• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Ever Black Out Stoned?


Active Member
i actually mentioned something on here about this a couple days ago....

Smoked a couple bowls a buddy of mine had awhile back, he claimed was shipped to him from amsterdam, surely i figured, oh yeah whatever, its just some chronic....well smoked the two bowls, actually felt great, decided oh yeah why not, lets take a shot or two of jack, just for shits and giggles. and i regret all this now, just so happens we were attending a party next door, slipped off to smoke the ganj. Well, we go back over to the party, 15 mins or so after the bowls, i fuckin pass clean out, right by a tree, with a 3-4 inch root sticking out of the ground, smacked my right cheek good style. Pretty embarassing. :oops:Ever since then, always gotta smoke in moderation.


Well-Known Member
ur lucky u didnt fuk ur grill up..the same thing happen to me (i still got the marks to prove it) i dont think it was from the weed it was something different cuz i've been smoking for over ten years and this has never happend to me..but i was at my boys we drank 2-3beers smoked some weed and played pool..i ended up getting hella dizzy tho and fainted..my boy said i fell like a big ass tree..slammed face first into the CEMENT..broke my bottom jaw completley in half (they had to put a plate in my chin and sow it back together) and shattered the upper jaw in a couple places..got my jaw wired shut right now still actually this happen like 5weeks ago..i get it off monday ccchheeeaaa (liquid diets suck)


Active Member
oooo brutal, yeah my incident happened back when i was underage and considered myself to be a lightweight, and yeah i was lucky, had i fell to the right some more woulda been bad...we'd prolly be sharing the same experiance.


Well-Known Member
yea consider urself lucky lol when the girly's ask what happend to me i say..i went snowboarding and i was hitting up the half pipe doing some shawn white type shit and came down and hit the nose of my board on the edge of the pipe and ate it..lol their like awww ur poor thing..let me suck ur dick lol


Active Member
It has happened to me 2 times also. The first time we were all chillin on the back porch and we took SO MANY gravity bong hits. My friend pulled me another one and that's when I noticed how high I was. I told him I was past my limit and I couldn't possibly in any way take any more hits. My vision started fading, I went to stand up, and fell like a fucking rock. My boy caught me but they said I was all kinds of fucked up. I came to, was like wtf, went to get up again, and BAM! it happened again except a doorway caught my fall. They sat me down and gave me some water and I felt perfect. Shit's crazy though, I don't try to figure out why it happened. I think that it may have something with me being dehydrated and living in Florida over the summer lol.


Well-Known Member
wow, this problem seems alot more commonplace than i thought. damn man, broke your jaw right in fucking 2?! damn! I DO feel lucky i didnt nail my face that bad!


Well-Known Member
yea chipped teeth in the back to..bit my tongue hella bad..it was all bad but im better now..liquid codeine made me feel like nothing happend lol that shit fuck's u up..it will turn ur frown upside down haha..smoke a blunt with it to help ease the pain even better..works real good lol


Active Member
yes...it was my second time smoking.. it was 2 grams of blueberry kush.. i could not stop laughing then i just passed out in my friends shed


Well-Known Member
i have a few times.... usually it was when my body was "run down" from excessive partying 4 a few days straight. one time I had been drinking and smoking with very little sleep for a few days and went to lacrosse practice, I just fell out in the middle of our pre-practice smoke session. from what i was told, they had to drive me home in my own car and i couldnt even seatbelt myself in


Well-Known Member
I havent blacked out like without knowing I was about to go to sleep, now I have gotten so stoned that I felt to tired to control it and went to sleep, but never just passed out without warning.


Well-Known Member
I smoked some good stuff tonight, and ended up blacking out and falling on the floor like an hour and a half later. It was a regular high up until I got home and was making some tea in the kitchen, then my ears starting ringing really loudly, I felt like I was going to vomit, and then I blacked out and woke up whenever later, with my jaw all banged up from landing on a stool.

Dude I would go to the doctors if I were you. That sounds similar to concusion symptoms, prior to blacking out, and the black out itself. R u diabetic or hypglycemic? Epileptic? Brain tumor? Go to the docs. I've never blacked out in my life, & i hate going2 doctors/hospitals, but if i blacked out I'd go. When u came to, did u notice a bunch of sweaty guys around u, and searing pain in ur bung bung?:hump:
j/k trying to make light of possibly serious situation.


Well-Known Member
Just occured to me, maybe u stood up too fast? My brother was sitting up against a wall with his eyes closed for like half an hour waiting for i cant remember what, but when he finally stood up, just tipped right over. TTTIIMMMBBERRR! Messed his nose and face up for a while, just from standing up too fast. Something about blood/oygen leaving the brain too fast.


Well-Known Member
lol oh man.

i was smokin a a nice little sesh at home. and was getting ready to play drums. i packed my last bowl and held it in and started walking to my drums (about 10-15 feet away). But by the time i got near my drums i felt crazzy dizzy and could barely see. And if it werent for a pillar near my drumset (that i grabbed onto and held for dear life) i might of knocked my self out or worse..

but it think it was the quantity of bongs in a such a small amount of time and me standing up too quickly..

that and i was hungover haha
I have blacked out twice from smoking. The first time I was driving to get some red lobster and has to stop half way there cause I couldn't see the road. Had to find the next road to stop and when I found the street to turn on I allmost hot the firehidrent (spelling sucks sorry)! The second time was the same feeling before I blacked out bit this time I was at a Buddha house. Both times the feeling started while I was sitting down. So I know I didn't stand up too fast. The feeling started n my feet. I could feel pulsating that would start creeping upy legs then to my gut. eventully up to my shoulers then. Started downy arms after reaching my finger tips The pulsation started up my neck then when it reached my eyes I tryed to shake it off and I worked once the feeling went back down to my gut where it all started to head back up my body. When it had reached my eyes I knew I was going to pass out so I just closed my eyes and tryed to breath and then I felt a thud n my head when I was passed out I was dreaming I was a cedar point on a roller coaster. My friends were like dude r u all right And I was like yeah y r u guys laying down then I realizes that I was passed out. The worst part of the whole passing out thing was that I was only smoking a joint and they were regs or mids to some peeps. I've never had the feeling for 3years now and have only smoked Cali bud thanks to a friend with a man n humbolt county.
Sorry did this on my phone and I wasn't at a budaha house that was my phone correcting my spelling. Peace now I have to gather up my canna butter to make my brownies for the super bowl. Peace

filter funker

Active Member
A friend of ours made a "special" birthday cake last year for someone we knew. She called it her "space cake". It was carrot cake, which WAS her fave. Brought it over to our her house and decided to get started early and have 2 pieces each. I should have known, she makes some REALLY strong cake...

Anyways, it was all good at first, we were having fits of laughter, rolling on the floor, barely able to walk. This was an hour after consuption. Then some people arrived we didn't know, they started singing kareoke...it was really bad...everything went downhill from there. I ended up curled up in the corner of one of the bedrooms hyperventilating while my fiance was contemplating if the strangers dog was going to EAT HER or not!!!??? My heart was racing out of control by this point , I thought i was gonna have a heart attack so I went to the kitchen to try and find a phone and blacked out cold! Woke up to everyone laughing, a friend helped me up and says "dude you look whiter than casper, you ok? That must have been some gnarly cake!". Then i proceeded to check on my fiance, which in the meantime had pissed her pants! My other friends who had consumed the same amounts were hiding in other parts of the house, scared out of their minds and not sure what to do. So we huddled together and things eventually became someone "normal" again after a good 6 hours. Felt funny for 2 days afterwards! We still talk about that night...every time I see my friend that baked the cake she can't look me straight in the eye! When I told her about our experiences she says "oops! I guess i made it a little too strong!". It's even more tripped out that she looks like a little devious elf. None of us have eaten any pot food since then, the rest of it is still in the freezer almost a year later. :o


Active Member
this was back when i waS underaged. maybe 15 or 16. this was the second time i smoked weed in my life. upstairs in a friends house. passing around a bong and a blunt between 4 people. my mind started racing and i stood straight up and started pacing around. everyone was high so they didnt even notice me. i kept pacing and pacing and then my grandma called. i didnt wanna answer it there so i trie dto walk down the stairs that were shaking. i turned back to my friends to ask them why the staircase was shaking, and they started poking fun at me.

i managed to get downstairs. called my grandma. and then i hung up, and the good part of the high set in as i went back up the stairs. i got cottonmouth so bad i couldnt even swallow anymore and my friend and i left and got some muchies and something to drink.


I can't say I've ever lost consciousness and went into auto-pilot like I have with alcohol, but I can say that I've smoked so much in a night that I couldn't remember good chunks of it the next day. I've also smoked myself to the point of spinning vision and puking a decent number of times. :bigjoint:
ha. i thought i was the only one who used the term "auto pilot" when reffering to a mental state i was in. awesome!

i've had moments of smoking high amounts of quality smoke, and just getting too high. that always results in me getting sick sometimes, and going to take a nap. normally back in an hour or 2 for the next bowl hit. never passed out but i've gotten serious tunnel vision from standing up too fast after major couch lock.


Well-Known Member
happen to me one time when i went to visit a friend in the hospital after they had just gotten in a car wreck. I worked that morning from 6am-3pm bustin ass all day.. i smoked some kill with a buddy on the way to visit our friend and hadn't eatin anything yet that day. We were standing up in the hospital room and i started getting a cold sweat, then i lost my hearing.. all i could hear was ringing in my ears, i felt really light headed and then lost my vision from my peripherals inwards.. just went black. I collapsed and just fell on the floor right in front of the nurses, doctor, and my friends family lmao. as soon as i hit the floor i woke back up and felt really disoriented... i was definately seeing stars at first lol. It's only happen to me that one time and it was about 3 years ago.. it has happened to two of my friends before when they were just standing up to get off the couch at my place as well.. it was more of a head rush type of thing though.. i was just standing still when it happen to me, luckily i was already at the hospital though so they had cold water, ice pack, and a doctor immediately haha


Active Member
Dude just the other night hit my head on my computer desk,shit just went white,and the next thing i saw was i think it was my key board,thank god my desk is not to far from my face that could of been a fuck up think u now!!!