Ever been addicted to a drug?


Well-Known Member
a love for the green isnt an addiction.

i never robed anyone over a joint, never withdrawn from herbs, never stayed up all night looking for a dime, never flip out when i cant get a few hits of grass

was gonna say no one gos to rehab for weed, but they sadly do


Active Member
ya last year i was an E-tard, i also have recovered

i do battle with opiates here and there
yoo lol everyone around my area are man..all my close friends..

my saying mann...

if it aint green it aint for me :joint::peace:

But congrats to all the rest of you!! thats whatsup yall made a strong comeback :hump:


Well-Known Member
as long as you really don't have the psychological NEED of it.. you said that you were addicted to drinking, and then you recovered. so I am trusting you would know if you really thought you had things under control, or were just fooling yourself.. great job man. my mom used to be an alcoholic. it's not pretty. :peace:
i think i do have things under control. for example: when i was drinking alot if i wasnt drunk by sundown i would flip out. i wouldnt be able to stop once i started drinking. i would puke nightly for months on end cuz i drank too much. i remember one time me and one other person finsihed a bottle of jack in about 10 minutes. the other kid puked for 5 hours straight. i puked for maybe 15 minutes and passed out. i would dirnk and drive daily. i would wake up in the morning with no idea how i got home and would always worry and think " oh shit i hope my car isnt parked in the lawn"

but now my tolerance is pretty damn low. and if i start drinking and dont get drunk i dont care. and too be honest i dont even like drinking nearly as much as i did. i hate feeling hung over. back in the day i always felt like that so i didnt realize how shitty i felt. and now i only drink once maybe twice a week or every other week. so 30 times a month to 4-8 times a month aint bad.


ciggeretts is the worst thing im addicted to one day i will stop. i swear


Well-Known Member
I was addicted to powder Cocain for 3 years. I stole my families credit cards and lied to innocent honorable people to feed my seemingly endless habit. After that drama took place I then developed a strong interest in Ecstacy which dwindled after I developed a weird arythmia in my heart every time I took it.


Well-Known Member
I used to be addicted to Adderall, sadly. for about a year and a half. Now, a year later, I have made what feels like a full recovery. I picked up this new hobby, which really has my heart now. Anyone who doesn't know, Adderall is amphetamine based, and I took them on a daily basis, unprescribed, for almost 2 years. Dosages anywhere from 20mg to 120mg, usually the XR(extended release). Cheap, relatively easy to access, but kills your mind and body faster then you think you can fix it. I am just posting to celebrate the fact that I am not a prisoner anymore, and can do the things I love. :joint:

I know dozens of people here have had that monkey on their back, and many still have it. Put down the bananas :cry:
im presciped 30mg Adderalls twice a day for my adhd
but i dont take them like that..
i will break one in half and it will do for me..
damn i will clean the house all day..
but it gets my heart racein and i get all shakey feelin and shit..
but it gives me the energy i need..
but i caint take a whole one....


Well-Known Member
im presciped 30mg Adderalls twice a day for my adhd
but i dont take them like that..
i will break one in half and it will do for me..
damn i will clean the house all day..
but it gets my heart racein and i get all shakey feelin and shit..
but it gives me the energy i need..
but i caint take a whole one....
yeah, I used to take them and clean, and do schoolwork, play video games, etc. but eventually I fell in love with the way it made me felt. I've got some friends that have old, old ADHD med bottles that say "amphetamine salts" on them. true phrase :joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah, I used to take them and clean, and do schoolwork, play video games, etc. but eventually I fell in love with the way it made me felt. I've got some friends that have old, old ADHD med bottles that say "amphetamine salts" on them. true phrase :joint:
amphetamine salt is just generic for Adderall its still the same....
and its still does the job...:peace:


Well-Known Member
amphetamine salt is just generic for Adderall its still the same....
and its still does the job...:peace:
Yes I know. I was saying that not everybody knows the Adderall is in fact an Amphetamine, and not just another ADHD drug. with a name like amphetamine salts, it teaches the younger crowd something new about their medication D:


Active Member
And here I am thinking about doing adderal (xr) to get better grades :(

Have only done it a few times, and they were spread out. This thread is really changing my mind about it. But adderall just focused my mind so well, but not just that it made me exponentially more social. So that can't be a good thing


Well-Known Member
ciggeretts is the worst thing im addicted to one day i will stop. i swear
I just quit smoking cigarettes about 4 months ago. I have been an avid smoker for the passed 4 or 5 years, smoking around a pack a day(sometimes less, sometimes more. if I was doing adderall, definitely more). But I quit one day.

I got one of my wisdom teeth pulled, and smoking a cigarette(because of the suction) hurt my mouth, and I finally decided that it was disgusting. I was just asking for something bad to happen to my body. I am going to tell you right now, only YOU can choose when to quit. If you are one of those people(like me) that needed to wait till one of his teeth got pulled, then maybe you should try quitting the next time you have dental work, or have a bad cold. It really is the best time to quit, when you are sick and you smoke you just feel.... bleck.... :joint:


i dont know how you guys can concentrate on stimulants i cant think for shit all geeked up on coke


Well-Known Member
And here I am thinking about doing adderal (xr) to get better grades :(

Have only done it a few times, and they were spread out. This thread is really changing my mind about it. But adderall just focused my mind so well, but not just that it made me exponentially more social. So that can't be a good thing
I am glad you passed this thread. You want to know the best use of your Adderall? If you can't(or won't) sell it, throw it away. Empty the caps into the trash, and throw them out. or make a couple bucks off of them. Please, do not hurt your body, if you don't have any ganja to smoke, don't resort to pills. Look up some information about your new grow setup you are planning out that is going to make you a happy smoking camper within the next 6 months :) :peace:


Well-Known Member
i dont know how you guys can concentrate on stimulants i cant think for shit all geeked up on coke
Adderall is different than cocaine, to me anyways. Cocaine will only last for 30 minutes to an hour, and I have to do more and more. my pockets and my nose cannot afford that. Adderall gives you a speed buzz for 8 hours straight. I personally see a big difference, but have never gone on a cocaine binge before. I haven't seen the stuff in forever, and don't really desire to. I've heard of lots of kids taking adderall before they take some tests or classes. But snorting up some rails of cocaine before school? That may have been a think of the 80s..:peace:


Well-Known Member
went for a 6 year meth binge back in the late 70's early 80's. talking about the devils drug. i just gave up cigarettes last year, maybe the worse of the two.


Well-Known Member
went for a 6 year meth binge back in the late 70's early 80's. talking about the devils drug. i just gave up cigarettes last year, maybe the worse of the two.
6 years? wow.. that must have been hell on your body :( that is the devil's drug, there is no better way to put it. my dad would tell me growing up that PCP was the devil's drug. I've never done it or heard of it coming around my area ever, but with what I know about amphetamines I'm scared to think it can compare