Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)


Well-Known Member
Phosphorus was blocking out N, the lighter lower leaves. If it progresses and further, it will lock out K, throw a K def, and then you'll start overfeeding K, which blocks Ca, Mg, and Fe. It'll just keep you casing. I see it a lot with folks using bloom boosters.

Anyhow, course of action?
Wanna take a look at my plants individually later and see if you can help me diagnose and fix (hopefully) minor issues?

I mean my plants aren’t dead and they grow bud. 4 of them take up a 4x4 tent.... probably could do something special if I tried....

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Wanna take a look at my plants individually later and see if you can help me diagnose and fix (hopefully) minor issues?

I mean my plants aren’t dead and they grow bud. 4 of them take up a 4x4 tent.... probably could do something special if I tried....
Sure post them up. We can all walk through it, if everybody is game.

I'll do this walk through quick.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member

Ok. From here, you can see the yellowing lower leaves. However, notive their overall health. No tip burn or curl anywhere on the plant that would indicate K def. The leaves are all healthy and standing at attention. With K def, it affects the stomata, which is why you get that curl like wind burn or overwatering, if you've seen that. K tox will ghost your tips. They'll start out as an ashy gray and move to a brown burn. The gray is subtle, but it's there if you look.

We know it's not N because the color variations. N tox would cause the entire leaf to be dark green and the tips would take a bow. It's a bow because at least you didn't go too far and roast them. They recover in that state. It could be N def, but no other symptoms suggest anything of the nature.

If it were P def, there would be splotches on the mid and lower leaves from the breakdown. The leaves would become weak and waffly, if that's a word. Since it's P tox, there is an over abundance of stored energy for the plant which is responsible for the dark green edges. Progression of this tox will lock out K next and lead to K, Ca, Mg, and Fe deficiencies.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
I still dont understand why the guides said blue leaves were a sign of def and not tox
With K tox, you'll get a curl and a burn. Just before that burn, the leaves are that dark blue. The reason is, K controls the stomata. When K is lacking, it can't control the stomata right and you get a buildup of ATP/energy from the photosynthesis. That buildup is the same buildup you see in my pics, same blue you'll get with K def. It's a buildup of stored energy. If the plant can't transpire right, it can't burn stored energy.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
The blue/purple/green is symptomatic of excess stored energy. There can be multiple causes. Anything that alters photosynthesis, respiration, or transpiration can cause this buildup.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
VPD can cause it as well. In this case, it was the lack of symptoms that made it very easy to diagnose. The yellowing lower leaves just indicates N is being slightly locked out.

It's not a K issue though, at least not the root of it.