Ever notice when you are loaded (Stoned)bizarre things happen

Ohhh yeah I don't know how to hold my body or facial expressions and think about it to much hahaha

like this?
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Had a weird one happen the other night. I’m watching some crime show then out of nowhere some motherfucker is banging on my back door. Now I live out in the sticks and somebody during the day knocking would be like wtf??? But this was like 1 or 2 am. I look and it happens again like somebody knocking super hard on the window. Bam bam bam! The back door is 8 ft from where I am seated so they obviously have already seen me on the couch next to the light. I’m on my feet trying to see who is in the darkness and against the glass I see a beak and feathers. I hit the lights on to see a cat after a bird. I open the door and this huge fucking Magpie flies into the house and my large Rottweiler starts freaking out chasing it and running into shit knocking stuff over. Finally I get the dog out and catch the bird to release in the front yard. But really shit like this never happen when I’m sober LOL
I was at my friends house bout 10 years back. We got really high. I started driving home. A huge tree trimming truck coming the opposite direction left it's fucking bucket up. I just hear snapping and exploding and then see all these noodles of wire coming at me. I stop as fast as I can and they pretty much surround my truck. I just sat there high as hell and waited. For rescue. For the police. For the power company. All who I then had to talk to high as hell. I think that's one of those stories.
I once had a buddy who was toking up and heard somebody trying to break into his house on the balcony through the sliding glass door. He runs out the side yard into driveway with a pistol only to see the terrified elderly neighbor in next front yard saying “
There’s it was an earthquake”
Another guy I knew had something similar happen. He was having a feud with a neighbor and one night heard a loud thud on his window just as a loud car went by. He thought somebody shot or threw something at his house. He came running out and it was some bullshit decoration like a butterfly on a stick that was top heavy and tipped in the wind against the window. I can’t do the story justice but when he told it, I was in tears because of how serious he is
I can’t think of just one but so many times when I got overly stoned it seemed to put me into a twilight zone of unusual happenings. Like people you haven’t seen in forever show up, the lug nuts loosen up and your tire starts to come off, a car falls off a Jack, the dishwasher floods the kitchen, the cops show up but they are looking for a guy that stole an PG&E truck, a bull gets out of its fence and tears through your back yard, while toking on the balcony at your buddies you see a kid jump out of a car and run over to a rock and grab a bag from under it, you watch the neighbor kid back into somebody’s pos car that came to visit your buddy then watch him in turn try to pull a scam. Just weird shit that doesn’t seem to happen when you are sober and happen a lot more around that special stoner buddy of yours.
That's life, that shit's even going to happen when your dead. You just won't know about it.
I'm never sober. Nothing strange or weird has ever happened to me.
Or has it? :confused:


Bizarre if you ask me.

I was doing a laminectomy at the VA and one of the students, who was not happy with me said, "May you live in interesting times." At which point the Chinese circulating nurse lost her shit, lapsed into Chinese and chased the offensive student from the room. Then explained to me that it was a curse. Color me surprised! I get it now, but at 28 not so much.