i didnt want to start a new thread cuz ive been doing too much of that lately, but i was wondering, after winterizing and straining out the fats/lipids, in most cases i understand people do a thin film at a time purge on 170F heat and scrape - I saw someone mention vac chamber purging the everclear tho - can this be done at any point and with whatever volume of liquid is in your bho after winterization or should it also be done in thin films? and should it be vacced on heat? And - will the liquid not get into the vac pump? Thank you
Yes, we use 115F @ -29.5" Hg in thin films.
You need either a chemical duty vacuum pump, or a cold trap to protect your vacuum pump.
Excellent. I'd definitely prefer to use my pump instead of a hot double boiler on the stove or electric skillet etc. I believe maybe this will create less fumes as well?
I bought a brake bleeder kit a while back and was thinking of using the liquid trap thingy between my chamber and my pump - do you think this will be "good enough" to protect my pump? ?
like this
I'm trying 10ml/1g ratio today
250ml 190proof everclear in
25.4g In
Kinda looks like it's gonna be thick
in woody oilmakers video he adds everclear off the heat, agitates, lets it sit for about half hour, and then freezes it and re-agitates before he strains it offwarmed up the solution added 35ml more of everclear and kinda agitated the scum up on the bottom of the jar. the solution is now very saturated and i can large particles floating around but that was even at room temperature, I think I used TOO LITTLE everclear, maybe I wasnt supposed to agitate , I'm just impatient. i'll update tomo. I took lots of pics today but i want to post them all at once.