ever since i switched to my hps light its been burning my plants?

jessica d

Well-Known Member
great advise for you in this thread. all grows have issues with one thing or another. always something to notice so what i do is have a comfy chair beside plants. bugs hide but they come out when you sit for awhile. gd luck man.


New Member
before you go junking them up full of nutes go immediatley and buy a hygrometer and a ph tester or blue lab meter if u got the xtra funds.. I can only imagine how hot it is in there.. get your temps down air circulating and let them breath for a bit. every post u make talks about adding nutes almost.. slow down take a breath and see what your dirt reading is..
thanks for the advice dude i couldnt afford the hygrometer but i do have ph tester and so far everything is going a lot better with the heat and deficiencies


Ive had the exact same issue. First grow I thought it was nut burn, but was also suspicious of the light change from MH to HPS. This grow I did no nutes up to the switch from MH to HPS and within a few days had the exact same problem again. It sure looks a lot like your pics. It seems to me you can have the MH a lot closer to the plants than the HPS. I raised it another 10 inches or so to just over 2 feet from plants and it seems to be helping


Well-Known Member
HPS lamps from MH or anything else will burn your plants ...it is not the heat it is the light intensity. folks who say hold your hand out and see if it gets hot - do not understand it is the LIGHT INTENSITY and not the heat that scalds those bad boys.

Things that help - raise that HPS up another foot from where the MH was sitting - I go even higher to start if its a new bulb. I have also had to dim my ballast (if you have a dimmable ballast) for a few days or intemitant throughout the day. Slowly lower they light down - but I have found that i need to keep my HPS a slight bit higher than a MH bulb....PITA, probably why I am considering COBS in my future