This post & your last are both pretty sad,why not just say what you really wanted to & call me a nigger,you know you wanted to in both posts & its easy to see.
You saw Detroit in my profile & instantly thought of an uneducated nigger,living in squalor ,on welfare & slinging dime bags on the corner while i pimp out my white suburbanite girlfriend to get my fix on,you couldnt be more wrong,i grew up in detroit,own property in detroit as well as other cities but i dont live there.
You come off high n mighty with your education,big fukin deal,ive put my 3 kids through u of m & none of them have the faggy pants better than everybody else attitude that you have, they surely dont degrade people due to where they live,i dont live in Detroit anymore because im retired & its more convienient for me to live closer to my kids but make no mistake,im proud of detroit & there are many good decent hard working people living there & many are my friends,i'd bet your ass wouldnt make it a block in detroit before the people you despise tore you limb from limb due not to your color, but from your faggy bs attitude.
You think your better than me & that im some low life peice of shit living in a crack house beacuse im from detroit,lets see how each other lives fancy pants,get your camera out & snap some pics of your home,cars,possesions & i will do the same,then we will see who's the looser bum,i got a jag & a new land rover in the drive how bout you,a toyota maybe ?
The room in my home i use as a smoking lounge & music listening room is worth more than everything your young silly ass owns, including your car & house,ive got a cd player worth a years income from your little faggy school wages,our home theater is worth more than your parents home & everything in it.
Get out the camera & lets see who's living in a shithole,ive posted many pics of my homes on this site with a current thread running right now where i have pics of our home,lets see how you live,if your house is even 1/4 as nice as my garage i'd be suprised,not everybody here slings dime bags illegally dumb ass.
Put your money where your big mouth is at & we'll see who's home is nicer,shouldnt be to hard seeing im from the least educated area of the country.
Oh yeah,dont forget the other info i asked for before you realized i was a nigger.