Ever think about going off the grid?


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to seriously considering getting away from it all. It seems like I am working now just to get by and is this really how it goes until you retire or die? I have always been interested in living off the land and was thinking Jamaica because it is warm, could grow my own food and weed.

Have you guys ever thought about moving away somewhere remote or enjoying life in a basic way?
yup, 5 conexs, 30 1000wers, 2000 plants.... 1 conex alone for tropical fruits and veggies.

youll see me on the news one day for sure,

(this is just a dream btw, not reality....)
yup, and i did. typing to you from within the deep mountains on the east side of the US.

you could be deeper but it takes me about 45 mins to get to the closest little town and i only go in twice a month for supplies.
A guy told me he had his panels in a growroom that charged his batteries for his house.I figured it was prolly bs
yup, and i did. typing to you from within the deep mountains on the east side of the US.

you could be deeper but it takes me about 45 mins to get to the closest little town and i only go in twice a month for supplies.

Wow, how long have you been living there? What is your day to day routine like?
Wow, how long have you been living there? What is your day to day routine like?

been here about 4 or 5 months this time and have stayed here for about 9 months at the longest.

day to day is different depending on what needs to be done around here. its getting cold so ive been cutting up dead trees and splitting wood lately. try to make the food last as long as i can so i dont have to go all the way to town. septic system and a water sistern. do have power here that runs a pump for plumbing. lose power a lot due to trees and shit hitting the one set of power lines coming up the mountain so gotta have a generator. not much else i can think of really....gets quiet.....real quiet.
yes, everyday. Though I dont want to go alone.... I have an idea... one that I think Could Be realistic if I was just lucky.........
werd. thought about opening a hunting/fishing camp up here. far drive for most people though.
Its a complex idea that I have which requires a lot of things to be worked out... though a majority of it I wont exactly be working out ;)
lol well it sounds like you got a plan! or dont? :p

Precisely. I do... missing pieces... things change, and other peoples opinions matter! all good things in due time... but time is also running short... I would like to enjoy my youth, and prosper from it. I havent found all the right candidates yet :/ People are stuck on their money and their greed/fear complexes regarding money :/
Precisely. I do... missing pieces... things change, and other peoples opinions matter! all good things in due time... but time is also running short... I would like to enjoy my youth, and prosper from it. I havent found all the right candidates yet :/ People are stuck on their money and their greed/fear complexes regarding money :/

no doubt i hear ya there.
yup, and i did. typing to you from within the deep mountains on the east side of the US.

you could be deeper but it takes me about 45 mins to get to the closest little town and i only go in twice a month for supplies.
Your home sounds amazing,that's how I would like to live away from all the hustle and bustle of life in the fast lane. :-?