ever feel like your floating away?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I do float into space..not on weed though, and when I mix weed with dissociatives I can't remember what happened half the time. But it feels good. Kills yourtotolerance though, can make it a full agonist.
Chewy j can never tell if your joking. You've mentioned Crack binges a few times..
But hey I'm on a ton of the HCl version..and. some other shit so I can't talk too much


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I do float into space..not on weed though, and when I mix weed with dissociatives I can't remember what happened half the time. But it feels good. Kills yourtotolerance though, can make it a full agonist.
Chewy j can never tell if your joking. You've mentioned Crack binges a few times..
But hey I'm on a ton of the HCl version..and. some other shit so I can't talk too much
It's my past lifestyle that peaks through at times. I was being serious. I've "floated away" more than I can remember. Those are memories now. I only smoke sensimilla