Ever have a clone lag behind the others?

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
So I have these 4 blackberry kush reveg clones. For some reason one of them is growing slower than the other 3. Not by much, and it looks healthy, but I can see that it's smaller. It's also slightly less green, and it's getting purple on some of the older leaves. It's a purple strain but the other 3 are all dark green still.

It has the exact same pot, soil, light schedule, feeding/watering schedule etc. as the others.

I don't see any obvious signs of disease, dificiancy, or insect damage.

I'm not sure if i should change something for her, or just leave her be and hope that she'll catch up. Just seems odd that she hasn't had the same stretch and growth spurt as the others.

Here is a picture, she's the one on the left.


Well-Known Member
Looks fine but might have been damaged in the clone cutting. OR did not root as well as the others before you brought them out of cloning.

For us clones come out different sizes and strengths depending on where the cut came from. Top cuts with a couple knuckles work best for us.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks for reply. She was a rooted clone when I got her. So I don't know what part of the mother she came from. She was the same size as the others until the stretch.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Here's a thought. She's got a bit of gangster lean to her. Could she be wasting energy trying to hold herself up?


Well-Known Member
They all look stunted to me. still growing single blade fan leafs all over the plant. Revege or early flowered clones seem to do this.

Again notice all the single leaf leafs on your plants? This is telling me they have not fully converted and probably won't. I have found these type of reveg plants never really come out of it. And if they do it takes months. So always stunted in size.

I also had early flower this year. I toss those into the compost bin and started over with fresh clones again. But that was early in the season.

Now you know what reveged plants will do. Again single and triple leafs in the key your looking at with your plants.

Also revege plants will make the inside of your plants bushy as hell as you can see. so many shoots it's crazy. Your plants have all the signs. Nothing you can really do but see what happens at this point. You may have to thin them out some though.

I would just let them be. The look good for whats going on. What are your night time temps? All the plants behind them the same BB?


They all look stunted to me. still growing single blade fan leafs all over the plant. Revege or early flowered clones seem to do this.

Again notice all the single leaf leafs on your plants? This is telling me they have not fully converted and probably won't. I have found these type of reveg plants never really come out of it. And if they do it takes months. So always stunted in size.

I also had early flower this year. I toss those into the compost bin and started over with fresh clones again. But that was early in the season.

Now you know what reveged plants will do. Again single and triple leafs in the key your looking at with your plants.

Also revege plants will make the inside of your plants bushy as hell as you can see. so many shoots it's crazy. Your plants have all the signs. Nothing you can really do but see what happens at this point. You may have to thin them out some though.

I would just let them be. The look good for whats going on. What are your night time temps? All the plants behind them the same BB?

Damn... I'm going thru the same thing with my ak 47's... I put my clones out waaaaay too early. Leave them be is pretty much exactly what I've done, aside from nutes and water. You are 100% right about the little shutes on the insides... Still hoping I can at least pull a few oz off plants a lil bigger than those tho...


Well-Known Member
I would like to also add that if your plants early flower on you. I recommend starting over with new clones. If early enough in the season that is. OP I bet if you started with fresh clones in june those clones would be much bigger than those three BB you have now.

That being said I have been told those stunted plants can make some kick ass smoke.

In my case I had to start over for I could not risk any of them being stunted.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replys.

5150 these 4 BB are all stunted for sure, some pulled out better than others so i was just trying to understand why this one was lagging. The two behind are the same strain but they were put out later with lights over them and didn't flower early. They're much bigger.

I didn't have enough clones to replace them but I have 13 others going so I'm not too worried about it.

Nighttime temps are 40-50 most nights.

All 4 are starting to flower again and the middles have been cleaned out so I'll just let them do their thing.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replys.

5150 these 4 BB are all stunted for sure, some pulled out better than others so i was just trying to understand why this one was lagging. The two behind are the same strain but they were put out later with lights over them and didn't flower early. They're much bigger.

I didn't have enough clones to replace them but I have 13 others going so I'm not too worried about it.

Nighttime temps are 40-50 most nights.

All 4 are starting to flower again and the middles have been cleaned out so I'll just let them do their thing.
Sorry I missed the point on your original question. They look fine. Purple leafs are from your cold nights. Not sure why the others are not. You said it looks less green? I cannot really see that in the pics. Why is it smaller? Only thing I can think of is that cutting was from the upper of the donor plant. So it flowered more than say a lower cutting. Making it longer to revert back than the other cuttings taking inside and lower in the donor. Just a guess or thought though. Or that plant flowered more than the other making it longer to revert back. The further they get into flower the longer it takes to revert. Some never do like in your case with all the single leafs. The reason I say that is thats what happened to my 2 BB if you read my thread.

You have notice the single leafs right? Is the plant still growing single leafs out the new tops? Or even 3 finger leafs? When they grow sets of 5 leafs the top of the plant has reverted back to veg fully.

Hope this helps.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Yeah she is slightly less green. Just slightly. Maybe using more nitrogen or something. If she was on her own I would not even notice that she was less green. All my strains are different shades of green anyways.

The leaves are some singles and some sets of 3. I reverted them as best I could with some suplimental lights until the 3rd week of July.

I'm just trying to understand the plant as best I can not really much I can do other than let her flower and see what I get at this point.