trespassing with the intent to commit criminal activity is a felony . and why would you call bro an ass hole , ass hole.
and by the by TRESPASSING is how you spell it , ass hole .

we would always drop seeds down by the power lines . the power company only comes in once a year to thin it out , usually in the spring time . or near a tower with a blinking red light on it , indicator of a no fly zone .


Well-Known Member
ok how long aproxmatly untell roots devlop? and how much time dose it take to do this per plant?
and spookie child the no fly zone thing is true about the blinking red light unless ur nere a milatry base in that case it is a no fly zone for local air craft and police im nere a millatary base they do traning in helicopters here and when they spot crops alot of the people come back and steal themm....it hapend to mine this year:/ i saw them flying nere my stuff a day or to before they were oviose from the air becase it was a no fly zone(never thought the millatry guys would steal it shure enouf...dident heed a warning about it i have heard stories about it for years

Brick Top

New Member
ok how long aproxmatly untell roots devlop? and how much time dose it take to do this per plant?

I never probed around in the ground to see when roots developed. I wasn't that curious as to how long it took plus I didn't want to break any tender new roots, so I don't know. I just know that after harvest when I yanked what was left after cutting them off there were good solid root structures in each location.

I'm not sure if; "and how much time dose it take to do this per plant" was part of the root question or if you meant how long will it take for each section of growth to grow long enough to be able to be stuck in a small trench and hooked down so the next section would then begin to grow.

If you meant the second part, well, that will depend on your plant's rate of growth and even strain.


Well-Known Member
ok that makes sence to me they root out quickly and i can set the plants up like that quicky and it dosent efect the yeild much i think i willl do it
did u have a problem with bud rot becase there so close to the ground

Brick Top

New Member
ok that makes sence to me they root out quickly and i can set the plants up like that quicky and it dosent efect the yeild much i think i willl do it
did u have a problem with bud rot becase there so close to the ground

No. You will still have growth that goes upwards away from the ground. You just won't have trees or plants that without a close look will look like cannabis plants. Like I said, it sort of works like SCROG, sort of, without a net, and more stretched out.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the early aspect.. I would love to see some examples of where someone had a decent guerilla crop with AFs.
I did a small crop of Easy Ryder late summer more or less as an experiment. Averaged 1/2 oz per plant, which isn't that great, but I think if I tweek my setup a little I can pull 1 oz each at least from the right auto strain. Considered the upfront costs, I paid about $50 for the seed shipped and another $20 maybe on buckets and soil, so I definitely came out ahead. Didn't really cost me any extra time since they were right next to my regular plants.

I think the problem with autos outdoors arises because of the lack of hours of the day. For example, were started first week of July and I took them out late July/early August. By then, we were down to something like 14 hrs of daylight. Plus I live in an area with a lot of hills and trees, so I figure I lost 2 hours of light in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. I'm going to try them again next year and I have a feeling the ones I start in May will do much better than ones started in July.

Here's some pics from about 2-3 weeks before harvest I believe. Thought I had some closer to harvest but I can't seem to find them.



Well-Known Member
ok makes sence and it brances off at each spot
i have heard of things like sticking fake dollar stor flowers on plants anyone have other creative ideas like this?​


Got busted boom cops everywhere in my house was on probation so they needed no warrant , but they got owned because my mom just got a cannabis card a day before. Talk about lucy !! I was probably caught because of its smell and height , but i actually think its because if its smell. When it started smelling was when i got busted. I shoulda handled the smell i thought it was gonna be alright , almost paid for that , thanked my mom right after . *Wipes Sweat*


Active Member
Got busted boom cops everywhere in my house was on probation so they needed no warrant , but they got owned because my mom just got a cannabis card a day before. Talk about lucy !! I was probably caught because of its smell and height , but i actually think its because if its smell. When it started smelling was when i got busted. I shoulda handled the smell i thought it was gonna be alright , almost paid for that , thanked my mom right after . *Wipes Sweat*

Ya how did they trace a guerilla
Grow back to ur house?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
You mean lay low like Martin Luther King did? Rosa Parks? Gandhi? Che Guevara? How about Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, or Nelson Mandela for that matter?

I think you have no idea how strong you are, how strong we are. Revolution doesn't come growing weed in a closet.
Ill be seeing you in jail then.
Your an idiot..
you obviously have a good mentality to rebel,
but dont know how BADLY the goverment will fuck you.
Go right ahead,
no ones stopping you.
But im not going to be their with you when you get a riot control gun shot in your neck.

Dont be a dick dude,
im just saying.
You have no right being a "smart" ass,
and telling me how strong I am and what I can or cant do.


Norcal Grower

Well-Known Member
I've had multiple guerrilla grows from start to finish, this one of which I got ripped. I spent the winter months exploring, found a huge patch of nasty thick bushes a few hundred feet wide out in the woods. And I basically just crawled through way into the middle, where there were no large trees to block the sunlight, and cleared out a patch (about 20' by 20' wide) of the bushes. I set up my grow there. Everything went great, I took about 3/4 of my plants down late october and left the rest because they needed more time. But I suspect that at some point or another someone followed me or saw me hiking out into the forest off the trails, because I went back to harvest the rest and they were gone. I realize after that I had been walking the same exact route everytime and and had probably started to make a little bit of a trail that someone easily followed.
Anyway, DO NOT leave any kind of trail. Since that grow I have tried to take a different route to my outdoor grows EVERY SINGLE TIME I visit my plants, and haven't been ripped again. Do not let anyone see you wandering into the forest EVER. It could be a five year old or someone's grandmother, doesn't matter, abandon your plan, turn around, whatever, but just make sure no one is ever around to see you heading to your spot. You have to be a ninja if you grow guerilla style. Don't leave anything bright colored (like soil bags) in plain view for the choppers. And of course don't tell anyone about your plants, but I'm sure you already know that.
Be smart, take precautions, and you can grow guerilla style successfully.
Good luck dangerousknowledge,
-Norcal Grower