Ethrel, Mainly Female?


Well-Known Member
Everyone, I was just browsing the web, and came accross this substance called Ethrel. After a bit of research, I did find a published research abstract about it. It has been used for a while, primarily as a fruit producing agent, but as well, as an emasculation agent, meaning, it helps plants stay female.... The benefit is the ruduced amount of time needed to weed out male plants in a crop that females are desired and males are detrimental.
Anyway, as I read a bit more, these is evidence that this may also work with cannabis. My question to you, has anyone used it?
It is supposed to be sprayed on the plant young in life and force it into female traits.... Here is one abstract talking about barley....
Let me know what you all think


Well-Known Member
I saw something in this months High Times about a spray that is used to turn plants/seeds into females. Maybe it's the same stuff. I will have to go look it up.