Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

@Sir Patrick
"Pure skunk, cat piss, stepped in dog shit and true Christmas tree pine is what I'm always looking for, from the old school (early 90's) days....

Pepper and mint, not so much- Ha!!!

Thx for the heads up."
You will prolly enjoy quite a bit of my lines then haha, I mess with alot of early 90s lines, and before...theres a guy on here who has either 79' or 89' Christmas tree bud. I can find who it is, if your interested.
Stepped in dog shit, is in some chemdawg phenos, also being related to a baby shit smell, and old school skunk smelt like dog shit after it was burned.
Many of my lines have the old dj short BB b4 his son started muddying the waters.
The old original chemdawg cuts, 76 hippie mafia Thai stick, 76 panama red, 88NL#5/91NH, hippie mafia nigerian landrace. And many more.
Do you guys think this crit. daddy purple I got going could finish in 12 days from now? I know alot can happen in 2 weeks but she doesnt look like shes maturing, just keeps getting bigger. (Not complaining!)
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Had nothing I could use . Might have to wait till Saturday. Let’s hope these girls root and make it .


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Realized I never did the 24hr update, so here's the 48hr plus a little more info on the organic portion of this.

Update Day 23

I've had the same bucket going since 3 days prior to sprout, no swaps. The only additions I made were with tap water to top off and a cup of compost tea at day 15.




I decided to dump and sterilize the bucket today (lots of buildup). Ph was sitting at 7.6, water temp at dump was 78F. I didn't need to but, I felt compelled to clean it for aesthetics lol.

I wanted to post the roots especially. Most folks would look at them and scream rot, but look closer. There is no twisting, decay, breakages, nothing. They were pruned 48hrs ago and you can see the new white growth shooting out.

Those are microbial colonies. I used a loupe and you can see the roots are very solid under the "slime". No foul smells, even with manure tea. Smells earthly, not like pond water.

I'm going to top for 8 tops at day 30, then flip.