ever use magical butter machine?


Well-Known Member
I just gotta let you guys know about how awesome the magical butter machine is if you don't have one. I just picked one up and they shot me a coupon code so my buddies could get $25 off, bringing it to $150+ship... way worth it! !!


I made coconut oil, used 2 cups, and 4 z of trim (they told me 1-4oz per cup)

Literally put the stuff in and press the oil button... it stirs, grinds, controls heat.... SET IT AND FORGET IT!!!

Also has butter and tincture button (just bought all the stuff for tincture, so pumped!!!)

Anyways I used 1/2 cup oil & made 40 cookies (1z worth of trim)... shit was way too potent, 1/2 cookie was a strong dose.

So all together 4z trim made 320 strong doses! Strongest edibles I've ever had! I can't wait to make tincture in a couple days!

Anyone else have one of these?

BTW if you get one make sure you only order it direct from their site, it's the only way to get the warranty(says so all over the site)


Well-Known Member
Just made another effortless batch of muffins with the mb machine...

This thing has gotten so much use and I love it when a friend says "I've never gotten high off an edible" it's like a bad challenge I know I'll win ha

So I can attest to this thing being quality. I've run it a LOT. Anyone have any good recipes that call for half stick of butter (I use 4oz coconut oil instead)

I always use the just add eggs and butter (coconut oil) stuff at the supermarket

I like to get about 40-50 items off a recipe so people can take halves (small cookies or small muffins)
