Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Ole lady smashing my plants literally. Just know I only have ever loved my family until the total end

Hate to get too open but long story short she’s been texting my boss sending pics whatever black and white confirmed for the last month. Been Hell since

She bit the back of my head twice earlier.

Literally. Shaving head tomorrow for proof

Threatening cops and shit. She allowed this to happen...... both go down worst case scenario. Need to leave butbmy 91 Ford festiva break went out a few days ago been driving to work burbhard to get far. Have to shift into 2nd then 1st to hopefully stop........ idk man
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Ole lady smashing my plants literally. Just know I only have ever loved my family until the total end

Hate to get too open but long story short she’s been texting my boss sending pics whatever black and white confirmed for the last month. Been Hell since

She bit the back of my head twice earlier.

Literally. Shaving head tomorrow for proof

Threatening cops and shit. She allowed this to happen...... both go down worst case scenario. Need to leave butbmy 91 Ford festiva break went out a few days ago been driving to work burbhard to get far. Have to shift into 2nd then 1st to hopefully stop........ idk man
Get rid of the plants and leave !
Ole lady smashing my plants literally. Just know I only have ever loved my family until the total end

Hate to get too open but long story short she’s been texting my boss sending pics whatever black and white confirmed for the last month. Been Hell since

She bit the back of my head twice earlier.

Literally. Shaving head tomorrow for proof

Threatening cops and shit. She allowed this to happen...... both go down worst case scenario. Need to leave butbmy 91 Ford festiva break went out a few days ago been driving to work burbhard to get far. Have to shift into 2nd then 1st to hopefully stop........ idk man
I agree with ice here man... get the hell out of there! You can always set up and start a grow again once your in a safe place ya know
Ole lady smashing my plants literally. Just know I only have ever loved my family until the total end

Hate to get too open but long story short she’s been texting my boss sending pics whatever black and white confirmed for the last month. Been Hell since

She bit the back of my head twice earlier.

Literally. Shaving head tomorrow for proof

Threatening cops and shit. She allowed this to happen...... both go down worst case scenario. Need to leave butbmy 91 Ford festiva break went out a few days ago been driving to work burbhard to get far. Have to shift into 2nd then 1st to hopefully stop........ idk man
Big Steve said he had you a spot on the couch to crash .
Seems like the two sites I kept up with Ethos on no longer carry them, anyone got a recommendation for seedbanks? Preferably one that takes CC?
Have about 5 concerts in the next month and every show is in her name. The credit card. Trying to keep my mouth shut thru concert season and harvest then I’m bouncing