Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Would thisbget the job done for a PH controller?

I know you get what you pay for. But I’m just trying to keep steady Ph. Nothing more nothing less.

I don't know anything about that, but your ph might not be bad. Did you ever get a new meter and retest?
Not yet. I’m going to my buddies after work to pick one up from him. Gonna give him 20 bucks for it. Rather do that than pay ten bucks and wait on shipping.

My PH may be ok. But the swing/my work hours worry me
Not yet. I’m going to my buddies after work to pick one up from him. Gonna give him 20 bucks for it. Rather do that than pay ten bucks and wait on shipping.

My PH may be ok. But the swing/my work hours worry me

It won't swing that much once you're set up. Your water will stabilize and once you have roots in the water, they'll adjust the ph a little by themselves.

In my opinion, the best way to learn isn't through automation, but hands on. I feel your pain on just wanting it done, hell I think we all do, but what's going to make YOU a better grower?
Should have grabbed the jiffy thing but I’ll just grab some rr HOPEFULLY tomorrow. 2 questions. Do I want my net pots slightly above the water or do I want the bottom slightly submerged? I know it’ll wick up from the splashing of the bubbles . Just not sure on water lvl . Second . Ph not huge problem as of now but the ph range do I want it to be 6.1 or 5.7 range ?
Everyone's like: "autos suck they're so tiny EXCEPT for mephisto!"

Next thing I know, it's Christmas, and everyone's buying up meph seeds, even moab and clyde here if i remember right. Isn't that how we started all this? a mephisto test seed sam's crack comparative grow ..

got swept up in the hype - clyde's my hype-man.

i do like that they finish almost a full 30-40 days sooner or even 2 months sooner than photoperiods (my sam's crack finished on day 76 and gave up 3 zips - 3 zips in 2.5 months is pretty rad!)

but yeah, soon as they're gone i'll go 'rejoin the big boys' :blsmoke:

Course, just messin w you guys, cept on the small plants part...i bet mine are shorter than anything you guys have
Should have grabbed the jiffy thing but I’ll just grab some rr HOPEFULLY tomorrow. 2 questions. Do I want my net pots slightly above the water or do I want the bottom slightly submerged? I know it’ll wick up from the splashing of the bubbles . Just not sure on water lvl . Second . Ph not huge problem as of now but the ph range do I want it to be 6.1 or 5.7 range ?

I like it about 1/2" under the net pots and I like the ph to fluctuate between 5.6-6.2.

My 2 cents.
It won't swing that much once you're set up. Your water will stabilize and once you have roots in the water, they'll adjust the ph a little by themselves.

In my opinion, the best way to learn isn't through automation, but hands on. I feel your pain on just wanting it done, hell I think we all do, but what's going to make YOU a better grower?
True man I feel ya. Just hate the state I’m in not much time/ability to do much playing around without getting results :/
So should I ph it to 6.1 and let it drop to 5.6 and then boost it back to 6.1 . When roots hit i check ppm to see if ate? As for net pot I have the bottom a half inch submerged. Inside pot little bit of hydrotron rapid rooter on top of hydrotron and let it wick up to the rr . That it in a nut shell ? Think I’ll use gh flora series. Seems simple .
So should I ph it to 6.1 and let it drop to 5.6 and then boost it back to 6.1 . When roots hit i check ppm to see if ate? As for net pot I have the bottom a half inch submerged. Inside pot little bit of hydrotron rapid rooter on top of hydrotron and let it wick up to the rr . That it in a nut shell ? Think I’ll use gh flora series. Seems simple .
My plan is to set my cube thing right in the middle. Empty basket. And gently layer hydroton around that. Leaving the basket 80% empty until the plant stretches and I’ll fill in as she grows.

If you set your basket in your bucket and turn pump on. Increase water level until you see little drops of water exploding up into your net slits.
That’s the easy part . So fuckin tired . Been up since 2:30 this morning . Think I got 4 hrs at best of sleep . I want to hook up the two buckets with water and all . So fuckin tired and kind blah without having everything.
So should I ph it to 6.1 and let it drop to 5.6 and then boost it back to 6.1 . When roots hit i check ppm to see if ate? As for net pot I have the bottom a half inch submerged. Inside pot little bit of hydrotron rapid rooter on top of hydrotron and let it wick up to the rr . That it in a nut shell ? Think I’ll use gh flora series. Seems simple .

Just keep it in between your 5.6-6.1 any way you want. Stay in that zone.

Realistically, you should check ppm every time you check ph, just so you can see what's what and make sure you're not growing algae.

I would put the water level a half inch below the cup, just so they stretch down to it and you aren't drowning them in your rapid rooter. The way you have it will probably work, just preference I guess.

I've used the flora trio. They work fine.