Ethics of Selling

Just think if nobody sold weed. The people who don't grow are shit out of luck. like
the other responces fair market value.
Getting expenses back from friends is one thing. There are a number of hazards with potential moral implications associated with dealing for a living. It's dangerous because you become a magnet for crime. It becomes difficult if not impossible to control who knows about it. It makes it difficult to tell friends from enemies. If you deal you have to be willing to pay the price if you're caught, and you have a moral obligation to insulate your friends and family from the dangers you bring on yourself. I also think it's wrong to deal to minors.

Examples: It is morally wrong to deal out of your family's residence. It is morally wrong to use friends as mules or to launder money.

I personally would never deal, in part because I have seen the predictable consequences of other people doing it.
ethics and morals are in your head, so... you should do what makes you happy, and don't sweat what anyone else thinks
Getting expenses back from friends is one thing. There are a number of hazards with potential moral implications associated with dealing for a living. It's dangerous because you become a magnet for crime. It becomes difficult if not impossible to control who knows about it. It makes it difficult to tell friends from enemies. If you deal you have to be willing to pay the price if you're caught, and you have a moral obligation to insulate your friends and family from the dangers you bring on yourself. I also think it's wrong to deal to minors.

Examples: It is morally wrong to deal out of your family's residence. It is morally wrong to use friends as mules or to launder money.

I personally would never deal, in part because I have seen the predictable consequences of other people doing it.

You bring up a really good point. And not only with dealing but growing too. Creating an insulation between you and your family is a definite downfall to dealing/growing. I hate it though, my grow is by far the biggest most exciting thing in my life right now. Something I've been excited about doing almost all my young adult to adult life and now I'm finally getting the chance to do it but I can't share it with anyone except the few really close friends I live with. I can't call home to mom and be like "OMFG WOW MY PLANT GREW LIKE 5 INCHES LAST NIGHT!" or brag to my dad about making more from one crop then he does in a year, or even have an answer when my family members are asking me where I'm working, waht I'm doing and how I can afford to live... although at the same time I don't feel or believe I'm doing wrong. Everyone I ever sold to was getting something I would have bought myself, was told what they were getting, and were happy with it. Yet in the eyes of millions of people I'm just a low life criminal. That to me is the hardest thing to deal with when working as a dealer.
I see nothing wrong with it at all as long as you're being a fair seller and not short changing your buyers, giving them stuff weighted down with stems and sugar etc.
I buy from older folks, when I do buy pot. ^_^ Old people are awesome, he and she always tells me to roll a joint and smoke it before I buy anything.
I buy from older folks, when I do buy pot. ^_^ Old people are awesome, he and she always tells me to roll a joint and smoke it before I buy anything.

when i used to sell before i every started growing, i did the same thing. i used to smoke with anyone who wanted to buy before they bought it.
I sold one dime and now it is like I am wearing a shirt that says "I sell weed."
People are walking up to me now and asking for ganj. Just chillin' at a bar and strangers are coming up to me with open hands. I have no idea how they know! I don't have shifty eyes do I?
Nothing wrong with selling at all. If you have a quality product that somebody wants then what's wrong with a cash exchange? Plus, growing is a lot of work! Yeah, I totally enjoy the hobby but it can be a lot of work to maintain a quality, clean garden. You also have to consider the money that a grower spends on nutrients, grow lights, hydro gear and the electric bill. A lot of the money you make from your harvest goes right back into the garden. I also do give some nice nugs away to deserving friends, I like the smile it puts on my friends faces. But, I do charge some of them too in order to support my horticulture habit and to upgrade and maintain my garden.

I don't see anything wrong with selling to people, as you've invested your money in to the equipment and your time in to the actual growing (I know you get to smoke your stuff too, but with those 90+ days of taking care of your babies wouldn't it be nice for some compensation for your extra.) I just wouldn't sell to random people or kids. Also I wouldn't ever sell by your house because thats just a stupid way for the cops to get you on both.
I sold one dime and now it is like I am wearing a shirt that says "I sell weed."
People are walking up to me now and asking for ganj. Just chillin' at a bar and strangers are coming up to me with open hands. I have no idea how they know! I don't have shifty eyes do I?

Thats how it starts,next thing you know your flipping pounds like m&m's.

I got nothing against dealers,i used to be one a long time ago,im to much a chicken shit now,the last time i sold the cops stole my motor home & sold it,they aint getting this one :mrgreen:
I sold one dime and now it is like I am wearing a shirt that says "I sell weed."
People are walking up to me now and asking for ganj. Just chillin' at a bar and strangers are coming up to me with open hands. I have no idea how they know! I don't have shifty eyes do I?

I can spot a cop a mile off. Those stupid dopes couldn't catch a cold.

I used to have respect for cops, but they have lowered the bar so low they have an army of bumbling, corrupt idiots.
Dude, you got to move out of Sunnyvale.

Your telling me,in 6 years when i retire were outta here that very year.

We have some of the toughest (unfair extortion) mj laws in the country,read the Norml website for the laws on Michigan, you'll shit yourself,if you have money or a job the fines will be the maximum for every person convicted every last time,they take everything you own & then some,and if thats not bad enough any conviction for mj will lead to the loss of a persons drivers liscense which they charge you $1,500 in fee's to get the liscense back.

Its all about money in michigan,crackheads with no job will be on the street within a week,a guy with a good job that gets caught with 20 plants is doing time,then work release,then massive fines.